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Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:08 pm
by fuddmiester
Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th. Has all parts, But no t the original box.... make me an offer?!

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:02 am
by derek_001
To keep me from breaking any rules here im going to offer you what im selling on here please anything that has to do with me on this subject post on this site thread [LINK REMOVED]

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:21 am
derek_001 wrote:To keep me from breaking any rules here im going to offer you what im selling on here please anything that has to do with me on this subject post on this site thread
Derek, I think you do not understand the rules at all! If you did understand the rules your post right above mine would not exist.

Four days ago you posted...

"Ok i get that i have no more money to buy and nothing to sell anymore due to my upcoming small scale line so i have no problem waiting...."

and yet here you are again???

There is a BIG RED BOX at the top of this page. The text in the BIG RED BOX reads...

"Forum rules

Please Note: Only Members 18 Years And Older Are Allowed To Post And Trade, and you must have been a member of this forum for 6 months to participate"

Everyone else has to follow the rules Derek. How's about you giving it a try?

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:15 am
by gouchy
derek_001 wrote:To keep me from breaking any rules here im going to offer you what im selling on here please anything that has to do with me on this subject post on this site thread

After all that wasted time discussing about this in the other thread... you're at it again

You're just basically saying to everyone here

Screw you, you, you and you

You're always asking others to read your posts carefully but yet you fail to do the same for BST rules

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:14 pm
by Coreyeagle48

Quite frankly you must either not be able to read or just totally clueless here to not get what people are telling you. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TRADE HERE and the way you are acting NO ONE WANTS TO TRADE WITH YOU. I hope that you are realizing how much you are digging yourself into a hole with this community by being so defiant in your posts and ignoring rules that have been established on this board for everyone to follow.

Where are the moderators on this one? I'm quite frankly surprised this garbage has been allowed to go on for as long as it has with this individual. I think quite a few folks have had enough of it at this point.


Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:34 pm
by snake
Have to agree with Gouchy and CoreyEagle on this.

Basically saying lets do this off the forum, while using the BST to make these contacts.

You are continuing to break the rules, and the spirit of these rules. And are alienating yourself with this behaviour.

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:59 pm
by derek_001
ask p51 he already told me that i can refer anyone to another site such as ebay or this where im selling something just no selling on this site...

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:21 pm
by ram04
Derek, I made a post after you admitted to making a mistake on the BST and that maybe I had misjudged you and maybe you were just trying to fit in alittle too hard, but you have proved me wrong.

Not only have you still went against posted rules, you went on another forum and asked them not to let anyone on this forum know what you were doing, because the members here may go against you on a transaction just to keep you from purchasing a item.

Then you hijack another post to try to sell something, really are you that dense?, please let me see the post that stated the mods are okay with what you are doing?

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:27 pm
by Coreyeagle48

I kind of think the issue of you trading or not trading here has become a secondary issue to something else that is happening here.

I think people on this forum are becoming very frustrated by the fact that the nature of your posts are making people think you are trying to think of any way to defy the rules here. Rules that boardmembers here have agreed to and in some cases have followed for years. It also seems that any time a long time boardmember points something out to you about the way the forum works, you either do something to defy them or have some sort of smart a$$ response for them. This is not going over well with the long term members of this forum. I know of several people who are not happy with your behavior and wonder what exactly is going on with you that you are behaving in this manner here.

If P51 said to you that you can advertise stuff off site, that's fine. There are members here that do that. HOWEVER, your choice of words in response to this ad make me and everyone else believe you are purposely trying to defy the rules. When you say "to keep me from breaking any rules" it made me and a lot of other people to believe that you were purposely trying to go around and defy the rules of this forum again. Most people that post things off site start a seperate thread and say "My ebay auctions" or something of that nature.

I took notice to something on the Fighting 118th. You are only a member there since December of 2011. Does the Fighting 118th have any trade rules? I'm curious about this especially since quite a few folks are members of both sites. I think everyone feels very uneasy with you being such a new member and wanting to trade and trying anything and everything just to do it.

One last thing, if you are going to post something, make sure it makes sense and is readable. I think a lot of people are getting frustrated with your posts because no one can understand what they mean. So be clear in your posts so people understand them and can respond accordingly.


Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:52 pm
by p51
I've been dealing with a death in the family, so I've been not able to really keep following this the last few days... but I will step in and say Derek, I did NOT say anything about you posting posts like you did. You are blatantly breaking the rules here. I've warned you far too many times... and for continually trying to skate by the rules, it's time to remove you from this board unfortunately. Feel free to contact me via email (it's not that hard to figure out) if you have questions.

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:44 am
by Jay
fuddmiester......with all the stuff that's gone on with your thread, you might wanna start a new fresh thread to sell your bird. Oh, and thanks p51. Sorry you had family business going on.

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:46 am
by snake
p51 wrote:I've been dealing with a death in the family, so I've been not able to really keep following this the last few days... but I will step in and say Derek, I did NOT say anything about you posting posts like you did. You are blatantly breaking the rules here. I've warned you far too many times... and for continually trying to skate by the rules, it's time to remove you from this board unfortunately. Feel free to contact me via email (it's not that hard to figure out) if you have questions.

Well done P-51.

This was just getting out of hand, and I think you did the right thing.

Shame to see any member being removed/ banned, but it seems that he has been "officially" warned, and still continued. Then he falsely claimed that you gave him permission for such behavior. We don't need that sort of trouble maker on the forum.

With this odd behavior, I do wonder what his real agenda was? You can buy all of this on Ebay, so what is the rush?

He really has no one to blame but himself. Think everyone was more than patient with him, and tried to steer him in the right direction. But he chose to ignore all of this input, and still break these clear rules.

I have said this before, but will say it again. Membership to this forum is a privelige, not a right. :wink:

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:13 pm
by B17Fortress
Shape up kid.

Re: Flying Undertaker.... 1/18th

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:19 am
by toyktdlgh
While I hate to see a member get banned I’m glad that this action has been taken. It was grossly obvious to me that he thought he was above the rules here.