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Custom 21st D-Day U.S. Paratroopers

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 2:41 pm
by billgiff
Here are some 21st U.S. Paratroopers that I've been working on. They all have been repainted, gear added to, heads changed, detailed and weathered. They are still my favorite base figures to start with. How do I post pictures????????????????????

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 3:12 pm
by scope uk
Hi Billgiff
I have only recently started posting pics and followed this:


Biasicly upload your pics to one of the free photo websites i use photobucket.
then you will be given a url for the pic just paste that in the thread and it will give you a link out to the pic.
If you want to put the pic in the post copy and paste the Img link.

hope that helps!