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Officer - Brigadier General
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Post by dragon53 » Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:43 pm


GOOD MORNING, MIDNIGHT---George Clooney is the star/director of this Netflix sci fi movie based on the novel about a global catastrophe which connects an astronomer and a NASA space crew returning to Earth after man's first voyage to Jupiter.

FLASH GORDON---Taika Waititi (THOR: RAGNAROK) will direct this 20th Century Fox animated movie based on the comic strip superhero.

BATMAN---writer Sam Hamm talked about casting for the 1989 Tim Burton movie, “There were a lot of people at Warner Brothers who wanted to cast it with an action star. They wanted to cast the part as Batman, as opposed to casting it as Bruce Wayne.
You have to make Bruce Wayne work, because Batman is, for the most part, going to be a stunt guy, or it’s going to be somebody running around in a costume in long shot. You don’t need the martial arts expertise of, say, Steven Seagal or somebody like that, because you can fake all of that kind of stuff.
Seagal was one of the people that was suggested to us. He had just kind of appeared on the scene, people thought holy cow, this guy’s badass. He could be Batman. I don’t think it ever got to the point where he read for it. He was just one of the names that was floated.”

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