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Custom facial hair?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:11 pm
by oldbreedmarine
Anyone know how to make realistic 5 oclock shadow on figures?

Re: Custom facial hair?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:11 pm
by maritime96
I use a light amount of black weathering chalk. Apply a little (and i mean slight) at a time and you can get a lighter or darker effect. This works best on heads / faces that are painted flesh. Hope this helps you out.

Re: Custom facial hair?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:48 pm
by oldbreedmarine
Thank you, any idea where I can buy it, hobby lobby? Walmart? Thank you again! :D

Re: Custom facial hair?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:29 am
by maritime96
I would say that any hobby store should have them. Guys who do model rail roads use the stuff like mad to weather trains. If all else fails there is an online store called Micro-Mark that I am sure will have them. I reccomend the chalks as oppsed to the powders. Put them on with either a q tip (large area) or they make these small Microbrushes that I find work well on the figures. I am sure you could find this stuff at any hobby shop. Ask them for weathering chalks. Hope this helps you out.

Re: Custom facial hair?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:16 pm
by customizer135
I hate 2 burst your bubble but i do model railroads as a side hobby and weathering chalks are becoming quite outdated :blueangel:

Re: Custom facial hair?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:21 pm
by maritime96
Not bursting my bubble at all my friend. My Dad did the model rail road thing and scratch built huge sailing ship models till the day he died and I learned almost everything I know about modeling from him over my 38 years. The chalks have worked fine for me for years on many different projects. I use the pigments too, dry brushing, etc. - but i find i can get the suttle shading on certain places from the chalk, that I have been unsatisfied with from other products. I stick to what works for me, never really been a slave to new trends LOL :-D but if you have a better suggestion im always open to new ideas.

Re: Custom facial hair?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:28 pm
by customizer135
well im glad that they work for you and its nicew 2 meet some1 who has a background of model railroad but aside from that i use a sponge brush with pewter gray acrylic paint for a chuck norris beard lol :blueangel:
also oil pastels work well if u rub them with your thumb

Re: Custom facial hair?

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 8:07 am
by Danmo
maritime96 wrote:I use a light amount of black weathering chalk. Apply a little (and i mean slight) at a time and you can get a lighter or darker effect. This works best on heads / faces that are painted flesh. Hope this helps you out.
Yeah i agree with you dued..can you tell me the name of that chalk???because i can use a time and you can get a lighter or darker effect.

Re: Custom facial hair?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:39 pm
by maritime96
The ones I use are called Chalk-Ez Weathering Kit - If i remeber correctly I got them out of the Walthers Model Rail Road catalog; but I would think that any hobby shop / train shop should have the same thing or something very similar available. Hope this answers your question.