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Post by aferguson » Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:29 am

Mike wrote:

"for Razor 17019

Thanks for your nice comments on the figures...we try.

WE have done contests in the past with our 1/6 line but none to-date on the 1:18....naturally we will keep our options open on this. I can say we have no immediate plans. And yes I know 21C has done some but like I keep saying, we do more things than just military.

Be patient with us..."all things come to those who wait" "

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More comments about the Target line...

Post by holensock » Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:08 am

For me it all began back in '64 when I was a kid and they introduced a new 12" 'Fighting Man', GI Joe. I got one and I thought it was the best toy ever! Back then all we had was the 1/32 solid plastic green army guys. Now some 40 years later, I still have a few of the old Joes, but continue to 'collect' Joes.
The new bbi Target line reminds me of those days. bbi has introduced a new military line aimed at kids. Many here are dissappointed that much of it is not to scale for us, but I think it's just right for that kid to walk into Target and to be able to purchase and play with a somewhat 'realistic' modern military line-not one with a 'superhero' look to it with 'superhero' villans to fight. AND with a price point that even Mom wouldn't argue about! AND best of all, while maybe aimed at kids-I like 'em! I like 'em enough that I've purchased them all! They're fun! The price point is fun!
I buy nothing but 1/18 now. 21XD was about all there was to find. Now bbi has entered the picture and I LOVE the Paratroopers, the tank, etc. Kids today now have a chance to get started in this hobby with the new Target line! Collecting is fun! So a big THANK YOU to bbi for this new Target line! Can't wait to see the new figures in this line too!

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Post by JoeS » Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:56 am


Many thanks for your prompt response with regards to distribution to the UK. I'll take your advice and will hang in there, but it looks like Corgi are dragging their heels, so fingers crossed they'll relent and start to stock non British liveried planes. For now I suppose I will just rely on BadCat as my lifeline to feed my 1/18 habit. They are very good, so I'll pay the high cost of postage and custom duties. My concern is that if I wait for UK distribution then alot of my desired models may no longer be available. Thanks again.

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Post by vulgarvulture » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:11 am

"To all, I note all your aircraft requests on the boards and specifically the WWII ones where the Avenger and others keep coming up....but I see no mention anywhere of one of the great workhorses of the Pacific Theatre. the Dauntless....did you guys forget about it,or is it "un-loved"? "
Not forgotten at all, my friend. Any new Pacific plane would be more than welcome. What a welcome addition a Dauntless would be.

I won't do this anymore in this thread, but I have to push for a F-4 again. It's a huge part of aviation history in the US (Navy, Marines, Air Force) and abroad. Service history in Vietman is well-documented (as they say, the F-4 was the largest distributor of MiG parts in South East Asia). Repaint opportunities abound. In my opinion, the F-4 is much more worthy or consideration over an F-14 or F-15 (as much as I'd snap up either of those too) given its proven track record over an extended period of time. Whether or not from a marketing point of view that's the case, I surely don't know.

Thanks again for taking the time to hear us out.

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Post by wise690 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 11:35 am

Thank you for replying to my qeustions so quickly.

Would an A-26 Invader or an A-20 Havoc be to large to produce? Are they about the size of the jets, or larger or smaller?
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Post by Shin Densetsu » Tue Aug 09, 2005 11:53 am

vulgarvulture wrote:
"To all, I note all your aircraft requests on the boards and specifically the WWII ones where the Avenger and others keep coming up....but I see no mention anywhere of one of the great workhorses of the Pacific Theatre. the Dauntless....did you guys forget about it,or is it "un-loved"? "
Not forgotten at all, my friend. Any new Pacific plane would be more than welcome. What a welcome addition a Dauntless would be.

I won't do this anymore in this thread, but I have to push for a F-4 again. It's a huge part of aviation history in the US (Navy, Marines, Air Force) and abroad. Service history in Vietman is well-documented (as they say, the F-4 was the largest distributor of MiG parts in South East Asia). Repaint opportunities abound. In my opinion, the F-4 is much more worthy or consideration over an F-14 or F-15 (as much as I'd snap up either of those too) given its proven track record over an extended period of time. Whether or not from a marketing point of view that's the case, I surely don't know.

Thanks again for taking the time to hear us out.
I LIKE how you think! Not to mention the F-4 is in countless museums....heck it's one of the gateguards into the Langley AFB! And the notion of a Navy phantom and a JASDF phantom have me drooling...

Since the next boeing bird won''t be a hornet, I assume that it would either be an F-15 or an F-4. What else could it be? The F-15 is a ton more popular than the X-32, and the A-4 is outshadowed by both these 2. So my deductive reasoning leaves me to believe the phantom or eagle would be the next Boeing birds to go 1/18. Not to mention 21st backed out of the F-4, and BBI already made an F-15C cockpit for their 12 inchers.

Mike, on a poll around here an F-15 is listed. Did BBI announce that they were interested in making a 1/18 F-15?

Also...are 1/18 MIG-29's and the SU-27 Flanker family possible in the future? A bunch of my friends have been BEGGING for the longest time for russian fulcrums. Are MIG and sukhoi hard to obtain licenses from? I have never seen anyone do a 1/18 sukhoi.
Shin's wishlist for 1/18 and 1/32 with retractable landing gear and more:

F-14 Tomcat, F-8 Crusader, A-4 Skyhawk, F-105 Thunderchief, A-6 Intruder, F-15C, F-15E Strike Eagle

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Glad To See BBI is Still in 1:18 Scale Business!!

Post by C130IM » Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:44 pm


Thank you for the updates regarding the BBI Line!! I have been a collector of the BBI line and 21st Century for a long while. I have invested thousands into this collection and to see that more stuff is coming, much to my wife’s dismay, I’m sure she will try to hide the checkbook. I have been monitoring the site for months and became concerned that BBI had backed out of the 1:18 scale market. I am glad to see, based on your comments, that this is not the case. I am hopeful to see the A-10 acft, Hind D model, F-15 acft produced (a C-130 would be nice too ).

But I was wondering more along the lines of armor. It would be really great to see Russian 1/18 scale T-72, BTR-60, or BMP. The modern era collection, there is no adversary force or vehicles produced by any company (that I know of). The closest I have to anything is a model of the Trumpeter 1/20 scale Chinese Type 98 that I use as a moc 1/18 scale T-72. Is this a licensing issue or more to do about sales?

To me it would appear that these vehicles would sale based on fact that there are none of these vehicles in the market in this scale, familiarity, and need for an opposing force. Trust me, no complaints from me on any product your company produces, just hopeful for some armor that my LAV's, and M1's can go up against.

Your input is greatly appreciated and look forward to seeing what comes out next!

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Post by aferguson » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:05 pm

Mike wrote:

"for JoeS

Be assured I share your frustration...hang in there.

for vulgarvulture.

Thanks for the suggestions...we are always happy to listen

for Wise 690.

Any production is not just a matter of size...many issues need to be balanced such as tooling and license cost, production cost and projected selling price and then anticipated demand...these are the issue that determine if an item gets made or not.

for Shin Densetsu.

As I am aware there has been no comment from bbi regarding plans for an F-15

On the Boeing question may assume all you like and I will still say "wait and see"...I will also add that the Boeing list of trademarks is very long and feature some outstanding subjects for both Modern and WWII planes keep on guessing

For the Russians ...these are of course always an option...once again "wait and see"...Mig and Sukhoi are still active manufacturing company and licensing it a matter of protocol and as I have mentioned previously far too complex a topic for me to cover in this forum.

For C130IM

Thanks for the support and I could have guessed by your handle that the Hercules would come up...what a lovely bird they are too...and so versatile.
Thanks for all your suggestions and I will tell you what I tell all the rest...we will make more items but you have to "wait and see"

As for licenses I have covered this in my reply above to Shin Densetsu and in other replies."

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Post by aferguson » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:06 pm

Mike wrote, regarding Black Hornet:

"From the comments I have noted that TRU has not shipped the right goods...naturally we have no control over that but you can let the board know that I am investigating what happened will take a few days as TRU is not famous for co-operation.

We will make sure your boys get the "blackbird" somehow."

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Black bird

Post by SpareParts » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:14 pm

Speaking of black birds, how about a P61 Black Widow?

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Post by aferguson » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:19 pm

Mike wrote:

"for Spare Parts.

I think there is a Black Widow at Wright Patterson...that may be your best chance to see one for quite a while."

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Post by Smokebandit » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:33 pm


With regards to BBI announcing plans for an F-15......are you aware of their interests in producing a 1/18 A-10 or 1/18 AV-8 Harrier?

Thanks for all your input.

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Been covered

Post by digger » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:36 pm

Go back to the first page of the thread :D

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Post by Shin Densetsu » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:38 pm

All this guessing still gives me hope! :D

Mike, usually we see new BBI product primarily at conventions and at toyfair. With BBI monitoring the boards now, undoubtedly you know all of us are excited for product. Will BBI show some upcoming products online before toyfair rolls around? Like a group of pics sent to 1/18 fansites and such.

One of my friends also pointed out that the 1/18 F/A-18C that came out was a mishmash of an F/A-18A and F/A-18C. He said that inaccuracies are 1/72 are easily pointed out, and are pretty much even easier to see in 1/18 scale. Will future planes(not existing BBI planes like the falcon and hornet)product be more accurate to specific airplane variant?

(For an F-4E should not have the nose and some protusions and chin FLIR as the F-4A). I noticed a lot of folks on the model sites I lurk at have eagle eyes for detail and accuracy.
Shin's wishlist for 1/18 and 1/32 with retractable landing gear and more:

F-14 Tomcat, F-8 Crusader, A-4 Skyhawk, F-105 Thunderchief, A-6 Intruder, F-15C, F-15E Strike Eagle

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Post by aferguson » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:55 pm

Mike wrote:

"for Smokebandit

We are interested in many stock answer of "wait and see" still holds.

My comment on the F-15 was a direct response to an enquiry that asked " did bbi announce that they were interested in making a 1/18 F-15" the response was "no we did not announce that"...we do not make announcements of what we are interested in as our announcement are only about what we have produced and shipped."

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Post by aferguson » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:57 pm

Mike wrote:

"Just as a side issue...bbi releases Hot News bulletins to its Members as soon as we ship a new item. This means that bbi Members are made aware of any new release prior to any general release and before it goes on our website.

Our last Hot News went out and we got over 600 bounce backs...this accounts for those members that have since complained that they did not get the news.

The causes of bouncebacks are numerous but the main reasons are invalid email address and rejection by spam filters.

So if you want a news letter then make sure your email address is current and your setting can accept our broadcast emails.
Even if you are already a member then you can re-join just to make sure your address is up to date in our system."

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Post by aferguson » Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:14 pm

Mike wrote:

"For Shin Densetsu

If I write replies to you often enough I will no longer have to pause to check the spelling of your handle.

First up..bbi is not actually monitoring the boards.......
I am ..and right now I have some time as it is lousy weather for flying...I cannot always promise you I will be here daily...if the sun comes out..I'm gone!

For the first part of your question ..dare I say..."wait and see"
But I can say that there may be cases where you may get a peek before a toy show but it would item be for an item that shipped and not a true preview of what is coming...I will remain true to my original words there....

On accuracy...we are always working on improving this but there are barriers to...let me give a very good example...the tail rotor on the Blackhawk...ours is parallel to the tail boom and the real one is actually canted at an angle. We have to do it that way or else when cannot get the part out of the mold tool.
Of course we can make it two piece to go for perfect accuracy but then the total cost soars and the model biomes less many things are a compromise.

Just know we do our best and always try to improve.

Hope that explains it for you.

Back on the 1/6 boards those that "lurked and picked the detail" were known as the Scale Nazis.

it also need to be remembered that not everything used is Govt. Issue...when we did the "Bud" Mahurin Sabre Pilot figure we got comments regarding the accuracy of the outfit, etc...Bud is a personal friend of mine and his answer was " I am telling you what I was wearing, not what I was issued"...Bud was also a P-47 Ace from the ETO and right up there with the best.

So not all is by the book."

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Post by Jeff Cope » Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:20 pm

I haven't seen this addressed yet (but, forgive me if I missed it)...

...but when can we expect the WWII figures to hit retail?

What other figures are planned for the near future?



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Post by Shin Densetsu » Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:39 pm

Oh ok that makes a lot of sense! Thanks Mike.
It's pretty cool that you know Bud!

As for me, I am content with things as long as it is really well done(which BBI does pretty well on every release). I only asked about the accuracy issues since I everytime something 1/18 comes out, I know some who nitpick it. As for me, I can say....I know the BBI hornet and falcon are not completely 100% accurate...but I still want them!(I did buy the it shows as long as something is done well with high quality, for the most part its gonna be mine!).

I realize mold tooling and such costs a lot more than the msrp of the actual I definitely understand the compromise!
Shin's wishlist for 1/18 and 1/32 with retractable landing gear and more:

F-14 Tomcat, F-8 Crusader, A-4 Skyhawk, F-105 Thunderchief, A-6 Intruder, F-15C, F-15E Strike Eagle

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Post by aferguson » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:07 pm

Mike wrote:

"For Jeff Cope

A familiar name ..have me met or corresponded before?

WWII figures have been shipped but having said that, it means we shipped them to the retailer ( TRU) and when they get them out in each store can sometimes be a real mystery...all I can say is keep your eyes open."

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Post by aferguson » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:08 pm

Mike wrote:

"for Shin Densetsu

Thanks for the support...our product will continue to improve...but there is no such thing as perfection.

Bud is a great guy...I am fortunate to know many like him, and I know the General...but his new wife gets in the way these days.

As for the scale buffs, they will always be there and we love them too.

I am reminded of attending airshows and so many experts attend and find fault with the accuracy of restored some cases is the aircraft is a gloss colour rather than the original flat finish...the gloss is so much easier to maintain for the owner, but naturally the "experts" make a comment....the best reply to such criticism I ever heard from one owner was to turn to the person and say,

..."that's very interesting...and what colour is your warbird?"

You can guess the reply."

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Post by aferguson » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:10 pm

Mike sent me some nice pictures of two Australian exclusive RAAF P-51 repaints. P-51 (our glorious leader) will be posting them in this thread shorty so look for them..


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Post by p51 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:13 pm

The photos!



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Post by momaw nadon » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:23 pm

Those P-51s look great. Any chance for us not in Australia to be able to pict them up? Maybe through a fan club? Thanks
momaw nadon

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Post by Shin Densetsu » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:54 pm


Mike...who is the general you speak of?
Shin's wishlist for 1/18 and 1/32 with retractable landing gear and more:

F-14 Tomcat, F-8 Crusader, A-4 Skyhawk, F-105 Thunderchief, A-6 Intruder, F-15C, F-15E Strike Eagle

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