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Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:37 am
by aferguson
cos he uses fake addresses that don't exist, or at least has this time, so the only way he'd be able to get his hands on the package at all would be if he worked inside the post office.

The post man ideas is good but would make him pretty easy to catch eventually. If he's a bit smart he wouldnt' do something like that..

Postal employee question and other observations

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 12:06 pm
by ParatrooperCarbine
He may not use the same exact scheme each time-perhaps he tries variations.

He may also give addresses of residences he knows are vacant. Or that are variations of existing addresses. I'm not sure if the PO has a way of catching packages addressed to blatantly bogus addresses before they even make it to the carrier, but if so this may be a way around it. OR he may through a PO job have access to where they store packages that are to be returned due to an undeliverable address, but unless he has unlimited access he surely would have missed some and they would have been returned to sender. I am not aware of that happening.

The package I sent to him went to an Eaton, OH address via DHL. The address *supposedly* was his parents'. This may be a rare aberration from another scheme that is more standard for him.

At least some of the Richmond addresses he has used have been real addresses.

In Dec 2004 he claimed his trades had been conducted by his 12-year old son without permission. This fictional son now would be turning 14, not 13, but there's a pattern right there.

He used an eBay account in a woman's name to attempt to buy items on eBay and pay with echecks that wouldn't clear. The woman supposedly was his mother.

He has assumed at least two identities on the phone with me-one as the concerned father of the boy and another as his own father or grandfather.

Austeyr, check for your plane on eBay. It sounds distinctive. One topic of debate has been "what does he do with this stuff"? Speculations include:

-- His own hobby
-- ebay
-- Swap meets
-- Gifts for someone else. This last has a few supporting bits of circumstantial evidence, but I suspect it is a combination of all four. Let's remember that one of his scams was right before Christmas. This may be a way to supplement the Christmas fund. The woman whose eBay account he was using said he was her son and the presents were for her grandson (I think-it has been a while).

Austeyr's experience underscores my tips I posted the other day. Don't ship until the item is in hand and don't accept excuses.

His use of numerous addresses suggests he may have access to several places to pick up mail through a profession other than the post office (but the PO idea is a good one and should be investigated thoroughly). Or he may be having these sent to people he knows, although that gets sticky. Again, it could be a combination of different variations on the scheme.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 12:52 pm
by bigsarge
Aferguson,Inreference to your question from earlier about my scam.It didn't start out as a scam.On his suggestion,we both agreed to terminate the deal and I agreed to pay his listing fees which meant he was suppose to refund me $850 of the $1000.The issue was a matter of timing for me with work that caused the problem for me going to Indiana from south Alabama to pick up the truck.This agreement took place after 90 days so there was no feedback left on ebay and it was outside the parameters for paypal.I spoke at lenght with paypal about this issue and they said there was nothing they could do.I even foud out that this same guy had opened up a new ebay store under a new name.Paypal was suppose to do another investigation but nothing ever came of it.The lesson for me was don't buy unless you can thing I have come to realize is that every scammer has his day.I only wish I could be there to see it for some of them.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:09 pm
by catman
Partial proof that his name is an Alias, he had to ask "who ya looking for' before he would say who he was.
This guy does collect this stuff.
Also, he used customs pics from KWR190 and DIGGER's webshots site (kwr i was gonna recieve your eastern camo cargo truck :oops: )
He also claims he doesnt have a camera. HE DOES
ALSO, I have been keeping a log of all the identities hes contacted me from, from his 'wife' to 'francis sutton', i have all the ip and other infos
C2000 posted his number and another address

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:34 pm
by Austeyr
I called the post office and they confirmed exactly
what you had said about 919 1/2 not being a recognized
address--that was or is obviously the problem, that
explains why I never get my mail here, But 919 1/2 is
what I was told to list as the address when I rented
this place. The post office said that their carriers
would NOT deliver to an address that they dont have on
their list as a valid address, and this address simply
does not exist to them. So that is exactly why I never
received anything from you, this address cannot be
delivered to. Anyway, I am moving out of Richmond and
should be out of here by this weekend, that is also
why I can't give you a phone number, it has already
been disconnected here, and I hope the new house I'm
moving to doesn't have the same non-existing address
problem! As far as the situation with catman/michael,
I didn't receive anything from him as I never made any
trade deal with him, he is just angry at me because I
wouldn't trade with him because of his age, and he has
been endlessly harassing me about it. And some other
users, holensock is one I think, believes that I am a
member that goes by the ID of 1:18 Pathfinder, which I
am not him, as I cannot even register on warbirds to
become a member because I don't have my own computer
to do so with, that is the reason that I cannot get on
the warbirds site and defend mysief in all of this
because I don't have access to a computer right now
other than the ones here at the local library, and the
library computers will not allow users to get on web
sites and register as members etc, there are blocks on
them that prevent users from doing this. I hope you
believe me on this sean, it is the truth. As I said,
please help me with this, If you would, please post
this entire e-mail on the warbirds site so everyone
can read it, and again catman/michael is just mad at
me and has obviously made up a bunch of other fake
e-mails so it would seem as if there was more people
against me other than just him, matter of fact, he
told me that that was exactly what he was going to do,
and it seems as if he has made good with his threat.
I find it hard to accept this. He made me send him a package to a NON DELIVERABLE ADDRESS. As far as I'm concerned that's cause to give me my money right there. It's his fault it's disappeared into onblivion and he should pay me for that.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 3:40 pm
by catman
hmm, thats odd, he wouldnt give ME his phone because he is 13 and his 'parents would kill him'
i enjoyed his daring escape stories of him bieng in his 'school lab illegally'.
the time of day? 10 PM

austeyr, his phone is 765-939-2972
furthermore, i will be sending you a PM on this

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 4:39 pm
by holensock
I've never 'talked' to a Bob Hughes, emailed a Bob Hughes, or sent anything to a Bob Hughes...and if he has no access on here, how did he know my name was Holensock? Mighty odd if ya ask me! I don't get the rambling he made...unless I'm missing something.....

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 5:08 pm
by aferguson
this is all very curious and suspicious. If the packages were non-deliverable they would simply be returned to sender. Mind you this can take a few weeks via the post office but via a courier it would happen very quickly. And if he had people send to a non-existant address then that's his fault (whether he knew it or not) and he still owes them the money or goods.

And it's complete bullshit that you can't register on a library computer. When P-51 created this forum that's exactly what i had to do because my own computer was on the fritz at the time and i hadn't purchased a new one yet. It's easy to register, all you need is an email address...which this guy clearly has. If he can view the site he can register on the site.

So, this guy is clearly lying.

And if he is not '1:18 Pathfinder' then why do so many people think he is?

And if he had no access to this site how did he arrange all those trades? He could view as a guest i suppose but would have no way of contacting anyone about the trades....this is all very, very fishy.

Guilty til proven innocent, i say..

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:23 pm
by bigsarge
Call the postal inspectors office.I know we are talking about toys but since there are multiple transactions involved and different people there may be new clauses under homeland security that can be used to prosecute this guy.I agree with the suspicious nature of the e-mail also.I registered at my office that has everything blocked.Sounds fishy to me.If it walks like a duck,quack likes a duck and 10 people call it a duck,chances are it isn't a chicken.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 7:23 pm
by Austeyr
I have been in contact with Bob. We have agreed on a 1/2, 1/2 loss and he is going to pay me $75US out of the $105 he owes me. If he can he said he'll try and swing it an even $100 but we'll see.
I hope he's a man of his word, if he can't take the loss himself he's shown that he may be man enough to wear half the loss atleast.
We'll see what happens.


Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:14 pm
by od1each
here's my 2 cents..........




Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:38 pm
by VMF115

And it's complete bullshit that you can't register on a library computer. When P-51 created this forum that's exactly what i had to do because my own computer was on the fritz at the time and i hadn't purchased a new one yet. It's easy to register, all you need is an email address...which this guy clearly has. If he can view the site he can register on the site.

So, this guy is clearly lying.


True I also have loged on this website from the library.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:53 pm
by VMF115
ONE words Reward

If I remember right the USPS will give out a reward for postal fraud if there is a conviction.

Report his butt and get the federal law enforcement involved Postal and the FBI for “Wire Fraud”

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:09 pm
by catman
VMF115 wrote:ONE words Reward

If I remember right the USPS will give out a reward for postal fraud if there is a conviction.

Report his butt and get the federal law enforcement involved Postal and the FBI for “Wire Fraud”
harder than it sounds

aferguson said his IP changes every time, his name is fake, we might not know his age, and his address isnt real
the postal inspectors say if they get more cokplaints about this guy wthey will file an investigation

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:21 pm
by VMF115
catman wrote:
VMF115 wrote:ONE words Reward

If I remember right the USPS will give out a reward for postal fraud if there is a conviction.

Report his butt and get the federal law enforcement involved Postal and the FBI for “Wire Fraud”
harder than it sounds

aferguson said his IP changes every time, his name is fake, we might not know his age, and his address isnt real
the postal inspectors say if they get more cokplaints about this guy wthey will file an investigation
That’s why you get the Federal authorities involved, this guy is braking more then a few laws

Call the FBI and get him on “Wire fraud”

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:31 pm
by catman
look, its not that simple, this is waht im referring to 'call the fbi and say hes got wire fraud'

this is not possible. not only will the fbi not deal with someone of my stature, proof is needed. now we KNOW we got cheated, but thats not good enough in the real world. we dont even know his name, address, age, location, etc
BUT, if a few people would file complaints with the ICCC or IC3 and Postal INspectors, they will issue an investigation and sue him, and austeyr can get his 400AUD back.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:57 pm
by VMF115
catman wrote:look, its not that simple, this is waht im referring to 'call the fbi and say hes got wire fraud'

this is not possible. not only will the fbi not deal with someone of my stature, proof is needed. now we KNOW we got cheated, but thats not good enough in the real world. we dont even know his name, address, age, location, etc
BUT, if a few people would file complaints with the ICCC or IC3 and Postal INspectors, they will issue an investigation and sue him, and austeyr can get his 400AUD back.
Did he not use the telephone or the computer to help facilitate his fraud?
Yes he did, “from what you guys have posted” which makes it “Wire fraud” which is handled under the jurisdiction of the FBI, so catman it is possible.

If enough of you guys get together and contact the FBI, the FBI will have to put an agent on the case. With all of your information that you guys already have is enough evidence for the FBI to start an investigation.

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:59 pm
by catman
well im leaving so you guys will need to put it together and set it up

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:04 pm
by Austeyr
I'm going to sit and wait on this one. If Bob comes good with what he said all should be okay. If he doesn't then looks like there's going to be a bit of a mess.

Also I would like to note that since bringing the dealings of Bob Hughes to light here I have received some strange emails which are not appreciated and are not from Bob himself rather other people. I therefor will be removing myself from the site and going back to posting somewhere else.
It's not targeting the whole 1:18 scale ccommunity as I know some are a lovely bunch it's just some that I wish I don't have to deal with. Removing myself may prevent me with having to deal with these strange, weird characters.

All the best and happy collecting although my stint here was extremely short and nothing productive came of me.


Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:52 am
by flpickupman
Somebody open a hip wader stand please! There is way too much BS flying around this thread.


Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:37 am
by digger
I'm going to sit and wait on this one. If Bob comes good with what he said all should be okay. If he doesn't then looks like there's going to be a bit of a mess.

Also I would like to note that since bringing the dealings of Bob Hughes to light here I have received some strange emails which are not appreciated and are not from Bob himself rather other people. I therefor will be removing myself from the site and going back to posting somewhere else.

"Bob" is a thief (ie you will get nothing) and he uses many emails. And that is no BS. If he causes you to leave the site then that is a bigger shame than the theft itself. Good luck.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:12 am
by ParatrooperCarbine

These emails you are getting are proabably all from him. If you leave you are doing precisely what he wants you to do. If he has read your post he is probably giggling like a little girl as we speak.

Don't leave. Most of the people here don't suck.

Contact info

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:35 am
by ParatrooperCarbine
The address I shipped via DHL to in OH was:
854 Lakengren Dr,
Eaton, OH 45320
(supposedly the parents)

Phone (937) 472-3343.

The Jerry Napier/DeltaStrykeForce used 765-409-0810.

Addresses others shipped to included:

Lonnie C. Woods
211 N.W. H Street
Richmond, Indiana 47374

Jerry Napier
312 North 16th Street
Richmond, Indiana 47374

Note same zip code.

He has used the trick of masquerading as another board member scammed by himself. He seems to continue to use the address [email protected].

At the time I was able to reach his accomplice Deborah K. Napier at
765-966-2656 ext. 311. At the time she worked weekdays until noon. She used eBay dnapier_99 in Richmond IN to buy XD figures and pay with rubber echecks.

Here is what he thinks of us

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:37 am
by ParatrooperCarbine
He sent me this email nearly 2 years ago, showing what he thinks of us all:

This is you;
"Hello, my name is [deleted for obscenity] and I have lot's
of things to just give away. Anybody want any little
plastic paratroopers?? How 'bout some little plastic
buildings?? Hmmm?? Just let me know if you want 'em
cuzz they're all free...yep, they're free...and oh
yeah, my wife will blow ya if you don't mind a little
(laughing ass completely off!!)

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 11:36 am
by lsc1002
I sure if he does this with XD and alike items I would be willing to bet he does this kind of crap with other kinds of items.