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You are at 3/4 of a mile...Call the ball

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:46 pm
by MiG29K
No Hornet landing gear would be complete without the Attitude Approach indicator (the box that looks like a stoplight) and the Hydraulic Steering Unit...





And in the event of a water landing...the lifevests are stowed beneath the seat along with a survival kit. But before these can be utilized, you must pull the black and yellow striped handle at the front center of the seat by the knees. (the "oh S%$t!" handle)





If you want that plane to move forward, you better move that deal with 8 or so buttons towards the front - otherwise you ain't goin' no where!

Image ... r%20Refit/

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 5:01 pm
by Guest
Good stuff there! 8)

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 11:16 pm
No detail spared. Nice job Mig!
I have a suggestion for you: have you tried using carburator rubber plugs(caps) as pitot tube covers? Might look a little more realistic. Now if we could only find red printed ribbons that said "remove before flight" :D and a set of wheel chocks while we're at it :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:06 am
by steelbonnet
MIG AWwwwww WOW mate your really going to town making this a TRUE replica arn`t you :D
So you built the shrinking Ray gun yet to get your pilots?

The attention to detail is sweet & something to marvel at mate :D

Steel Bonnet

Carb covers...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:07 am
by MiG29K
INTERPER...are those found at any auto shop? or where would you best find those? I bet there is a way to micro-screen "Remove before Flight" onto some thin nylon material. The smallest ones are those keychain ones you get at some flight museum stores. Chocks. That crossed my mind and I forgot about those until you brought it back up. I was gonna make those from plastic, but now I'm thinking: Carve up some chopsticks trapezoidally paint them yellow and then find something that resembles 1:18th scale rope and rig it to them. I'm waiting to see if Boeing Mil Division will reply to my inquiry about the refuel probe. (I'm not sure how the inner bracket folds.) Folkwulfe is doing some research in his pile of ref material on the APG-65 radar. I'm also considering the APG-73 which I believe is installed on the Finnish AF Hornets. Thanks for the suggestions and yes, give me the scoop on the carb covers if you could!


Steelbonnet... you figured me out!

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:15 am
by MiG29K
Yes, In the secret labs of the mad scientist R.O.B. we have been using the incredible shrinking ray gun. Anything in the realworld can now be shrunk to 1:18 just like having a 100 cotton shirt thrown into the dryer! (in that case you may not be able to wear it) :lol: I keep saying after each change that I'm going to stop. Somehow, I never satisfied. Did you know that I was considering putting all eight lug nuts on each side of the nose wheels? I wanted to hollow out the hubs a little more but due to the thickness of the plastic and that it is a more 'rubbery' may not come out clean. So right now I may put the cockpit glass actuator on the drawing board and definitely the retractable refuel probe...and possibly the radar. Pssssssst....dont tell anyone about the 'working' GE F404 engine! :)

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:29 am
by steelbonnet
Mums the word on the engine ;) LOL

I do know what you mean about "once you start you just cannot stop syndrome" :D HAHAHAHA

taking the BBI F-18 & making it as accurate as possible is a Great feat & one you SHOULD be proud of mate :D

As for the Mad scientists Shrinking Ray gun,well take a trip over to Fort Knox & shrink the armour to 1/18th & some GOLD bars too ;) & ship them over to me :D HAHAHAHAHA

Steel Bonnet

Methinks a joint U.K. - U.S covert...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:45 am
by MiG29K
[cough cough...hack!] what operation? huh? missing tanks? gold boullion? I certainly no nothing of such sort? do you? And why is the BBC, CBC, CNN asking all these bizarre questions?? heheh :idea: Playing Devil's advocate mate!!! Shrinking your neighbours into 1:18th scale so you can squash them with your tanks! haaa!! You never know, there could be a parallel universe that is sized at 1:18. I'd pay a visit! Hmm Kelly Brook shrunk down!!! Now I'm gettin too far ahead of myself

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:59 am
by steelbonnet
HAHAHAHAHAA Now that`s going to Hurt her AKA Attack of the 50ft MIG29K.......HAHAHAHAHAHA

I was thinking just shrink the "Hostile Nations" to 1/18th & Well life would be so much sweeter.

Suicide bombers would be more like a sharp jabbing pain/burp depending were the hit you......LOL
Nuke bomb would be the equivalant to a BAD case of the Runs HAHAHAHA
& so on & so forth :D

Back to the plane though. You`ve got to DO MORE as I for one want to see HOW FAR your willing to go with accurising ( a new Word??) the 1/18th fighter :D

Steel Bonnet

The Plane

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 6:08 am
by MiG29K
Well that is a tactically sound idea. I can't believe I didn't think of that. 1:18 scale jihadists flush well down the toilet smoother than aftermath of last nights mexican food! HAA! It is rather crazy but I look at some of the panels of the plane and to the starboard side there is refueling panel that I keep imagining to work. Somehow I believe you are right. It's not over yet with the F/A-18...and to think about the future aircraft that bbi, admiral, 21st century will be making. There are a few things on the plane I would hopefully like to have done before April 22. You'll be in the know! Crap its 5 am. I need more sleep. Have to wake up at 6:40am. damn.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:27 am
by steelbonnet
Well Thank`s for keeping us in the know for what you will be doing to the fighter :D

Sleep is over rated mate. Stay Awake & then you`ll be tripping & YOU WILL DO Crazy things to the Plane :D HAHAHAHAHAHA

Sleep Deprivation IS YOUR FRIEND,It tells you Your awake,It makes the mind fertile & best of ALL son It`ll make you God damn Paranoid :D

Steel Bonnet

Re: Carb covers...

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:03 am
by Guest
MiG29K wrote:INTERPER...are those found at any auto shop?
You can find them at most auto stores in various colors and sizes.
Let me know how it works out as i've been wanting to do the same myself.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:58 am
by aferguson
holy're really goin' to town on this project, huh MIG?


going to town...

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:35 am
by Guest
trying! it always becomes one of those "one thing leads to another" type situations. All things said, the F/A-18 is tied in first place as my favorite plane (w/ 2 others) !

Post script...

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 11:44 pm
by MiG29K
Added some more parts to the gear just aft of the wheel...




Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:04 am
by RED
:D :D :D :D