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Staying Logged-in

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 6:45 am
by Axis Nightmare
If you're not logged in you won't get the dialog box telling you that you have a P.M. at the top of the screen. You also won't see "Off Topic". I don't see any reason to not check the box that auto logs you in at each visit. Does anyone see a negative to this? Or comment on why you don't just stay logged in? I'm also curious why so many don't have their location on their profile. At least a State or nearest city can give insight to where folks are located?

We are in a time of privacy rights, terms and conditions yet ironically, people blabber every detail of life on Facebook from what they had for dinner to bragging about going on vacation next week telling the world your house will be empty and ripe for break-ins. :roll:

Just curious about these things..... :)