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Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:21 am
really it would be easier for 21st because all they would have to change fuselage, the rest is pretty much the same

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:16 am
the para's have arrived at local TRU
but now they are missing 2 of each packages. they are defending my 1/18 girl from the enemies :lol: :wink: :P

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:48 am
by Jolly Roger
Still waiting to hear mike say

" A-10 is a go!"

only in dreams :(

dont forget these!

Mig 21 :P

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:25 pm
by JohnLumley
Hello Mike: Merry Christmas mate!

I was wondering if you had any info on when the Australian version of the bbi Blackhawk would be released in Australia. I preordered one from the website below in June 2005. It is now no longer available for preorder. Hummm...... :?

Also is the bbi Apache going to get a repaint?
Also how is the Tomcat coming along?

Your efforts here on the board are appreciated by all. :D

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:07 pm
by DocTodd
What's this about a Tomcat. That would be a pleasant suprise.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:57 pm
by aferguson
Mike wrote:

"Happy New Year to all...most of all be happy and safe.

for John Lumley

I regret to advise that there never was an Australian version of the Blackhawk. This item was posted in error and the when it was brought to my attention I advised MIB Global that the item was not available and they removed it from their site.
As for your query on the Apache.."wait and see"

as for the Tomcat..."nice try"

for Doc Todd

see above on the Tomcat. "

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 8:02 pm
by Birddog
Happy New Year to you too Mike. Looking forward to what BBI brings us in 2006. :D

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:40 am
by SGT. Saunders
For Mike

Happy New Year.

Did you get my sketch. I sent it 3-4 weeks ago? If yes did you like it and do you have any idea's for it?


SGT. Saunders

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:52 pm
by aferguson
Mike wrote:

"for Sgt. Saunders
Thanks for the sketch...I will be in HK next week and will discuss it with the team then."

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:29 pm

Please be sure to post pics of the new aircraft while in Hong Kong! :wink:
(I can hope, right? :D )

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:54 pm
by DocTodd
Yeah Mike go ahead and dangle a carrot. I think now would be a good time to announce an A-10. Thank you for all you do for us and Happy New Year.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:59 pm
by SGT. Saunders
For Mike

Thank you. There is 1 thing with the sketch if it is liked at your HK meeting. The character in my sketch looks like but not based on and did not get my idea from is characters from a PC Multiplayer game Call of Duty2. You will have to look into that, Don't need probs with the MAN but I don't know how it works with fictional characters from WWII.

Thanks, Happy New Years.
SGT Saunders

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:19 pm
by Shin Densetsu

Since 2006 is a lil more than a day away, can you tell us what the next combat command airplanes are? I assume they will be out before spring, so I guess that means soon right?

Also, any word on the next 1/18 jets BBI is producing? I just got the jolly rogers black F/A-18 and I LOVE IT! Makes me want a tomcat even more. Makes me want MORE 1/18 jets from BBI!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:40 am
by aferguson
Mike wrote:

" for Sgt Saunders.
noted and be assured I am an expert in this field.

for Doc Todd
I'll leave the carrots to Bugs Bunny

for Shin Densetsu
I think you know my answer already..."wait and see"
Glad to hear you liked the black bird though.

for all
I note some further conversation regarding the issue of nose art and real image details, etc.
I had previously replied to this matter and my advice was that there was not a "one page" solution to any of it as it is a very complex area.
Now I see comments such as the "US Government owns the aircraft ( that is us) and the individual owns the artwork, etc".
Just to set the record straight .......the US Govt may be the purchaser of the aircraft but the design, trademark, copyright and many other forms of registration belongs to the original design company ...which in most cases for WWII is not the US Govt.
So there are responsibilities for companies such as ours to apply for licenses to reproduce these items..many companies are now actively policing these matters.
On the issue of nose art and images of real people, there are indeed precedents where there are registrations and matters of copyright which apply to these and either prohibit their use or make it difficult to use them. Even in cases where the actual people are deceased the families have taken out means to protect the relative.
General George Patton is an example where a license is required with anything involving him.
On the other side, and even more important is the issue of may be the wishes of some individuals or their families that accurate depictions or real materials relating to their wartime service is not used in the public if the permission of the original individual cannot be obtained for reasons of their preference, or even that they cannot be contacted to clarify the issue, then surely it is a mark of respect to them not to indulge ourselves and to avoid the use of such elements.
To proceed under any circumstances would seem a disrespect to those that we claim to honor so highly.

And on that note I will close and make no further comment on this subject."

nose art

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:57 am
by digger
Mike, very well said (for a second time) on the licensing issues.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:00 am
by Birddog
Mike wrote:

"for all of the die-hards on the A-10 hunger strike

Just wanted to let you all know that I enjoyed my Christmas dinner very much...did I mention Bobby Sands to you guys?"
Nice Try. :D

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:04 pm
by Shin Densetsu

Happy new year! Please tell the BBI team I said thank you when you meet them this or next week, I am VERY pleased with the black F/A-18, one of the greatest presents I have ever recieved for x mas and a product I am so impressed with that I have decided to stay in the 1/18 world and buy MORE! I wonder why I held off buying these things and man again I am very impressed. Such a great product and I like how the design team took all the necesary steps to make the toy durable and still fairly accurate, soft plastic in the right places, hard plastic overall, this is one durable badboy that I wouldn't hesitate handing over to a 10 yr old nephew of mine to mess with. Yes gentlemen its that durable!

More questions

1-I missed out on the apache last year during post xmas clearance@ TRU(it was only 25$, UGH I regret passing on it!!). Will the apache get another production run this year? How about the other birds like the black hawk? Will TRU still sell them this year? How about the F-16 and F/A-18? Since the zero is destined to hit TRU shelves, has TRU changed their mind about the F-16/F/A-18 and decided to sell those in their stores too?

2-Any possible repaints of the F-16, F/A-18 or apache this year?(like a grey apache)

3-Are the BBI helicopters fairly durable? Do they have soft PVC plastic for the propellers?(I worry about the durability of the propellers most, since they are the thinnest parts). Are they easily dissassembled?(this is how the black hornet is and I was happy since I can take it to my apartment from my house with nothing breaking off in the car). 21st uses hard plastic for their rotors, and they are durable but I think I feel safer with softer rotors(either way is fine with me but i am leaning towards rotors with a little give ya know?).

4-1/18 it possible? That thing looked cool. How about russian HOkums?

*geez now that I got some 1.18 toys, like the black hornet and the 21st XD cobra, I can see WHY everyone(ioncluding me now!) wants a HIND!!!!!*

5-In general which types of vehicles have sold best/.most for BBI>?(not asking for actual sales figures because thats secret but just a general question)

WW2 warbirds, cars/trucks(humvee),
jets, or helicopters?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:23 am
by SGT. Saunders
Hi Mike

Just received those New WWII 1/18 scale figures, NICE!!
MY favorite figures are Gordon(214-05) and Hanson(214-07). Love the Rangers I know this will be a "wait and see" but I hope BBI will make more Rangers and or Reg Infantry, can you pass this word onto BBI for me "Need more WWII Rangers or Reg Infantry like Gordon".

P.S. Will be sending you another sketch in a week or so.

SGT. Saunders

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 6:25 pm
by aferguson
Mike wrote:

"for Sgt Saunders
thanks for the nice comments on the new need for me to say "wait and see' as we will be putting out more regular troops this year so you will see quite a procession of them.

for Shin Densetsu
glad you liked the black one, it is very sexy. Elite Force choppers all use soft material rotors and they can all be dismantled by removing rotors and ordinance, etc.
As for all your other queries...guess all I can say "wait and see" "

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:15 pm
by digger
Mike wrote:
"for Sgt Saunders
thanks for the nice comments on the new need for me to say "wait and see' as we will be putting out more regular troops this year so you will see quite a procession of them.
Excellent News :D :D :D

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:17 pm
by immeww2
Yes!!!! More troops from BBI! Just what the doctor ordered!

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:04 am
by Jesse James
Definitely need more troops... Some diversity would be nice though *cough*brits*cough* :)

Right now though I'd settle for the latest BBI WW2 figs since I never saw them and TRU is jam packed with the jump ready guys... They're ok, but way too specific for my tastes to army build with. I'm thinking they're keeping the good stuff (the really good stuff that is) from getting here ind roves.

I need my 1:18 army building fix... I'm getting the shakes here.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:40 am
by spect_spidey
Any chance of BBi getting into the Vietnam 1:18 figures?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:11 am
by SGT. Saunders

Is this something that we will see before Spring?

SGT. Saunders

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:09 am
by aferguson
Mike wrote:

"for Sgt Saunders
the team are requesting a clearer image of your that possible?"