Airshows are one of the primary showcases of military and civilian aviation all around the world. From vintage aerobatic feats recollecting the early 'barnstorming' days to high powered military fighter jets and everything in between, Airshows are a stable of aviation showcase held around the world every year. Either hosted by active military bases or civilian airports, Airshows are one of the greatest pastimes you'll find in America and the world, drawing millions of people each year. Here you'll find selected images from Airshows all around the west coast of the United States going as far back as 2003.
Once referred to as 'Aviation Nation', the Nellis AFB Airshow wraps up a year long season of airshows and is the final show for the USAF Thunderbirds. Showcasing the most modern and high tech military aircraft alongside vintage aircraft spanning through various wars, Nellis is a fitting end to a long Airshow season.
The Los Alamitos Army Air Base 'Wings, Wheels, and Rotors Expo' may be small at first glance, but the collection of military helicopters from various branches and law enforcement is one of the largest in Southern California. Staying till the very end of the show and one can catch the departures of the helicopters and aircraft.
One of the most unique airshows in the world, Edwards AFB not only holds many milestones in aviation history and achievements but also is a key figure with the future of aviation. Often showcasing some of the most advanced military aircraft, Edwards gives the civilian population a rare look into the cutting age of military technology.
One of the biggest Modern Military airshows in the entire world, the MCAS Miramar Airshow in San Diego hosts a look at all branches of the US Military and allies. With nearly a million visitors over 3 days, the airshow showcases the finest performances and displays of military aviation, usually ending with the USN Blue Angels demonstration.
One of the most unique features of the Gillespie Airport Airshow is the very impressive static aircraft display and up-close interaction with the aircraft. With the runway not far from the crowd line and the sun to your back, the Airshow provides many great photo opportunities along with military reenactments and simulations.
Home to the largest California Department of Forestry firefighting attack aircraft squadron, Hemet Airport's Airshow showcases these water dropping fighters along with a wide assortment of aerobatic and vintage aircraft.
One of the biggest vintage military aircraft airshows in the world, the Chino Airport Planes of Fame Airshow brings together ones of the largest gaggles of warbird aircraft in the airshow world. Each year features a theme with a performance of something incredibly rare or not seen in many years. Showcasing history at it's finest!
Arrivals for one of the largest airshows on the west coast can last several days leading up to the airshow. The entire week before the Chino Airport Planes of Fame Airshow is full of arriving aircraft from all over the United States and offers a unique close up view of the aircraft that will be performing and showcased at the Airshow.
Proving that even smaller airports can put together high class airshows, the Riverside Airport Airshow's lineup of performers spans from vintage military aircraft to modern fighter jets each year and never disappoints. Be it for the dazzling aircraft displays or the large Car Show on the ground, it's a show not to miss!
Often referred to as the start of the airshow season on the west coast, the winter training home and first airshow of the year for the USN Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Team offers a fantastic display of modern military aircraft and aerobatic performers. With the sun to your back the entire show, NAF El Centro offers some unique photography!
In the days leading up to the NAF El Centro Airshow each year, the USN Blue Angels and other Airshow performers fit in as much practice as possible the few days before. While the public is not allowed inside the base during the practice shows, it's become a tradition for many to watch and photograph the performers from outside the base.
One of the smallest airshows in Southern California, the Cable Airport Air Faire gives a different look to aviation, showcasing the more rare vintage and modern civilian aircraft. Along with a unique up close opportunity to see the aircraft take off really close to the crowd line, the show's car show compliments the exotic aircraft static displays.