Hellcat Fixes.

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Hellcat Fixes.

Post by MightyMustang » Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:10 pm

Some people here have complained, and rightly so, about the gaps along the fusalge spine and the gap along the belly of the new 1/18th Hellcat. To fix that? Simple. Modelling putty will do the trick. Just take some putty and mix it up and run it along the spine and undercarriage of the Hellcat. After it drys, give it a day and then sand it smooth. For the spine paint it dark navy blue and it should match perfect. For the belly of the plane paint it an off Testors white and that should match as well. Mine turned out perfect.

As for the wing dehedral? Believe it or not it does have a wing dehedral! To get that effect when you put the wings on superglue the wing section where it meets the fusalge and hold it tight so there is no gaps. Leave it dry but SuperGlue does dry fast. I did this and connected the wings to the main wing section and BAMB wing dehedral. Just like the real thing. I also installed a spare set of Avenger tires and wow what a difference.

I had no major problems with my Hellcat such as landing gear and all those things. But the gaps in the spine and belly of the plane really irked the shit out of me. They are simple fixes but I dont undertsand why this happened to a BBI plane. My Marines Dream didnt have any gaps and neither did my HHH Mustang. But I guess theres a first time for everything they say. These are toys after all right?

I will hopefully be posting some pics of my planes by the end of next week and what I have done to them, fixes and so fourth.

Anyone need any help on their planes let me know.

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Post by kevrut » Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:03 pm

Sounds good, would like to see what you have done. :)

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Post by kimtheredxd » Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:12 pm

Thanks for the tips. Just ordered mine today .
Could not think of anything to put here.

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Post by Aviatornut.com » Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:14 am

Broken Wheels????? need a fix????
"my god the instructions don't tell you to pull on the landing gear to make them turn out. so one of them got broken."

Then I have the answer for you.....I have extra wheels to fix your Hellcat.
$5.00 a side


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