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The Book Of Walton

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:19 pm
Chapter 1
Walton 1:1-5
(1)In the Beginning of creation, when Sam made Heaven and earth (2)
the stores were without form and void, with lackluster freezer sections, darkness over the face of XD, and a mighty wind from aisle 3 swept over the surface of the fish tanks. (3) Sam said let there be light', and there was light, he called the light day and the darkness night.(STUKA)

(26)And Sam said, Let us make WM Employees in our image, after our likeness, but without knowledge or power to aid in the search for XD and let them have dominion over the fish in Pets, and over all Toys, and over the bakery, and the clearence aisle, and over all the store, and over every creeping thing that creepeth into the store." (Walton 1:26) (Razor)

Chapter 2

(1) Humanity does not pass through phases as a train passes through stations: being alive, it has the privilege of always moving yet never leaving anything behind. Whatever we have been , in some sort we are still. (2) Obedience to the store manager is the road to freedom, humility the road to long hours, unity with me - the road to personality.(STUKA)

(5)"what ever is out is all we have" Walton 2:5
Chapter 3
"(3) And the XD shall be spread throughout the toy department, without form or logic. (4) And he wandered into the sporting goods department, and lo, on high, was the XD. (5) And so it was also in the automotive and housewares department such that the devoted ones shall search with great effort and patience." Walton 3: 3-5 (FieroDude)

Chapter 8
(15)There shall be duplicates of every item, in every color and scale, except the one(s) you are searching for. (16) And should those on the quest for XD question if the item might be in the stock room, the baffled look shall be immediate and the retribution swift. (17)And the Walmart employee shall state "let me go look", and they will venture forth into the mysterious darkness of the stock room, never to return. (Walton 8: 15-17) (FieroDude)

"Thou shalt not suffer a metropolitan area to remain free of Walmart." Walton 9:15 (FieroDude)

"Damaged goods are marketable goods." Walton 14:3
"(1) And the significant others shall question their sanity, and make noises of mockery, and demand credit cards for their own desires. (2) And the XD fans shall stand defiant, and purchase and display their XD regardless, without fear of retribution or punsihment, for it is better to seek forgiveness than ask permission." Walton 18, 1-2 (FieroDude)

"we have to do what the computer says etc." Walton 23:9

Book II
Book of Barcode
Chapter 1

(2)Thou shall not Steal XD out of another cart, even thou it is a rare and it will be broken within a day by a child.

(3)Thou shall not insult the shopkeeper when trying to get assistance in locating merchandise even if thou are a incompetent Mule/Donkey. (VMF115)

(4)Thou shall not slaughter or pilage the Walmart employees, no matter how clueless and naive they are when they are asked, "Shall Walmart receive another shippment of BF-109 G-6's". It is futile, they will never comprehend anything that consists of two letters, and three numbers.

Book 2 Chapter 1 verses 2

(3)Thou shalt not touch the ladder!!
Chapter 1 Verse 3 (grunt1)
(4)Those that seek XD other then in the land of WM, will pay the ultimate price.
(5)Where there is light in the WM lands there is darkness and bankruptcy in evilbay
(6)Those that take XD from the land of WM and pedal it to the true believers of XD for an outrages profit shall be banished from the temple of XD.
(7)Those Brothers and Sisters that do not live in the land of WM are allowed to purchase XD from evilbay and other merchants. (8)Thou are not ridiculed for this. (VMF115)

(9)Those Brothers and Sisters that aid those that live out side the land of WM in acquiring XD at a fair price are considered righteous and devoted followers of XD.

(10)Those Brothers and Sisters that charge an unfair price to those that do not dwell in the land of XD are considered heretics.(VMF115)

Chapter 2
(3)The unenlightened ones shall believe that clearance prices are determined by age and lifespan upon the sacred shelves. Lo, that they may understand the wisdom of our ways! (4)What items will be clearanced shall be set forth by the motion of the wind upon the seas, the waves upon the sand, and the dustbunnies beneath the registers. (5)It shall not be with regard to age, nor quantity on hand, nor condition of package, but wisdom far more ancient and obscure that only the most enlightened ones can understand, and it is they who shall pass down their wisdom through the computers and the scanners. - Walton II, 2:3-5 (Fierodude)

Thou shall not commit adultery by stepping in to another store looking for XD
Thou shall not envy other store that have XD for sale
Thou shall not curse the WM distribution system, for I know what is best.

Book of Walton book II
Chapter 3:6

Those that exert stead fast patience and obedience shall be rewarded with great joy In many of the new offerings.
Those that do not and pester those with wisdom shall be banished from the store forever.
through the computers and the scanners. - Walton, Virtues of the shopper 1:5-6 (VMF115)

Song of Walton
2Let me hang you with thy twine of thy hand -
For your undercarriage is more delightful than wine.
3Pleasing is the fragrance of your plastic;
your name is like XD poured out.
No wonder the groundpounders love you!
4Take me away with you - let us hurry!
Let me hang you from the ceiling in my chamber.
1:1-4 (STUKA)

(1)Shall we gather at the Walmart
The beautiful, the beautiful Walmart
Shall we gather at the Walmart
To find all the wonderful XD
2:1 (Razor)

sins of the collector: 1:1-3

(1)Thou shalt empty the peg of the dusty items for no new items will arrive until the peg has been cleansed.

(2)Fortunate are the meek for they shall receive the latest waves.

(3)Cursed are the collectors for they shall receive a re-supply of BoB Driverw/ Mackinaw.
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the XD. So said the prophet and bequeathed the followers with Toys of Airstrike, a mighty Pickle!, a cunning Hun and a wizard who cast Working Komets from the Sky!

(1)You were thirsty and I gave you XD - you were hungry, and I created the F-86f - you cried for desert - I have wheeled the cart to thy table - you have tasted Pak-40, you gave thanks. (2)Yet you O collector tremble at the thought of empty shelves, you doubt my ultimate design. (3)Announce this to the house of small scale military headquarters and proclaim it in Walmart:
(4)Hear this you scared and foolish people - who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear:
(5)Should you not fear me? declares Walton
Should you not slip on my newly installed and waxed tile floor?
(6)I made the automotive department a boundary for thy cars, an everlasting barrior it cannot cross unless it becometh out of control and break afore said barrior.

(7)You collectors have a rebellious and stubborn heart - you find comfort finding XD at TRU again - you seek target for military toy findings. You have turned aside and gone away. (8)You do not say let us fear Walton who gave beta fish a whole endcap, who planted aisles of harvest grain bread, who clearanced XD through infinite design and wisdom. (9)Your wrong doings have kept the XD aisles clear - you'r doubt has deprived you of more XD.

thou shalt not shake and cut holes in the XD's box to steal the xd pilot from the f86, because the items inside are a great gift that many will have receive with thear own money and time

Book of XD Exodus

Chapter 1:1-4
1In the land of KY, a great famine of XD figures began as the Acursed one settled in the land. 2Lo, Sam saw the Acursed one and set forth the plague of Bob Drivers w/Mackinaw in the droves. 3The collectors cried out in the wilderness, Why Sam have thou forsaken us? 4Why have thou withheld D-Day Germans w/ Black coats from this land and it's people?
(5)Thy Wal Mart cashiers shall go on break and closeth their register whilst thou still waiteth in line. (6)They will care not, for proper service is blasphmey among those heathen employees. (tmanthegreat)(1:5-6)

Chapter 2:1-5
And so began a time of great trials and drought in the lands of XD. The prophets presented great visions of the future, and foretold of wondrous events to come, yet the shelves remained bare and the pegs empty. Only meager scraps from the last harvest remained to be found, gnawed upon by scavengers and ravaged by the unclean masses. "Have faith, for soon shall flow riches and joy," quoth the prophets, but the followers of XD were full of despair. They debated their worries and fears, and sought comfort in other lands, and hoped that the prophets spoke the truth that they might return to the lands of XD. (Fierodude)

Chapter 2:6-10
The XD landscape is bare like the desert and thou are the crops bare like a swarm of locust devoured them. As the true followers of XD converge on the Prophet Zachary and protest him to lift the drought and to please the XD God, the Prophet Zachary spoke
“Plentiful in the past and so shall they be again” the Prophet Zachary proclaimed.
For have you not forgotten the plentiful harvest? Has the XD god not blessed you with abundance and choice of XD?

The followers spoke to the Prophet Zachary and proclaimed it is not you that we are displeased with but with the WM taskmasters of distribution.

The Prophet Zachary spoke “the god of XD orders you to follow the law of WM taskmasters” The Prophet Zachary proclaimed those that leave the land of WM in search of XD will pay the price, those that stay true will be rewarded with discounts and bountiful harvests.
The book of Roy
Now these are the children of Roy: Battle of the Bulge, D-Day, Vietnam, Korean air war and even the inglorius Platoon. For many ages they resided in the House of Sam, were fruitful, and multiplied, and waxed exceedingly mighty; and the land was filled with them. Life was good.

Then Sam looked to Roy, and said unto him that the Children of Roy worked not hard enough for him and must be put into chains. Roy attempted to intercede on his children's behalf, only to be placed in bondage himself, held by the twin demons Profit and Inventory Turns in slavery.

So the House of Sam made their lives bitter with hard bondage, held alone without their brothers, or overcrowded with too many brothers, outside of their homes. Pallets in the food aisles, top shelves above Lucifer's Homies, and finally in the clearance aisles. No longer were they fruitful, and multiplies, and waxed exceedingly mighty. Where once they were mighty servants now the mindless minions of Roy knew not of them. Now choked with dust, sent among the realm of Sam with no rhyme or reason, the Children of Roy withered.

Sam's demons were still not sated, and Sam cast out Roy and his children. Only a few were to remain, and those must live by Sam's harsh rule: only the children of Lt. Odheim and Pvt. Osternoh could live in the west, and then only by the case load; only the children of Platoon could live in the east, and then only by the case load. They must multiply, but not fruitfully, but rather like locusts, not allowing room for any new Children of Roy to come forth.

Roy and his youngest Children wandered the world wide web, trying to find a home. No longer were they plentiful, and slowly did they now multiply. Twin pack children were born, but learned to hide in this harsh land. Some common children known as Panther and Tiger were born but the cost of their painful deliveries rose with only the midwives profiting happily from their birth. Currently Roy holds the hands of the King Tiger and '88, fearful that they too may be stillborn as their brothers Phantom, Mig-21 and B-25.

Other homes were such afflicted, as the Children of Mike had pains too. Long dangerous labors await the Sons of Zero, Sons of Falcon and Sons of Hornet. Even the great and wise Jason watches carefully over the slow growth of his Twin Sons, SBD and Spad.

But strong faith is an earmark of the House of XD, and Roy, and Mike and Jason and all of their Children will once again bask in the glory, so it is written, so it shall be.(Olifant)

The land of XD has become destitute the followers all have given up and lost interest but the prophet Zachary says there will be plenty, but before we will have plenty there will be poverty of XD.

Zachary proclaimed that Roy the taskmaster was working hard to please the Rulers of 21st century toys,

Those that preach the demise of XD are not true believers of XD, those that preach the demise will be branded non believers and scowled at. But fear not there faith will be restored and the will eat XD panzers.

The Phantom the Mitch the Mig the King and the flak are all creations from Roy that will be pleasing to all the creatures, for with out Roy there will be no XD. (VMF115)

Chapter 3
(1)On the tenth Hour the doors to our Garden Center will be shut. The customer must make extra effort to enter this store - On the tenth hour half the entrances will be closed and the XD collector will be forced to walk the extra mile.
(2)On the tenth hour we will close customer service and the jewlery counter. On the tenth hour we will close the fitting rooms and service the toilets. On the tenth Hour we will close the registers - save one - and count our earnings.

(3)despair will fall upon his brow - anguish upon finding nothing new under the sun - he will turn away from what hath provided him with Sustenance. (4)He will lash out.

(5)Hear O toy department Manager I will slow shipments from every train and every plane - I will hold XD back. He will walk the aisles in vain. I will create a new Spiderman Movie with a toyline that will make more money in one week than XD can in one year. (6)The XD collector will suffer greatly for his lack of faith - I will fill my aisles with to my desire.

Thus sayeth Walton
2:1-6 (STUKA)

"In the land of XD, a Stranger and his kind sprang up, like a well of fresh water to nurish the land. The stranger not only inhabited the garden of Sam, but began to sprout and grow amoungst the gardens of Geoffrey, Tar-get and the Mart of K. The Stranger and his kind were like the mustard seed small and few, but grew into a mighty nation.
Some followers of the might XD and Sam began to abandon their ways for the Stranger and his kind. The stranger brandished both a whip and a wand of power. The Stranger only hated two things: snakes and Nazis.
There was great rejoicing in the land of XD as the Stranger and his kind were able to merge with many kinds of XD that had come before him. His modes of transportation were also used to move the great sea of XD kind onto their endless journey across the planes of dio-rama. Many of the believers cried out to the great maker of the Stranger - Hasbro, why has thou given us a cycle without a sideth of car? We asketh only this question as the father of the Stranger has nothing to ride in. Lo, how can we maketh great dios in thy honor without the sideth of car? Would thou grantith us a burger without thy fries?

(Many believers are still asking Royth, Jasonth and Miketh for a warthog of the 10th of A) (Razor)

Chapter 1
In the Land of Higher prices there lived a man whose name is lost. The Man had closets filled with XD with some boxes stuffed in the closet upright. His collection was perfect and the boxes near mint. He feared Walton and shunned other bix box stores. he had seven sons and three daughters, and he owned seven thousand loose XD, three thousand DAK, and BOB II figures alone. Five hundred 25th Aniv. GiJoe, three hundred 1:18 vehicles, and a large number of dios. He was the greatest man among Small Scale Military headquarters. Everyday his children would have lunch with him while he painted and sanded - he would always have them wash up before dinner - never know about germs these days.
One day a Wal-mart manager presented himself before Walton - the night manager in accounts received also came up with him. Walton said to the managers "where have you come from?" The managers answered roaming through the aisles back and fourth looking for prices to raise and cut - looking for inventory to stock and back stock. Walton asked " Have you considered the XD collector?" There is no one on Earth like him - he fears me and collects my goods. (STUKA)[/b]

Rev-XD-ations Chapter 3 verse 1:
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purchase under the heaven: my children must forge ahead to a new land that is on a new horizon.
XD no longer can be found in the wailing walls of WM.
It can only be found in the Bay of E at two or three times it's worth.
Can there be a new source of XD anywhere in the known kingdoms?
Low, the children of Roy waited... (RAZOR)

Book Of Pickel
Chapter 1

1There is one.....In a land to the south.
Near a delta you will find Him, He is Pickel :!: And it is Said!!!
He shall bring the King of Tigers to the people of Roy.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:57 pm
by FieroDude
"(3) And the XD shall be spread throughout the toy department, without form or logic. (4) And he wandered into the sporting goods department, and lo, on high, was the XD. (5) And so it was also in the automotive and housewares department such that the devoted ones shall search with great effort and patience." Book of Walton 3: 3-5

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:15 pm
by Razor17019
26 "And Sam said, Let us make WM Employees in our image, after our likeness, but without knowledge or power to aid in the search for XD and let them have dominion over the fish in Pets, and over all Toys, and over the bakery, and the clearance aisle, and over all the store, and over every creeping thing that creepeth into the store."


Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:25 pm
by kevrut

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:23 pm
by grunt1
"And we will make them hunt, for no great knowledge is without quest.. no great achievement is without effort.. thus no new xd shall be uncovered without great expenditure of time and fuel!"

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:58 pm
by FieroDude
"(1) And the significant others shall question their sanity, and make noises of mockery, and demand credit cards for their own desires. (2) And the XD fans shall stand defiant, and purchase and display their XD regardless, without fear of retribution or punsihment, for it is better to seek forgiveness than ask permission." Walton 18, 1-2

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:05 am
by VMF115
Thou shall not commit adultery by stepping in to another store looking for XD
Thou shall not envy other store that have XD for sale
Thou shall not curse the WM distribution system, for I know what is best.

Book of Sam Walton book 2 Chapter 3 verses 6

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 2:07 pm
by VMF115
Thou shall not Steal XD out of another cart, even thou it is a rare and it will be broken within a day by a child.

Thou shall not insult the shopkeeper when trying to get assistance in locating merchandise even if thou are a incompetent Mule/Donkey.

Book of Sam Walton book 2 Chapter 1 verses 2

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:57 pm
by grunt1
Thou shalt not touch the ladder!!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:55 pm
by FieroDude
There shall be duplicates of every item, in every color and scale, except the one(s) you are searching for. And should those on the quest for XD question if the item might be in the stock room, the baffled look shall be immediate and the retribution swift. And the Walmart employee shall state "let me go look", and they will venture forth into the mysterious darkness of the stock room, never to return. (Walton 8: 15-17


Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:05 pm
by kevrut
This just keeps getting better. :lol:

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:53 pm
by FieroDude
The unenlightened ones shall believe that clearance prices are determined by age and lifespan upon the sacred shelves. Lo, that they may understand the wisdom of our ways! What items will be clearanced shall be set forth by the motion of the wind upon the seas, the waves upon the sand, and the dustbunnies beneath the registers. It shall not be with regard to age, nor quantity on hand, nor condition of package, but wisdom far more ancient and obscure that only the most enlightened ones can understand, and it is they who shall pass down their wisdom through the computers and the scanners. - Walton, Clearance II, 2:3-5

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 9:04 pm
by VMF115
Those that exert stead fast patience and obedience shall be rewarded with great joy In many of the new offerings.
Those that do not and pester those with wisdom shall be banished from the store forever.
through the computers and the scanners. - Walton, Virtues of the shopper , 1:5-6

Those that do not make a sacrifice to the almighty register shall not be rewarded with the great treasures of the Far East. - Walton, expectations of the shopper , 1:1.1

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 10:48 pm

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 5:44 am
by FieroDude
Exactly. Someone missed one of the first commandments: Thou shalt not **** with the book of Walton, oh non-believing outsider!

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 6:20 pm
by grunt1
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:39 pm
soon to come - Song of Walton

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:05 am
by grunt1
Though shalt empty the peg of the dusty items for no new items will arrive until the peg has been cleansed.

Fortunate are the meek for they shall receive the latest waves.

Cursed are the collectors for they shall receive a re-supply of BoB Driver w/ Mackinaw.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:28 am
by Black_Dragon_One
:D :D :D :D

this is funny... i love it... this goes down in the XD book like the Man book...? :D

though shalt not shake and cut holes in the XD's box to steal the xd pilot from the f86, because the items inside are a great gift that many will have receive with thear own money and time.. :o

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:37 am
by Razor17019
grunt1 wrote:Though shalt empty the peg of the dusty items for no new items will arrive until the peg has been cleansed.

Fortunate are the meek for they shall receive the latest waves.

Cursed are the collectors for they shall receive a re-supply of BoB Driver w/ Mackinaw.
In the land of KY, a great famine of XD figures began as the Acursed one settled in the land. Lo, Sam saw the Acursed one and set forth the plague of Bob Drivers w/Mackinaw in the droves. The collectors cried out in the wilderness, Why Sam have thou forsaken us? Why have thou withheld D-Day Germans w/ Black coats from this land and it's people?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:26 pm
by FieroDude
And so began a time of great trials and drought in the lands of XD. The prophets presented great visions of the future, and foretold of wondrous events to come, yet the shelves remained bare and the pegs empty. Only meager scraps from the last harvest remained to be found, gnawed upon by scavengers and ravaged by the unclean masses. "Have faith, for soon shall flow riches and joy," quoth the prophets, but the followers of XD were full of despair. They debated their worries and fears, and sought comfort in other lands, and hoped that the prophets spoke the truth that they might return to the lands of XD. (Exodus from Walton, 1: 1-5)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:29 pm
by VMF115
LOL good one!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:50 pm
On the tenth Hour the doors to our Garden Center will be shut. The customer must make extra effort to enter this store - On the tenth hour half the entrances will be closed and the XD collector will be forced to walk the extra mile.
On the tenth hour we will close customer service and the jewlery counter. On the tenth hour we will close the fitting rooms and service the toilets. On the tenth Hour we will close the registers - save one - and count our earnings.

despair will fall upon his brow - anguish upon finding nothing new under the sun - he will turn away from what hath provided him with Sustenance. He will lash out.

Hear O toy department Manager I will slow shipments from every train and every plane - I will hold XD back. He will walk the aisles in vain. I will create a new Spiderman Movie with a toyline that will make more money in one week than XD can in one year. The XD collector will suffer greatly for his lack of faith - I will fill my aisles with to my desire.

Thus sayeth Walton

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:51 pm
by VMF115
The XD landscape is bare like the desert and thou are the crops bare like a swarm of locust devoured them. As the true followers of XD converge on the Prophet Zachary and protest him to lift the drought and to please the XD God, the Prophet Zachary spoke
“Plentiful in the past and so shall they be again” the Prophet Zachary proclaimed.
For have you not forgotten the plentiful harvest? Has the XD god not blessed you with abundance and choice of XD?

The followers spoke to the Prophet Zachary and proclaimed it is not you that we are displeased with but with the WM taskmasters of distribution.

The Prophet Zachary spoke “the god of XD orders you to follow the law of WM taskmasters” The Prophet Zachary proclaimed those that leave the land of WM in search of XD will pay the price, those that stay true will be rewarded with discounts and bountiful harvests.

(Exodus from Walton, 2: 1-10)

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:09 pm
by VMF115
Those that seek XD other then in the land of WM, will pay the ultimate price.
Where there is light in the WM lands there is darkness and bankruptcy in evilbay
Those that take XD from the land of WM and pedal it to the true believers of XD for an outrages profit shall be banished from the temple of XD.

(Leviticus from Walton, 1: 1-3)