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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 3:00 pm
by granch
Hello A-10LOADER, So, I've done it, a 35x45 mm HUD. It's only a first trial: not bad looking, but the numbers, letters and lines aren't broad anough to be clearly seen on the 1/6 HUD glass shield. I'm not a pilot, so I don't know if my drawing is correct and has any sense: the stick of my F-15 cockpit moves the artificial horizon only to a left slightly climbing flightpath. Hoping some flyers on the board can give some more intel. Here's the image, if you want to try to a smaller magnification for your Cat:

Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 2:14 pm
Unfortunately things here are at a standstill for now for a couple of reasons:

I am at the point now where I just want to be done with this project, I have a few small details to address before I can get here into primer but, on the other hand I am sick of working on it. I guess I just need a break.

I also need to get another airbrush and compressor (which I do not have the money for right now) because I have a neuropathy (nerve damage) in my right hand and have little to no feeling in my first 3 fingers on that hand

which makes it very difficult to operate the airbrush properly, I either pull too much or not enough on the trigger. I am currently using a Paasche VLS dual action brush and their "studio quiet" diaphragm compressor. I love

the airbrush but, hate the compressor. The compressor pulsates which is very noticeable at this scale and when spraying large areas. I would like to get a GREX Tritium airbrush and a California Air Tools 1650A compressor.

I need to get past this "builders block" and get this project finished up. I really want to see this Tomcat all assembled and finished, I think it will be quite impressive when completed plus, I've come too far to stop now.

I apprecaite everyone's encouraging words and for following along with this very lengthly re-build. Hopefully I can get back in gear and get going again shortly, til next time.


Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 11:24 pm
by rschaap
Sometimes a change of pace works well for me. If I am in the middle of a long build (like a model with 500 plus parts) and start to get frustrated because of the length of time I am spending on it, I will take on a small build 30 parts or less just to finish it in a couple days and see the final outcome. I got the idea from an issue of Fine Scale Modellers. Just a thought.

I really enjoy watching your build and find it very inspiring.

Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:10 pm
by granch
I agree with rschaap. Have just anough from my 1:18 patrol boat. Went forward, but with time some unprevious issues appear, forcing me to go back, repair, modify... So, I decided to make my 1/18 RQ11-B Raven. It took 1 afternoon + 1 evening for the antenna and remote control, choosing and fitting the crew. So, finally, within a too long project, I got the pleasure of finishing one little thing and got more patience for a while. Have now to wait for better outdoor temperature for painting duties on the boat and a better weather to bring my drone into an outdoor diorama.

Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 7:38 am
I know Tomcat pilots wore knee boards for maps, etc. but, did RIO's ever wear them ? I want to add these details to my Tomcat project, thanks.


Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 8:06 pm
by firefighterpilot1
Not necessarily. If anything it was most likely the RIO messing with the maps...


Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 8:24 pm
by Folkwulfe
According to a friend who is a retired Navy plane captain on Tomcats, in the latter years (F-14B+ and D) the RIOS assigned to his unit rarely wore knee boards. They relied instead on the pre-loaded checklists and maps on the MFDs. Earlier versions he had no clue about, but thought it strange because their favorite "weapon" in the cockpit was the grease pencil. Call signs and coordinates were mostly written in the inside of the canopy....which made his job of readying an aircraft for the next flight was scrubbing that stuff off, without scratching the surface.

Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 6:09 pm
Greetings everyone, very small update for today. I decided that since this is MY PROJECT, I would add the knee boards after all. I think it adds another detail of interest when viewing the cockpit. I used 0.20" sheet plastic for

the knee boards which measure 7mm wide X 10mm high. I rounded the 4 corners slightly and painted them flat black, I left a bare spot in the middle for gluing purposes. For the maps / charts I used 0.05" sheet plastic which

measure 5mm wide X 8mm high. I painted the front flat white because the black from the knee boards was visible. After the paint was dry I glued the charts to the boards with a dab of glue and used some gel superglue to attach

them to the aircrew. I was gonna add some decals to the charts / maps but, didn't have anything that size in my stash. I think they look the part and they are just another small detail that will add more interest to the eye.

Since I was at it, I made a set for my VF-154 crew as well. Thanks for your continued interest in this very long project, now to work on that airbrush and compressor. Til the next update ....





Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 9:46 am
by Geo

Ive just gone through your postings (Im new here). Your execution of this rebuild is most impressive. Id be willing to bet that this big Grumman has considerable presence when viewed in person. If they werent so expensive, I would love to get one for future rework.

Please continue to post. This is really good stuff.



Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 2:11 pm
Geo, thanks for your kind words, much appreciated. These Cats are quite impressive when viewed in person. Hopefully when I get this one finished she'll be quite the looker.

Keep your eye out for these on Ebay, there have been some VF-154 jets sold recently that are cheaper than the VF-84 ones. I agree the prices are nuts !! I wonder what I could ask for mine on Ebay when it's finished ? IMO the 154 jet is the one to get, it comes as a Bombcat and the finish is so much better.


Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 7:07 pm
by Geo

My compliments were well served. This WILL be a real looker once done. I know this type of project eats up a tremendous slab of time, but the results are of a very special moment. A friend of mine took two years to rebuild a C 21 Mustang ( Im currently reworkiing a BBI 51) and the results were spectacular. Given the size of the 14, coupled with the work you're doing, it will surely demand attention.

I've been looking on eBay for a 14 but with price tags commonly over $500.00 USD, its out of my good sense range...and my wallet. My Mustang will keep me busy for at least another year, and I can stay on the freq with your cat build. Keep her going, you're to close to being done to give up on it now.

I noticed you're in Horsham. Im at the Jersey Shore... Willow Grove A-10's?

Looking forward to more updates...




For me, it would be a VF 2 Cat in overall LGG with the red, white and blue bands on the forward fuselase.

Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 11:31 am
Thanks Goeff.

I stumbled onto your 51 rebuild yesterday, WOW amazing stuff there !! This should really look awesome when finished.

Your correct about Willow Grove A-10's, I was there 17 1/2 years loading the A-10, I really miss it. Had to go to Atlantic City to finish out my 20 years and I just recently retired from there, April was my last official ANG drill.

Which shore point ?


Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 12:34 pm
by Geo

If you were at the Grove for 17.5 years, we had to have bumped into each other at some point. Surely you date back to Col. Lahocky's days. I spent much time on the ramp shooting his Hogs and going on practice CSAR missions with his guys and the L.I. A.N.G.
H-60's. He loved photos of his guys at work. I cant remember the year, and maybe it happened more than once, but do you remember Lodeo? I think A.N.G. units from Mich, Md. and Conn. showed up. My head is telling me early nineties but I cant remember for sure.

Had a couple of buddies at the 119nth. Probably gone by the time you got there. They both worked in Avionics. I did my first F-16 ride with them on a refuel with a 170th KC-135. My company manufactured the FCNP for the A & B F-16. It gave me good access. Joan Searfoss was the PAO. Last I heard she made Captain but Ive long since lost track.

The world keeps getting smaller every day. Im in Shark River Hills, across the river from Belmar and about a mile SSW of Asbury Park. Its certainly a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I expect good things to come out of that big Cat and I hope youll continue to post.



Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 9:35 am
Since I am without an airbrush I decided to tackel other items. With the canopy all polished up I went ahead and got it masked up using "Parafilm M". I need to spray it black first before priming so the black shows thru on the inside. I also need to remove the compound residue from the "panel fastener" detail before priming.


Thanks for looking.



I guess we could have. I joined the unit in May of 1994. The LOADEO that was held at Willow Grove was in 1992. I was there watching and taking photos.

Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 10:19 am
by Geo

Yup, we are probably in the background of each others photos. Like i said, the world keeps getting smaller.

The Canopy is looking good. I like the rivet detail. Have you given it a dip in Future floor wax?


Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 10:38 am
No Geoff I haven't. I've never used Future on any of my canopies. I should have done this before I masked it correct, probably too late now ?? Plus, this thing is so big I'd need a very large container and a lot of Future to dip it in.


Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:22 pm
by Geo

Not to late at all. I've painted over Future with lacquer once the future was fully dry(24hrs)with no ill effect. In your case, since the frame is already painted, you could remove the mask, dip it, and, ,et it sit over night on a paper towel. Next day, mask it and over spay with flat. Just get a deep paper cup and dip it vertically. If you don't like the way it comes out, you can just wash the Future off with windex or an ammonia based cleaner and do it again. Plain ammonia works too. Just be sure its clean before you start.



Give it a good wash with soap and water first and let it dry.

Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:07 pm
Greetings everyone, I haven't had much time to work on the Cat lately but, I did manage to get another small item accomplished. I added the cooling vents to the RIO's Detail Data Display using very fine mesh screen from the stash box. I made a small recess with a 5/32" drill bit so the vent would sit flush and secured them in place with super glue. Thanks for staying tuned, til next time.



Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:33 pm
by thatf14guy
how long have you been doing this one tomcat? dying to see it all done!!

Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:57 pm
Started the rebuild 24 February, 2013 and I too am dying to see it completed.


Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:47 pm
Small update for tonight. I decided to add more stripping to the ejection hoops. I used some flat black and my 000 brush, I think they look alot better. Once the paint dries I'll dirty up those hoops because they are way too clean. Thanks for staying interested in this rather long re-build, til the next update.



Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:10 pm
by tmanthegreat
I'm going to have to make those knee-boards. Looks easy enough and is a really nice addition to the pilot figures!

Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:38 am
I've been looking at all my completed parts sitting around and wanted to see what they would look like on the Big Cat so, today's update is some photos of the jet with the parts. Hope you enjoy them and thanks for following along.

The fuel tanks are from my 154 jet, the decals are not finished on the 103 tanks yet. I can't wait to see this all painted and weathered !! I'm very happy with the progress so far.







This shot shows off the tail stiffners to good effect.



Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:28 am
by firefighterpilot1
Keep it going, Steve! She's looking great!

Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 5:58 am
by pickelhaube
Hey Steve,

Totally sweet !!!!

Anyway to get before and after pics ?