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Warning received...

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:35 am
by Snake Man
I got this pop up warning regarding the website as being unsafe

Perhaps we have been hacked ??

Re: Warning received...

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:54 am
by p51
I'm not seeing anything... Google hasn't marked the site as unsafe which it would do for the entire domain if something is amiss... I use chrome as well so it'd alert me. Can you take a screenshot? That seems weird that it's only on that page.

Re: Warning received...

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 5:51 am
by Snake Man
I don't know how to do a screenshot. It was a bright red screen with a warning that the site was unsafe, and giving several choices. One was to return to my homepage, one was to proceed, but not recommended, another was a link to other options. One of the other options was "I don't thinnk this page is unsafe", which I clicked on. But in case there was an actual issue I reported it to you, and explored no further. I got the same warning regarding several of our pages. The warning will not come up today. I think it came from Microsoft as part of their security program, but I'm not sure. Perhaps a glitch on their end ??

Re: Warning received...

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:45 pm
by p51
It might be a glitch... my site was hacked once and google flagged the site as unsafe, in the exact same way, because of the hacker code. I went through and removed all the code and had google recheck it and it removed the warning. If you use Chrome (Which I do) you can't bypass that message unless you click on the links like you mentioned. But that hacking was a few years ago, and I'm not getting the warning screens (which I for sure would) so I think it must have been a glitch.