For all you new guys-- Just who is tko211--????

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For all you new guys-- Just who is tko211--????

Post by VMF115 » Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:45 am

For you new guys who are new to this website. 8)

Zach is TKO211 and TKO211 is Zach :lol:

Britt Dietz is also our fearless leader and owner of this site.
He is also known as P-51 Britt Dietz is a professional photographer and he photographs Aircraft, this is his website
check it out. ... ?newsID=41

AREA-21 exclusive interview

- Britt Dietz guest interviews the AREA-21 presidency

This month AREA-21 is allowing the tables to be turned, giving the administrator of the famous GPXD message board, Britt Dietz, free reign to interview the AREA-21 presidency. So follow along and see how we did under the pressure of Britt Dietz.

Guest Interviewer Britt – Zach, tell me, of all the fans out there, how did you guys get the amazing gig of running the new Fan Club?

Zach – AREA-21 president – Believe it or not, it was really a matter of being in the right place at the right time. To make a long story short, we were introduced to 21st through a business contact. We were afforded the opportunity to tour the company, which is very uncommon and generally not open to the public. So, being long time fans of 21st, We jumped at the chance. We were introduced to the CEO, talked for a while about many different things, and then we left. I guess we made an impression because a couple months and several phone calls later he shared his vision of the new Fan Club with us. Together we pounded out the final details. He is very driven and he had a pretty clear vision for AREA-21 with high expectations. We really liked the ideas and it just clicked for us. It really was just luck. We feel very fortunate.

Britt- So you are President and Allen is vice president? Why the two of you?

Zach & Allen (Laughs)

Allen - AREA-21 Vice President – Well, the old saying of two heads are better than one is true, especially in this case. There is so much to be done. It really requires the efforts of the two of us to concept, develop, and execute all of the ideas for the vision that 21st has for AREA-21. It’s a lot of planning effort, especially communication back and forth with 21st Century Toys.

Zach- A lot had to be done up front and it does require the two of us to do it right.

Britt- With all that work, are you guys being paid by 21st. Don’t you have full time jobs?
Or is this your full time job?

Zach- We are not employees and we are not on the payroll of 21st. In fact, our office is not even in California. By design, 21st wanted an outside force to develop the idea for AREA-21. The site is paid for and supported by 21st Century Toys Inc. However, 21st has left it to us as fans to run with his concept. I am just happy to have the Fan Club up and running again.

Allen- Zach and I are business partners in another company that we own. So most of our day is spent on that endeavor. We run AREA-21 as fans on the side. As business owners, there are certain opportunities and freedoms of time that might not otherwise be there. I think a blend of business professionalism and fan interest were at the core of the requirements as he looked for the new Fan Club presidency. As Zach said earlier, we were lucky enough that 21st saw that in us.

Zach- We really enjoy being close to 21st and we feel we won’t let the fans down with Area-21. It’s really a fun project to be involved with.

Britt- Being Fan Club president and being close to 21st, how important would you say is the relationship between 21st and the fans?

Zach- It's VERY important! 21st recognizes it, too. Believe me, 21st has been a dream to work with. They really are concerned with making AREA-21 the best Fan Club ever. It took several months to lay out the plans for AREA-21. It is a top priority over there. In the very short 2 months since we went live, there has been a tremendous response from fans. This is just like a snowball... and we have just begun to roll! Some plans require more planning and timing has to be right. But rest assured, 21st has invested much to seeing this new Fan Club succeed. Long term!

Britt- What type of “member benefits” can fans look forward to in AREA-21?

Zach- The future? Well I am not quite sure where it will all go. There are more ideas on the table as we look at the success of AREA-21. To be honest, the number of fans has a lot to do with those ideas. We have a very good following right now and it is still quite early to know which ones to develop first. For now, I can tell you that 21st is going to be doing a lot of PR through AREA-21 this year. The Sahara Movie screening, for example. I got a call from 21st saying they had 20 passes to give out to fans to join them. So we worked out some details, added some prizes and after much of the planning, I think its going to be a blast for fans. For those who can't make it, we will of course be reporting from the event much like Toy Fair last month. But the future could hold anything really. 21st is very committed to re-connecting with fans!

Britt- Will we see exclusives in the future that will only be available through AREA-21?

Allen- (Laughs) We knew this would come up. We certainly hope so!

Zach- We get many, many requests for doing something exclusive for AREA-21 Fans. You know one of my favorite pieces in my collection was the old Fan Club exclusive 1:18 Me-109. I think it’s because I felt like I had something that not everyone else had or even knew about. An exclusive is one topic on the table. Fan membership is directly tied to 21st's ability to make an exclusive work and things are looking positive. Membership is still climbing. Because we started all over from the ground up, we know the numbers we have now are accurate so that is very positive.

Allen- We are working to bring exclusives to AREA-21. We would like them ourselves!

Britt- Can we expect more contests from Area-21 in the future?

Allen- Absolutely! The Marines and the F-104 giveaway have been very successful. I know they (21st Century Toys) got a kick out of the submitted photos. So AREA-21 can count on more contests in the near future.

Britt- Now that you've seen the upcoming Avenger and Starfighter in person at Toy Fair, can you elaborate on the detail and functionality of the aircraft?

Zach- Where to begin? Well, both planes are...AMAZING. I like them both equally but from different perspectives. The F-104 is a rocket, really stunning. It's an elegant aircraft that in 1:18 does not disappoint. The Avenger, well – it’s very big! I think with all the moving parts on that plane it’s going to be a real value for the buck. The folding wings, the moving turret, flaps, rudder, elevators, even a crew access hatch. It’s really beautiful and I’m excited to have another Pacific Theater plane!

Britt- We've all been dying to know about that new P-51 Mustang we saw in the video and photos from Toy Fair. What types of features appear on it so far that sets it apart from the original P-51 Mustangs from 21st

Zach- Worlds apart! It is bar none the most accurate 1:18 scale Mustang ever! The one shown in New York was still a prototype and did not show the "special features" yet to be seen. 21st still hasn't fully disclosed what that feature will be. However, I think I overheard a discussion on working ammunition doors in the wings. It seems to have all the extras that seem to be the new standard for 21st. Flaps, rudder, elevators, and the cooling doors on the bottom. It just looks very sharp. I know 21st is working hard to make this plane extra special.

Britt- Is 21st limiting the aircraft they do to the standard box size that is currently being used for 1:18 XD aircraft?

Allen- For now, yes. We have been told that it is critical for the plan-o-gram system in retail distribution. We don't know all of the details, but it is a major requirement, at least for now. Bigger boxes would mean bigger planes for sure, but for now the footprint for the boxes and thus fitting the planes in the current box is the focus.

Britt- We saw a lot of new packaging for the aircraft in the Toy Fair coverage. Are the aircraft packages getting a new facelift?

Zach- Yeah, some of the new paint schemes will be featured in a new "highlight" special edition box. The upcoming Flight 19 Avenger series, for example, really needed something special for it. A dedicated package look is believed to really add interest and excitement to unique events, planes or aces in history.

Allen- There will still be the main package look for the majority of the line, but the expansion of movie-licensed products had 21st thinking that they wanted to do a couple of special edition projects. We are gathering more information as we speak and hope to give a better-detailed report on this subject in an article very soon.

Britt- The database archive on the 21st site appears to be missing some things, or at times the photos are not that great. Are there plans to make the database the one definitive source for 21st Century Toys products?

Allen- That is one of my tasks. It has taken a lot of work just to get it to this point. The old photo database was in such a state of disrepair when we received it, especially the quality of the older photos. In fact, we are working hard right now to bring that database up to speed with all new photos. It’s just going to take some time. To more directly answer your question, yes - at some point this year, we hope to have it become the best source for viewing all the product produced by 21st.

Britt- One problem that the fans run into is various sites saying conflicting things about release dates, aircraft status, upcoming aircraft rumors, etc. How valid should the fans believe these rumors to be and should they check in on the 21st Century Toys website to find the REAL answers to these rumors?

Zach- That was the first item on the agenda when AREA-21 was in it’s infancy. 21st knew that the information being passed around was often times very incorrect. So we knew early on that we had an uphill battle to change that in fans’ minds. Even for 21st, it was initially difficult. AREA-21 meant a significant change in the way that 21st was communicating or rather not communicating. As I said before, this one area is perhaps the single biggest change 21st has made this year. They are very open with us and tell us everything they can, with the understanding that timing and industry secrets have to be considered for the long-term health of the company. As the AREA-21 Fan Club presidency, we work very hard to bring you every shred of news as we receive it. Also, because it comes down directly from 21st, you can bet it’s the closest thing to talking directly to them yourselves. Our mission is to be first to report the news that you can count on to be the most accurate.

Britt- Does 21st listen to the fans on message boards, say like GPXD, and take the various comments made (within reason) into consideration?

Zach- (Laughs) YES! I was hoping you would ask me this question! I am a fan and I have been collecting the 1:18 scale stuff since 2001. I was a member of the old Groundpounders message boards and I currently am a member of the new GPXD site.
For those fans out there who are on that board, I am perhaps better known as TKO211.
In fact, since you are the administrator of that board, I have been meaning to ask a special favor of you.

Britt- What can I do for you?

Zach- Could you change my tag / title to reflect the fact that I am the AREA-21 president? I think that might cut down on confusion on the boards as I still like to post and participate. Is that a problem or will fans mind?

Britt- We can work that out. I normally wouldn't do that, but yeah - I think it’s a great idea given the sensitivity of the situation. Allen, do you post on GPXD? I can change yours, too, if you like.

Allen- No. I don't post. I watch but I leave the posting to Zach. He is the vocal member of the team. We sit next to each other all day and discuss everything on the boards. So I currently don't need to post. If that changes for me, I’ll let you know.

Zach- That would be great if you could do mine. I have long been a fan and I have many friends there. To come back to your question. Yes, 21st does listen. They do not personally participate on the boards and I believe that is a company policy. I get to have that freedom because I don't work for them. However, the information on those boards is very important and it does hold a lot of weight in the consideration of products. Reviewing and evaluating fans’ reactions on those open forums makes a big difference. Also, because I am a fan there myself, I am often asked what I think of the information.
Every fan should know that 21st is running a business and there are restrictions to every project so it is unrealistic to please everyone all of the time. But they sincerely do their best. AREA-21 and in fact the ability for me to even be having this interview is a testament to fact that they do care about the fans.

Britt- Finally - what's your favorite 21st Century Toys aircraft to date?

Allen- F-104 all the way! I like the unique design of that airplane and 21st did a really great job at making it accurate. I am also really looking forward to seeing the new 1:18 ME 262. It has been a long time coming for that plane.

Zach- That’s tough. You know I am a plane nut so picking just one is hard... To date, I would say the BF-109 G's. Roy and 21st really did a smashing job on that plane. Really packed with detail. As for the future? My heart really goes out to that new Avenger. It’s going to be a great year over all though. There's never been a better time to be a 21st Century Toys fan!
Colonel "Madman" Maddox: Let me hear your guns!
Captain Wild Bill Kelso: My what?
Colonel "Madman" Maddox: Your guns! Ack, ack, ack, ack, ack!
Captain Wild Bill Kelso: [fires his airplane's guns] AHHHH!

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Just who is tko211--????

Post by JohnLumley » Sat May 03, 2008 12:36 pm

Just who is tko211--????

I found our friend hanging around at a local Wal-Mart.
Nice crew cut Zach!

Too cool ! 8) 8) 8)

One hundred and fifty three - 1:18 scale aircraft on the ceiling looks :shock: damn good!

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Post by Jericoeagle1 » Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:10 pm

An old cowpoke appears from over a sand dune...
Dagnabutt, there were pert'ner a time when this stranger came a riden from the East bar'n news bout'n new fangled gadets called aerio planes iran-plated horses far an wide from the missersippi to the coast of orleans pray tell. They say folk's'd line up near an far at ol Sams grocery store to buy these blasted toys in as big a rush as they were in San Fransisscky in the Gold rush days. But the claims all played out and juss as fas those tin horn carpet baggers ski daddled out of town leavin folk high and dry for them col hect able items. Now we got us a bunch a dag gone bushwackers on Ebay'r stick it to us why their so low they could wak unner a snake wit a high hat on. ...rarrabit!!!!
Ah the good old days, arn't you glad you were here to listen to that authentic old western Gibberish? Excuse me while I place this sign up


...This is just an editorial opinion and in no way expresses the thought or opinions of the management.
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Post by tko211 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:39 am

LOL- Yeah back in Nam I did sport the Crew cut! only I think I would have been about 1 or 2 years old back then!

And rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. I am very much alive and in good health!

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Post by MG40K » Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:46 pm

Yay!! Your not dead!! :D

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Post by VMF115 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:17 pm

Well I found this pic in area 21 I am guessing one of them is Zach, but which one is he???????????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :P

The guy in the blue or the guy in the orange? Or is the guy holding the F-104? :D :lol:



btw I know
Colonel "Madman" Maddox: Let me hear your guns!
Captain Wild Bill Kelso: My what?
Colonel "Madman" Maddox: Your guns! Ack, ack, ack, ack, ack!
Captain Wild Bill Kelso: [fires his airplane's guns] AHHHH!

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Post by normandy » Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:56 pm

Roy is holding the F-104 and Zach is in the orange shirt. ! ? :shock: :wink:

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* Which one is Zach ( ? )

Post by MG-42 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:23 pm

* I bet it's the guy in the orange shirt ,.. cause the guy holding the 104 , looks too old. * :lol:

Mitch v MG
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Post by Black_Dragon_One » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:06 am

I think this one too should be move..
whats up doc....

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Post by Dauntless » Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:30 am

...He's that guy who does those excellent repaints of aeroplanes that 21st should be re-releasing right now!

Along with the vinyl stencils for 1:18 decals. :wink:
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Post by tko211 » Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:53 pm

Dauntless wrote:...He's that guy who does those excellent repaints of aeroplanes that 21st should be re-releasing right now!

Along with the vinyl stencils for 1:18 decals. :wink:
LOL- Oh you made my day a little less gloomy! :oops:

I am the guy that got to hang out with 21C for close to 4 years! I spent time getting to know some REALLY great people. Hilarie, Roy, Chapman, Shawn, Mike... Others too! All really good people who tried very hard to please our hunger for military toys.

I am the guy who got to experience Toy Fair in NYC a couple times, ComicCon too! (my favorite). I am the guy that got to see and know stuff early but had to wait on pins and needles for the green light to release info! Always feeling a bit guilty that I couldn't just release the flood gate of info like I would have liked to.

I am the guy that was honored that everyone here still understood and continues to treat me as a fellow fan, friend and collector regardless of my one foot in and one foot out status with 21C. I got to see processes, pains, and glory of what it REALLY takes to run an independent toy company. I had the unique opportunity to become a vietnam vet in 1:18 scale (Thanks Roy! LOL).

I am and continue to be a 21C patriot as they indeed made this hobby what it is. I sadly miss the once glory of brighter days with them. I sincerely miss the opportunity to talk with my friends there on a semi daily basis. I deeply morn the loss of such cool future projects such as:
B-25, Phantom, P-51B, MiG-21, and a few others that I KNOW were far more than just a fleeting thought.

I am the guy that continues to keep in touch the CEO and together hope that 21C will continue to press forward. Walmart's plans are effecting more than just 21C. Many vendors are suffering. 21C assures me that a future can and will still happen. It's scope and speed certainly effected. For now, we can expect to see little but perhaps the future will not always be this way.

For now, I wait and I repaint! I hang out here with you guys and I hopefully get to talk with my old friends from time to time... Roy, Hilarie, Chapman, Mike, Shawn and Jim! It's been one cool ride! Thanks for letting me play in your sandbox.


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Post by VMF115 » Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:47 pm

Cool update 8) 8) 8)
Colonel "Madman" Maddox: Let me hear your guns!
Captain Wild Bill Kelso: My what?
Colonel "Madman" Maddox: Your guns! Ack, ack, ack, ack, ack!
Captain Wild Bill Kelso: [fires his airplane's guns] AHHHH!

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Post by exether_mega » Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:54 pm

You have many friends here Zach :wink:


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Post by usmcchet9296 » Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:14 pm

Not that you are fully in the "know" but what exactly is going on with 21c
John P. Hermesmeyer
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Post by tko211 » Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:56 am

At present 21C has been pulled away from new product development and turned it's attention toward selling off all of the old inventory. This is a survival measure to help keep some cash flow up as much as possible while they were in contract discussions with Walmart. The retail giant was a major source of revenue and that helped to greatly fund the development of products that we have been experiencing for the last several years.

Walmart has determined as part of a larger strategy that almost all collector type toys such as 21C, NFL action figures, X-games toys, model kits, Mcfarlane and other like items be totally removed from the shelf space. The current strategy is to replace those items with new toys aimed at ages 3-10. This comes as a major setback and huge hick-up to 21C as they typically would produce close to 100 new products over all the scales in one year.

So, today... 21C is about through the process of this major hurdle and is down-sized considerably. At the moment they still have a little more muck to finish getting through. The CEO tells me that he plans to then start developing new projects for sale using non brick and mortar outlets as means of sales delivery. This could include on-line retailers or even direct sales. Obviously that will mean several things... number of new projects decrease annually, quantity / number of units of a single item is reduced, and costs to build and then buy are higher. In short- the days of 39.99 1:18 scale airplanes is long gone!

The future is so uncertain right now. Even those people in the world who used to have crystal balls are no longer able to predict the future. 21C could come back, they certainly hope and intend to. But you never really know. I try to keep in touch with the CEO about once an month. Everynow and again he contact me with a thought or question or even a little help from time to time. The CEO has even noted the custom paint work I have been doing and has said that he would likes the schemes I have chosen and would at some point perhaps release one or two of them hopefully in the future as re-paints to help generate some capitol. Many people liked that Russian Spitfire scheme! Who knows for sure.

I love this hobby and I love the time that I was granted to be a part of it's development. I still paint planes and will continue to do so until new models hopefully release. Weather it's from 21C or Admiral or BBi. I applaud the efforts by those individuals such as skyworks who has invested so much time and talent to build new items. That business model is difficult and so labor intensive that those aircraft are understandably very expensive. Too much for the main stream but frankly a deal considering the time involved. They are more for the serious collector is suppose.

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Post by usmcchet9296 » Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:40 pm

tko211 wrote:At present 21C has been pulled away from new product development and turned it's attention toward selling off all of the old inventory. This is a survival measure to help keep some cash flow up as much as possible while they were in contract discussions with Walmart. The retail giant was a major source of revenue and that helped to greatly fund the development of products that we have been experiencing for the last several years.

Walmart has determined as part of a larger strategy that almost all collector type toys such as 21C, NFL action figures, X-games toys, model kits, Mcfarlane and other like items be totally removed from the shelf space. The current strategy is to replace those items with new toys aimed at ages 3-10. This comes as a major setback and huge hick-up to 21C as they typically would produce close to 100 new products over all the scales in one year.

So, today... 21C is about through the process of this major hurdle and is down-sized considerably. At the moment they still have a little more muck to finish getting through. The CEO tells me that he plans to then start developing new projects for sale using non brick and mortar outlets as means of sales delivery. This could include on-line retailers or even direct sales. Obviously that will mean several things... number of new projects decrease annually, quantity / number of units of a single item is reduced, and costs to build and then buy are higher. In short- the days of 39.99 1:18 scale airplanes is long gone!

The future is so uncertain right now. Even those people in the world who used to have crystal balls are no longer able to predict the future. 21C could come back, they certainly hope and intend to. But you never really know. I try to keep in touch with the CEO about once an month. Everynow and again he contact me with a thought or question or even a little help from time to time. The CEO has even noted the custom paint work I have been doing and has said that he would likes the schemes I have chosen and would at some point perhaps release one or two of them hopefully in the future as re-paints to help generate some capitol. Many people liked that Russian Spitfire scheme! Who knows for sure.

I love this hobby and I love the time that I was granted to be a part of it's development. I still paint planes and will continue to do so until new models hopefully release. Weather it's from 21C or Admiral or BBi. I applaud the efforts by those individuals such as skyworks who has invested so much time and talent to build new items. That business model is difficult and so labor intensive that those aircraft are understandably very expensive. Too much for the main stream but frankly a deal considering the time involved. They are more for the serious collector is suppose.
I am new to 1/18 but not new to 21c. I have collected 1/6th stuff for years. I still have many of 21c 1/6 weapons, gear and vehicles. It would be sad to see them go and its a shame Wallyworld is going the cheap route and banishing the military collectors to the fringes. I hope 21c can survive. As long as they produce a quality product I see no reason why they can't survive. Like others I was eagerly awaiting the King Tiger, hoping beyond hope for a Phantom, and dreaming for a B-25. Since there is a market for 1/18th maybe even some repaints or re-dos of existing molds would do. Well its nice to hear all is not lost though I am not going to hold my breath.
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Post by Dauntless » Wed May 20, 2009 7:27 am

So, Zach, seeins' that you are an insider to the goings ons, and a diligent but discrete reporter, are you gonna be doing any PR for JSI?

I think they/we could use you as a go between.
You're tapped right in to the fanbase in these days of dimming hope, but now rays of sunshine peeking through.

Enquiring minds want to know, and you're just the man for the job. :wink:

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