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Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:37 am
by Buckyroo
We all know it is a fact that at some point in time the WWII AC left over was sold off and for the most part scapped. We can't change history. But, no matter how many times I look at this picture, and stop and think that at the time the equipment was obsolete, it still makes me sad for this chunk of history that was forever lost.


Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:41 am
by tmanthegreat
Speaking to the choir :? Those pictures of all the B-17 at Kingman Az, waiting to be scrapped are equally as depressing. What I would do to go back in time with a few thousand dollars.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:54 am
by MG40K
My uncle and I go to this vintage flying museum, more like a hangar actually, but any way the guy who owns this museum is a WWII veteran, and awhile back he bought all the old soon to be scrapped WWII, and other older aircraft, and took the parts to his hangar to what is now his museum.
My uncle and I along with about 7 other volunteers get to restore these wonderful pieces of history to flying condition, where they will tour on air shows.

Right now we are working on a b-17 named "chuckie". It is one of only 7 flying b-17s.

Other notable aircraft at the hangar are a b-25, f-86, f-14,f-4,a-7,f-105,f-104,and many other aircraft. He also probably owns enough b-17 parts to make three more. :D

Anyway, just thought I'd share that to
give you guys an idea that there is a glimmer of hope for these aircraft, it's just going to take manpower and love for these aircraft to bring them back.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:46 pm
by olifant
As tragic as this is at least they were recycled. The US navy shoved thousands of planes off carriers at the end of the war rather than go to the trouble of having to unload them when they returned home. :?

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:00 pm
by kevrut


Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:04 pm
by ChairmanMilo
Buckyroo wrote:We all know it is a fact that at some point in time the WWII AC left over was sold off and for the most part scapped. We can't change history. But, no matter how many times I look at this picture, and stop and think that at the time the equipment was obsolete, it still makes me sad for this chunk of history that was forever lost.

I try not to look for pictures like this on the web - I know they're out there, but when I look at 'em I feel this sick feeling in my gut even though the planes were torn apart and melted down sixty years ago. I just can't stand to see beautiful aircraft - obsolete or not - torn to pieces like that :(