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1/16 Jagdpanther

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:08 pm
by ostketten
I realize 1/16 is not a scale the majority of people here have much interest in, but I am pretty tickled with the way my recently completed HL Jagdpanther turned out, so I thought I'd post a couple of pics just for giggles. Tracks are by yours truly, the remainder of custom paintwork was done by our member Cabe, and even though it took a while to complete, it was well worth the wait, and overall I'm very pleased with the results. I'm gonna replace the tow cables with my own custom made braided steel versions, but other than that I'm leaving most everything as is. Enjoy the pics.... 8) Click thumbnails to enlarge.....


Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:11 pm
by Tambo
Very well done. Thanks for sharing.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:53 am
by Cabe
the tracks came out smashing

I will post some close ups of the CO figure and the tank so folks can get a view of the weathering and such.
I really liked the images you had of the Stug 1:16 I did for you and I hope you have time to get in there and get some close ups on the CO and tank together. Thanks you for posting these. And again I am sorry I take so long to get these back to you. Working in enamels with baby and mommy disapproving of the fumes has forced me to create a spray booth of sorts in the middle of a bunch of projects. The intake fan in NOT explosion proof so I have to be gentle when spraying a little at a time.
I have/had taken on a bunch of projects at the same time which was quite idiotic of me because I always forget that I am just not satisfied with a simple paint job.I keep getting ideas as I go along that most folks are not aware of, such as on this Jadgpanther I relied MIG's style of paint chipping where you go over the tank using a slightly lighter chip that matched the color of the paint underneath it, then go over each individual chip with a chocolate brown dirty metal blotch to fit INSIDE each chip. This took quite awhile (not to mention my late stat due to us trying to select the best color for the camo period and the having to back track when the color we picked became uh...ugly or too vibrant.

on the first one i did for Ostketten was the stug BELOW, I used the salt weathering technique


the for the Jagdpanther i used the painstaking but wonderful MIG Jimenez technique from his book "F.A.Q. Frequently Asked Questions about AFV Modeling" which is worth every cent on amazon (skip the FAQ on figure painting, ain't by MIG and its bad for the price, cheaper version by other publishers have better info, though the MIG figure book has a great gallery of completed figs of all types and time periods. I have yet to check out the new on on painting cars,
but anyway here is how that looks when used on Ostketten's Jgdp



my preference?
for chipping of white wash or desert camo/mud....salt
just don't go overboard on the salt
here is salt on DAK marder


all others use the mig tech.

this guy has the best no farting around get to the point online AFV tip/help step by step out there. I found by accident recently. Sure could have used it... oh.... 2 weeks ago and beyond

there is a slight lang barrier

here is the jagdpanther CO up close
headphone wire added for


Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:30 am
by ostketten
the tracks came out smashing
Thanks man, coming from someone of your talents it's a nice compliment. I had considered putting bare metal effects on the high points of the tracks, it would be nice on a static model, but they'd get rubbed of quickly on an RC model, so it would just be a waste of time. Sorry about the quality of my pics, it was a "quick & dirty" compilation just to give people a rough idea of what a well done 1/16 tank can look like, 1/16 rarely gets more than a yawn around here anyways, so for the most part it's hardly worth the effort posting pics. Thanks again for the compliment on the tracks. 8)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:43 am
by Cabe
btw, in your photo repository
what is the marder and crew shot from?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:31 am
by ostketten
Cabe wrote:btw, in your photo repository
what is the marder and crew shot from?
If you are asking me.... I honestly have no clue what you are referring to... :? I really don't have any "repository" as such, and I honestly don't recall any Marder pics, with the possible exception of stuff I've listed at ebay....

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:59 am
by Cabe

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:01 pm
by Cabe