Otto Skorzeny.....

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Otto Skorzeny.....

Post by ostketten » Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:08 am

Found this website about Hitler's favorite Kommando, Otto Skorzeny. Some of you may recognize the name as that of the German Commando that rescued Mussolini in a daring raid personally ordered by Hitler. I knew that Skorzeny led the Mussolini raid, but was unaware of some of his other exploits, a veritable modern day swashbuckler and a very interesting charachter for sure. The site chronicles Skorzeny's life from his 1908 birth in Austria to his 1975 death from cancer in Spain. Skorzeny's accomplishments as a Commando and leader of elite military units are legendary, however many of his post-war activities are far less noble, for example his close association with such highly unsavory charachters as Oskar Dirlewanger, and Adolph Eichmann, and his active role in the ODESSA organization that spirited countless war criminals to safety in South America and elsewhere. All things considered it's an interesting story that's worth a look.

Skorzeny Link Here:
Gen. George S. Patton Jr., 28th Regimental Colonel, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, U.S. Army, "Blood and Steel"

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