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Post by toyktdlgh » Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:07 pm

So much for October :roll:

I think this thread has run its course. I hope all ends well.

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Post by catman » Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:09 pm

well we were planning this for three weeks already, sorry

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Post by aferguson » Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:32 pm

who's the trade with, catman?
i never met an airplane i didn't like...

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Post by catman » Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:34 pm

PM Sent

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Post by aferguson » Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:43 pm

Has anyone done a successful trade with JMD250?

Thanks for the feedback.
i never met an airplane i didn't like...

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Post by catman » Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:45 pm

OH Well that was completely pointless.. :roll:

Yeah he gave me his FB record, Coreyeagle something did with him, look in the trader report

LOL This is all to frame me..
how pathetic am i..

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Post by jmd250 » Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:59 pm

Hey aferg. I've traded with a bunch of the guys from the old GP board. Been pretty quiet lately. I'm actually selling off a lot of my collection. I was working on a trade for some 1/6 scale stuff with catman. He says its on the way so we will se if he is on the up and up. He is sending first so no real skin off my back. I hope he comes through. If he does I'll let you guys know.


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Post by catman » Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:16 pm

whats on the up and up?

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Post by aferguson » Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:51 pm

on the up and up= honest
i never met an airplane i didn't like...

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Post by catman » Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:14 pm

im honest

Now I hear two hundred people laughing their assess off??

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Post by Threetoughtrucks » Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:28 pm

Isc1... has a very interesting question, in reading Catm...'s profile........What is knifing? under his interests after cats and action figures........Does the interests of Catman nclude knifing things with his "rare knives?

Kind of scary......Goes along with posting comments before he reads the whole post and then just trying to post a confusing response when called.

We have all made mistakes in posting but Catm... seems to be in some kind of contest to see how many post he can make before everybody just does the best they can to ignore his posts.

I just think Catm....is a confused young man, of course, given the fact that:
a- He may not be confused at all, he may know exactly what he wants to do.
b- He may not be young.
c- He may not be a "man at all.

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Post by Coreyeagle48 » Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:41 pm

I have held off posting in this forum because this was a really strange situation and the way this all went down was very odd. But I did want to share some input regarding this whole situation.

First of all, most of you know, I am a teacher and therefore pretty darn smart. One of the things that I am really smart with is people's writing. I know because I get to know 30 students writing every year when I have them in my classroom. I get to know their tone, sentence structure and word choice. In fact, I know most of the member's writing patterns on here without even knowing or looking who posted the thread or the comment.

That being said, I was contacted by Catman regarding a trade for Stuka gunners. A day later I was contacted by Jokeseth for the same amount of Stuka gunners and BF-109 pilots. It was very obivious by the sentence structure and word choice that it was the same person. That was very dishonest and very insulting to me, put mildy. Did you seriously not think that I didn't know it was you both times? That put a bad taste in my mouth for all future trades here for what, a few figures and a few bucks. Had you just been honest with me from the start and had the figures maybe I would have bought them from you. But now I won't be doing any deals with you. I feel that incident is not what this board is about. Plain and simple.

Secondly, I did not appericate the comment about needing money or needing to borrow any. I'm a teacher and yes I have a few things to sell off in the way of extra stuff, but I would never need or want to borrow money from you. That comment was totally insulting to me and very distasteful to me. I was simply trying to get rid of some stuff I have stored for years.

If you want to be part of this forum you have to be honest with people and make sense when you post. A lot of your posts I barely understand what you are saying. You need to post more than a few words to get your message across to the other members. And do not use 2 idenities and try to contact people for trades with both of them. If you want to trade, just post your items and people will respond. I found that whole idea of what you did harassing, maybe others have too.

I think another guideline we should have for this forum is that you must have possession of the item you are going to trade. Needless to say, I have suspect reasons why some of these trades may have gone crazy. If I am right about that, I find that to be very upsetting and very wrong. I think you should have to have the item you sell. That means taking your own pictures and posting your own items. I think this is a very important role for the future.

I'm not really mad about this as I didn't lose anything, but was not very happy that someone would stoop pretty low to contact me with two seperate names just to make a trade. The trust must be earned back now.

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Post by tankduel » Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:54 pm

Well said Coreyeagle. As one of the many hobbyists who enjoy this board, I have to say that Catman's almost 300 posts on almost every thread, in only a month, have soured my enjoyment of reading it.
I wish he would go away :(

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Post by toyktdlgh » Tue Aug 01, 2006 5:33 am

I wish he would go away
Unfortunately I have to agree. This thing has been running wild in almost every topic on the board that he posts in. Catman, I just don’t understand why you can’t simply do what Andrew said regarding trades. It’s obvious to me and probably others that you are still endeavoring to trade or even sell off items. You need to stop and let this whole thing settle down for a while. The whole, “What did I do wrong”, thing is a pointless response. You are just not following the rules of the forum. You are not allowed to have multiple identities on the board. Even if you didn’t realize that this was wrong your morals should have let you know that contacting someone as two different people was an attempt to mislead them and was wrong. In my point of view this alone should be reason enough for you to be banned from this board. No one likes what has happened here at all. We are not singling you out for punishment. If you will simply stop your trade attempts and try to become a model member then maybe all will be well for you. Either way, this whole thing is getting rather old. :roll:

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Post by warhawker » Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:50 am

Well, there is this option as well-
"used by tightly-knit organisations and communities."

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Post by VMF115 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:50 am

Well I am going to open up pandora's box and wonder what you guys think of me?

On Another note “Catman” did contact me last week about doing a sell.
He asked me using the PM and then asked me for my email addy, once he had it he straight out asked me if I wanted to trade or buy something, I felt it was highly inappropriate, since I was only looking for some one to chat with. However he did have a few items that I wanted, or he claimed he had. I told him I had to think about it.
Even though he said or did nothing wrong I felt funny about doing a deal with “Catman”

I guess what I am saying “Catman” is that you came on a Bit Strong in regards to selling and trading at least for me you did.

I am not passing judgement on you “Catman” but I don’t know you, Heck I don’t even buy from Ebay sellers that I am not sure about.

“Catman” I would like to see a picture of you with you holding a sign up with your name on it next to a newspaper.
Colonel "Madman" Maddox: Let me hear your guns!
Captain Wild Bill Kelso: My what?
Colonel "Madman" Maddox: Your guns! Ack, ack, ack, ack, ack!
Captain Wild Bill Kelso: [fires his airplane's guns] AHHHH!

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Post by lsc1002 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:17 am

My two cents! I am going to stop responding to senseless or questionable Post and PM. The board as a whole has the power to ignore certain problems. Thus the problem will be “silenced” and have nowhere to go. From now on that is what I am going to do with this thread and any other topic concerning Catman until he gets himself together. :?

Catman, I am not singling you out nor has anyone else, because to my knowledge no one on this board has any clue to who you really are. So that means your action have made you a target. So please let the Board continue to be what it was before 04 July 2006, a bunch of people that had a common interest with an excellent forum to share information. THIS IS NOT A SOAP OPERA. So if you are really a fan like the rest of us on here are utilize the great asset that is provide; who knows you might enjoy yourself and learn a thing or two from the collective knowledge of the board. After all is said and done I hope you can become a member that can contribute to the board; if not then “adios”
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Post by toyktdlgh » Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:44 am

My two cents! I am going to stop responding to senseless or questionable Post and PM. The board as a whole has the power to ignore certain problems. Thus the problem will be “silenced” and have nowhere to go. From now on that is what I am going to do with this thread and any other topic concerning Catman until he gets himself together.

Catman, I am not singling you out nor has anyone else, because to my knowledge no one on this board has any clue to who you really are. So that means your action have made you a target. So please let the Board continue to be what it was before 04 July 2006, a bunch of people that had a common interest with an excellent forum to share information. THIS IS NOT A SOAP OPERA. So if you are really a fan like the rest of us on here are utilize the great asset that is provide; who knows you might enjoy yourself and learn a thing or two from the collective knowledge of the board. After all is said and done I hope you can become a member that can contribute to the board; if not then “adios”
Well said!!!

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Post by Moth » Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:57 am

One thing that bothers me is, after all this ordeal (and it's not done yet), catman is still here. If this whole thing happened to me (hope not! :cry: ), I would be long gone by the first page of this damned topic! (NOT because I dont like this board, I love this exellent community, just if this ordeal happened, no one would like me) He wants something is my guess, or is just ignorant.

catman, to put this nicely, even if you do stay, and dont cause any more trouble, ect., I doubt anyone will like you.

Im not against anyone here, I dont need to make any enemys, Im just stating the facts here.
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Post by cruizin2000 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:52 pm

I, personally, do not have a problem with Catman. What I'd like to know is just who is Catman? I think that perhaps he needs to stand up before the group and tell us a little bit about himself - truthfully. Then we can go from there. He could be a nice guy and legit, or he could be a deceitful SOB. Let's let him tell us more. I feel really good that I've been here for quite a while and know who to trust when it comes to buy/selling and trading. Thanks for your honesty guys!!


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Post by cruizin2000 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:53 pm

Hmmmm, I just read his profile.


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Post by catman » Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:58 pm

OK C2000..

My name is Michael, I live in San Antonio TX, I am from Russian hertiage and speak Russian fluently, still practicing on english, I'm pretty good I guess but just can't type well. I enjoy going to the shooting range, collecting, and modeling-my latest thing is a Winter Hanomag. I am a Guy... as for age I've been driving for years now.. I love cats, calicos and orange ones especially.. um.. what else.. my dad was from Moldova..(when everyone hears this they have no idea what im talking about which scares me) em... any other questions I'd answer.. that are appropriate.

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Post by MK » Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:23 pm

I hate to play Devil's advocate, but is Catman really causing this big of a stink? I heard about his double accounts, but other than wanting to overly participate on this board, what else has he done? Now I see posts about banning him and critcisms about his profile and I ask myself, does he really deserve all of this?

I have been around since GP's old board, and I have never honestly seen so much hate toward one member. I must wonder is it warranted? Do we really have the right to act as moderators and ask him to go away?

Maybe I am not reading all of the posts to know the full story. As I understand it, aferg has warned him about his double account so that should be the end of that argument. If he commits further violations of board rules, then let the moderators do their job.

Of course, this is only my views on what I read, so please don't hate my ignorance of anything I overlooked. :D


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Post by cruizin2000 » Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:25 pm

Скажите мне больше о вас непосредственно.


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Post by catman » Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:31 pm

C2000... what? Did you use one of those language translators? rofl

MK, if you care I can explain the whole 'double-account' thing to you. If I had known it wasn't allowed I wouldn't have tried it. Thanks for at least trying to help! :oops:
People just continue to attack for no reason... if someone has a particular problem with me PM me and we can sort it out.
