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Post by Threetoughtrucks » Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:42 am

Names, screen names - We know all can be fabricated. Addresses are real. Somebody living at those addresses is scamming. Adult, child, whatever....... who cares. Scammers are LIARS, they will tell you anything to keep the scam going.

Those scammed have to present the facts to a local District Attorney, state Attorney General OR at the very least, get together and find a local attorney to deal with this guy.

Somebody (one of the scammees) has to step up to the plate and coordinate the collection of facts:

1 - Who is directly involved? What names, addresses of each party.
2 -What was promised in each deal and what each party was susposed to provide.
3 - What was actually mailed?
4 - What proof does each guy have that they mailed an item?
5 - What proof does each guy have that the item was received by the scammer?
6 - Exact dates all this happened.

Put all this together to present to authorities.

Good luck. You will be doing us all a service.

At the risk of being scammed myself, I would be willing to throw a $20 bill into a pool for legal expenses. I said Legal Expenses, not gas money, lunches etc.,etc. What happens to a few of us happens to us all. It's a reflection on us all in this Board and our doll collecting.

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Post by Coreyeagle48 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:48 am

Hi Everyone,

I knid of kept quiet in all of this but the latest email this guy threw at you kind of pushed me over the edge. Being a teacher, I have two autistic children in my classroom right now and have a few with learning disabilities. This is what I have observed.

Some children that are autistic or have learning disabilities are very gifted in specific areas but lack in others. For example in this case, the child if it is a child seems to be very good at writing and using the computer. This is an entirely possible situation. One of my autistic students is very gifted with using a computer, simply because he has used one for learning his entire life. So could a child with a learning disablity write these emails, make up the addresses and so forth. Certainly possible.

However, being a teacher too, I know that the parents of these children are very protective of them, and only want their best interests. I have sat down with parents of the autistic children numerous times to discuss performance, behavior issues, etc. Believe me, they want to know exactly what is going on with their child and at all times. They don't turn a blind eye to anything their child does. However, some parents do, because of the simple fact they deny their is a problem and don't want to do anything to stop it for a certain reason, (Money, broken home, no medical insurance) etc.

I believe it is very possible the child could have done all of this with the trades, just knowing these children and how they behave. To the child, there is probably no concept that a trade is a trade and that these items cost money to ship, etc. Yet he is getting items so it is all ok, except not to us. His father, if it is really his father, has seemed to turn a blind eye to all of this behavior and wants to blame everyone else but himself and his own son. The only way this behavior would stop is if it stops in the house, unfortunately this board could not do anything.

Contary to what this father says, again if it is really the father, is that a court would be very interested in all of this, as probably would be the local authorities and the local school system. What this father is doing is not meeting basic needs for his son and not helping him have positive behavior. Courts take learning disabled children and behaviors and proper parental care very seriously (at least in PA). I'm sure they would be very interested in hearing about it from this situation too.

It also could be very possible that the father is learning disabled too in some way, just by the way he writes his emails. Unfortunately, if that is the case, neither father or son may not know this was right or wrong.


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Post by bravo5 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:58 am

I received some information that may help those of you who have lost a lot from this guy. This is from the Lakengren Property Owners Association, from the neighborhood he lives in:

"We do not have a resident by the name of J.W. Wayne.

The address you have is a valid address, but as a matter of policy we do not give out names and telehone numbers. If someone has scammed you and others out of close to $1,000 you need to be taking to the Preble County Prosecutor's Office and filing charges against them. They are committing a felony.


Hope this helps.

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Post by mburduck » Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:00 am

This is an amazing turn of events (I've been away from the forum a few days because my computer had to be reconfigured).

Being scammed is one lousy feeling. Although my experience with a merchant was not the same sort of thing that took place here (I was sent damaged goods and then, in essence, called a liar when I called it to the merchant's attention and asked for a refund. In fact, the merchant in question actually told me that the part that was obviously broken off was not supposed to be there in the first place, while at the same time a picture of the item on the merchant's website showed the part as plain as day!), it feels pretty lousy when you're treated in a less than cool fashion. I feel bad that some of you were cheated.

Excellent recon, Q. That's the sort of thing I'm known for doing! Well done!

Has anyone thought about contacting the local postal inspectors? If anything was sent through the USPS, it sounds to me like there might be some mail fraud involved here.

I'm not sure if we can came up with any fool-proof "safety features" here for the board, but I think we need to try.

The "father's" stories just don't add up, but most of you have that covered pretty well. I will say this: if the "child" is as seriously impaired as we've been told, you bet the "parents" can be held responsible. Of course, it might have been an adult behind this the entire time.

Gather your evidence as best you can and go to the authorities about this guy. If there's any way I can help, let me know.

On a lighter note, I can say that being from Queens I can fully understand the comments that were made about folks from Staten Island! :wink: :wink: :wink:


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Post by momaw nadon » Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:42 am

One thing to all that were scammed by this person. You might want to keep all the e-mails that you have received from them and about your dealings. I remember reading a post on another board that if you have the e-mails with the deal that goes bad, you can send them to the FBI mail fraud department. I don't remember the link of the site, but it might be worth searching for. As for what everything has been said I would report this to as many authority agences as possible. Just some thing to looking into. If I find that link I will post it for you guy.
momaw nadon

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Post by flayrah » Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:48 am

Wow, I was out for a weekend and look what I missed! :?

First, great work Q with your recon - nothing like a first-person report. And if there is any legal action, I'd pitch in a $20 too for legal costs, this scamming has gone on too long and is hurting everyone, it needs to be rectified.

I'm sorry, but I don't for one moment believe this is a mentally imparied child; or his father; or any other person who they've made themselves out to be. I think this is a couple, or group, of kids who are out to have a "good time". Their communications pattern mirrors what has been seen among teen groups who are trying to pass themselves off as more mature, or knowledgable, or worldly than they actually are. A group would account for the various addresses; slightly different stories and writing levels; constant use of recognizable names (Audie Murphy? Delta Strike Force? J.Wayne?? come on, give me a break). In fact, this might be the same two kids who took some of us years ago, when GP's board was first in operation and these two saw an opportunity to take advantage of some "grown ups". I don't remember their names - but I do think they were in the Midwest. GP would know.

After being scammed four times - by those two kids; by "Audie"; and once by another individual, I decided not to trade with anyone I don't know unless they come with spotless recommendations. Even shipping their end of the deal first may not work - there's the chance they could complete a good first transaciton to build trust, then screw you in the next deal. This hurts the entire board and community, and I'm behind whatever needs to be done to put it to a close. And P-51, you're doing an excellent job and anyone who says otherwise doesn't know how websites operate.

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Post by Threetoughtrucks » Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:17 am

You guys better leave Staten Islanders alone. While I do have a neck my son doesn't, so watch out.

I have to stop know, the FBI is here again to dig up the backyard. The dopes, they never look in the right place. :roll: 8)


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Post by aferguson » Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:38 am

Paratrooper Carbine also was involved in a trade with deltastrykeforce. He actually phoned the house. He pm'd me the conversation and i am posting it here:

"I also received an email from “JW Wayne” saying my trade had been with a 12-year-old boy and that I would be compensated. I took this with a grain of salt, especially after other board members said they thought this was the “Jerry Napier” who cheated several other members under the User ID “Audie Murphy”.

I contacted this individual by email ([email protected],) asking that my items be returned, just to see what he would say. At first he protested, claiming that he had no idea what items went with what sender. I told him all he had to do was make a list of the items and match the clearly-labeled items with the person they should go to. He agreed to send me my items. I never believed him, of course, but was curious to see what excuse he would give for not sending them.

Having exhausted this route, I called him at the number I found for his address online: (937) 472-3343. This is the number for 854 Lakengren Dr, Eaton, OH 45320, the address I sent the items to at the attention of Mr. Wayne. It is listed under “Arthur Coy”.

An elderly man answered the phone. I asked for Arthur Coy and he said he was Arthur Coy. I explained who I was and why I was calling. He seemed confused, but said he knew Mr. Wayne. He also said he had gotten packages last week. He seemed very old and not to be following the conversation well.

Then a woman picked up another extension. I explained the situation again. When I told her about the packages I and others had sent, she said that Jerry Napier had come and picked them up. She said she was his mother, and that he had come by yesterday (Sunday) to pick up four packages. She told me he had them sent there because he was moving and couldn’t receive the packages. She said she didn’t know what was in them. She was claiming the recipient did not live with her. Perhaps he is an adult, or perhaps he lives on campus at a college or with his father or another family member.

I explained that these items had been sent to her in return for other items that had not been received, and that the senders had received messages from a Mr Wayne, saying the items would not be sent, and that the trades had been made by an autistic 12-year-old. She continued to say she didn’t know about the items.

I tried to be polite, but she just didn’t seem all that interested. It was as if I had called to sell her a long distance plan. I tried to impress upon her the seriousness of the matter, telling her that a lot of toys had been sent and it seemed as if the senders were not going to receive what was promised in return. She said “I got four boxes”.

At no point in the conversation did I get the sense that I was surprising a nice lady with unpleasant news about her son. At no point did I get the idea I was talking to a decent person who wanted to do the right thing for her son. I got the sense I was talking to a rude woman who could not care less if a bunch of people she didn’t know had been cheated, and probably just wanted to get back to the television.

I suggested she have a word with her son. She said (gruffly, yet still disinterestedly) that she would. I told her that there were several angry people who were likely to contact the police, and that since the items were sent to her address, it would be her door the police would be knocking on. She became agitated (scared?), saying “they had better not come here. We are not involved. We live in a gated community with a security guard, and they would have to get by him”.

I thought she was confused, thinking I was insinuating an angry mob was on its way. I clarified, saying “No, I mean the police. They will call the police”. She said “I know you mean the police. They better not come”.

I decided I had made an error in bringing up the police, so I again advised her to talk to her son. She grew more and more agitated, saying she would talk to him, she wasn’t involved, and ending with “I don’t know you, so shut up!”, after which she hung up.

A few minutes later I got the following email from [email protected]:

Robert Rhinehart, If you accepted the conditions I had
discussed with you, why then did you find it neccesary
to make harassing phone calls to those who are not
even involved in this?

Then I got a call on my cellphone. I didn’t recognize the number so I let it go to voice mail. The message was from a gruff-voiced adult male, who told me the situation would be fixed (ha ha) and that I had better not make any more “harassing calls” or I would be the one in trouble with the police.

Of course, in the course of this, I may have Jerry Napier’s phone number. Or at least the number of a phone he has access to. For all I know it is a friend’s phone or a payphone.

Either way, here it is: 765-409-0810. That is an Indiana area code.

I haven’t called back either number. I am deciding my course of action.

Feel free to pass this info on to other board members. Perhaps others would like to have a try at a phone call. They may do better than I did. "

Sounds like to me a bit of truth is coming out now and i think we all have a clearer picture of what is going on.

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Post by Teamski » Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:03 am

Things are getting a bit clearer now.......

SO you think that Jerry Napier might be the true name or is it Wayne??

Thanks Para and Andrew for the very enlightening information. I feel a noose is slowingly tightening on one individual's neck! :twisted:


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Post by p51 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:05 am

I got that as well Aferg... very good job of recon Paratrooper Carbine! I'd be happy, as well, to pitch in $20 for legal costs if that came down to it.

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Post by bravo5 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:41 am

Count me in. I'll supply $20 to nail this guy.

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More information-Phone call to Jerry napier's father?

Post by ParatrooperCarbine » Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:42 am

Hello all. After I sent aferguson and P51 my conversation with the woman at the address where we mailed our items, I called back the number from which I received the voice mail I mentioned earlier.

I make no assertions about the truthfulness of any part of this. That is not up to me. All I am doing is providing a synopsis of the conversation for others to use in deciding their courses of action.

I spoke with a man who said he was Jerry Napier's father. He was a well-spoken adult male. I told him why I was calling and about my dealings with delta and "Audie Murphy".

He told me his son had arranged these deals by having these items sent to different addresses, including his grandparents, lying to him about where they came from. He told me my earlier call had upset his mother.

He asked that a list be put together of everyone's address and the items they had sent. He said he would use this list to pack up boxes to be returned to the senders.

He asked me to pass on his intentions. I explained that if he was really going to send items back, the only way most people on the board would believe it was if the items started showing up. I told him to send my items, and that if they came I would post a message saying so.

Whatever the outcome, I do believe we should assemble the list.

My contribution to the list:
Bombed French Building
All XD Paras except Mansfield and (I think) Keitel.


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Post by boyx30 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:18 pm

What I find really strange is that this guy targets XD stuff?...I mean get a life. If you're going to be a criminal heist diamonds, rob a bank...but screwing a bunch of hobby loving Peter Pan's (I refuse to grow up myself) is really bizarre?...and stupid. I was able to look up Jerry Napier's address last time...there seemed to be a large amount of Napier's in that community (perhaps inbreeding? which would answer virtually all the questions)....but this story sounds like a family member who is using others as fronts to do his dirty add elder abuse to the postal charge and lets see if we can get a conviction! least in jail he'll have a girlfriend.....or be one!

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Post by flayrah » Mon Dec 13, 2004 12:46 pm

I'd like to remind everyone to be VERY CAREFUL about sending out your personal address or phone number to anyone in this matter saying they will "make things right". Send your office address, or a PO box, etc. We already know these characters are questionable, possibly unstable.

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Post by aferguson » Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:06 pm

He probably already has everyone's addresses anyway, if he wants them...they would have been on the packages sent to him. I don't think anyone has to worry about napier or wayne or coy or whoever, stalking them. This guy's already in enough hot water and is just going to want the whole thing to go away..

It's starting to look like this is some kind of teenage kid doing this, whose father is Wayne and grandparents are the Coy's. Jerry Napier is probably a made up name (all crooks use alias's don' they?).

Keep the pressure on guys.....don't let up until everything is set straight for everyone.

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Post by ParatrooperCarbine » Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:16 pm

I'm confused about the names. I think Jerry Napier is the kid, Arthur Coy is the grandfather, and the Mr. Wayne is the dad. The woman I talked to, though, said Jerry Napier was her son, and the guy I talked to referred to my conversation with his mother.

So maybe Jerry Napier is the father's name. I think I remember addressing him as Mr. Napier and him acknowledging "yes", but I am not 100% sure of that. In which case Wayne is possibly just made up. Which, considering the dad was using it, is a bad sign. Unless that name was already attached to his son's account, and he just didn't bother to take it off when he used his son's account to email his "trading partners".

I emailed the list of what I sent and asked him to send me a tracking number as soon as he gets home from UPS. I told him this is the only way anyone will believe him. Let's see what happens.

Since it seems I am the test case here, can anyone else who calls him please email me and tell me about their call? My email is [email protected]. Has anyone else called him yet? His # is 765-409-0810.


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Post by Quixote511 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 3:19 pm

I was glad to help as best I could. If you need an attorney near Eaton to handle the case, my wife works for the law clinic at the Unversity of Dayton. (She is only a law student but the profs get off on pro-bono work). I would be more than will to do some of the running up to Preble County Court House, if need be. But, I think I would have to have been scammed too to take part in the litigation. I also say be careful regarding Internet communication. All of the sudden, I couldn't post on the board anymore from AOL at home and my virus blocker said that a trojan was discovered on my comp. I think the software scrubbed it out for me, but I am still using Internet Explorer to post on the board because AOL won't let me. Le t me know if there is anything more I can do.
BTW--Good work Para!

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Post by nooker21 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 3:24 pm

just chiming in here, sounds to me that this guy Jerry Napier is still pretending that he has a son that is the cause of all of this, and there has been no evidence whatsoever of this autistic son even existing. If the woman you spoke to said her son is Jerry Napier, you most likely spoke to him and therefore he was trying to keep the deception up in order to at least minimize the damages. Wayne sounds like another pseudonym (J Wayne seems too convenient like Audie Murphy). just my two cents...

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Post by aferguson » Mon Dec 13, 2004 3:26 pm

This guy would have to be a true idiot if he is sending out viruses in retaliation. So far what he has done is a misdemenor and would probably not result in any jail time, unless he already has a criminal record.

But sending out computer viruses is a federal offense and punishable by up to 40 years in prison. (Just ask the chap that sent out the Melissa virus a couple of years ago.....well, you can't ask him for another 38 years actually..).

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Post by mburduck » Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:03 pm

This is getting more and more interesting which each passing hour. Great work, guys!

I'd be happy to chip in if there needs to be any legal action.

There are some folks in Ohio who are sweating bullets right about now, I'd have to say.


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Post by Teamski » Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:35 pm

I' be more than happy to put my $20 in there as well!


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Internet Scam

Post by Gambit » Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:26 pm

airforcecop67 wrote:Although Im not a legal type, I do believe that anyone scammed by this guy should contact the US Postal Service and the Feds to pursue mail fraud. The is at the very least a "theft by deception" and the dollar amounts being talked about would make it a felony in most states.
I agree, your lucky that you have his name, address and phone number so let the government do the leg work as they will have to respond to your complaint and it won't cost you anything. Even better if others who have been scammed will join you or submit their own complaint. Good Luck

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Post by Zartan » Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:34 pm

Heres a copy of his emails sent to me for your amusement::

Hi, I just traded an m-113 to another board member for
one of the 1st issue shermans a couple days ago. The
local wal-mart here had a few more when I picked that
one up for him, want me to pick one up for you? I
will definitely trade the m-113 for the winter
sherman, none of the new shermans showed around here:(
let me know if you're interested, and if so give me
your mailing address and we'll make the exchange.

Graeme, I go by Light Brigade on the HO site, I'm
pretty new the board, matter of fact, I've had a lot
of trouble loggong on but still respond by e-mails and
so forth. I had found GP's site when looking for
models, 1/18 figures etc, and then I went to the HO
site when everyone started talking about the GP site
going down etc. Did you want to trade then?
thanks, lonnie

Great! I will mark it as you say and I will get it out
to you on my lunch break tomorrow. I've been trying
like heck to get things in the mail before the
upcoming holidays clutter it all up:) Anything else
you're interested in trading let me know. You wouldn't
happen to have a U.S. or German XD 1/18 Halftrack
you'd like to part with would you? By the way, those
M-113's are pretty nice, better than I thought they'd
be, but I like to restrict myself mainly to the WWII
items. Let me know when you send the Sherman out so
I'll know when to look for it, Anyway, My mailing
address is as follows:
Lonnie C. Woods
211 N.W. H Street
Richmond, Indiana

Okay, before I close the box up:) are there any other
items you have to trade? If so, let me know what you
have and I'll let you know what I have.
thanks, lonnie


I going to try to get your package out tomorrow, I've
had to work double shifts all weekend and haven't had
the chance to do anything else but work! Anyway, let
me know when you send the Sherman out as well.
thanks, lonnie

Just wanted to check if you had received your package
yet, and if so, when? Also checking to see when I
could be expecting the sherman.
thanks, lonnie

I really thought you'd have the M-113 by now, well,
hopefully soon. Which Sherman did you send out, which
paint scheme? Was it the regular OD green or winter.
Anyway, like I said, I hope you get your package soon.

Great, the winter one is what I thought, I'll let you
know when it arrives.

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No need for money

Post by gk5717 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:52 pm

Although I am not involved, this is a criminal act that should be investigated by the U.S. Postal Inspecters, that is their job.
All of you that have your reciepts of delivery to his address present them and all the other info you have to your local postal authorities. Also advise them that this has happened to numerous other victims in various parts of the country.
I,m sure the post office will cross reference the various complaints and they will see a pattern and act on it.
Don,t pester the inspecters, but get back in contact with them to make sure they continue the investigation. I,m sure they have higher priorities than a couple of model airplanes and again if a pattern shows up they will act on it.
There is no need to collect money for a lawyer as this is criminal not civil and besides a lawyer is going to want more than a few $20 bills.
Also in fact if this a juvenile (16 or younger) don,t expect him to go to Levenworth, however if it is an adult he will be sorry he did this as he is breaking Federal laws.
Just my take.

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This gets better by the hour

Post by Coreyeagle48 » Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:59 pm


This gets better by the hour it seems. This is like a show of Cops or CSI. I applaud the board members who have put this person on the run. Hopefully everything can be returned and this guy can be retired from the XD business.

I find it very sad that this person lied about having an autistic child and that the child was the cause of this. That is a terrible thing to say if it is not true. Most parents of autistic children would be very alarmed and ashamed of someone like this and saying these things. That really personally sits on me a lot right now.

It would seem to me looking at the new evidence posted here that there are a few different people in this house. It seems the Coys, whoever they are, seem to have no clue what is going on in this situation. It does appear that at least one person in the family or group knew this whole situation was wrong and at least says they want to fix it.

I believe the phone calls and persistance of the board has alerted someone in that house of the wrong doings of the parties involved in the trades. Which is good. It is quite easy to send things to other people's homes. I used to have things sent to my grandparents all the time because my father slept during the day because he worked night shift and the post office guy and ups always woke him up. The old guy just figured it wasn't his business and never questioned it. Good move on the scammers part.

Interested to hear what happens next. But it appears we have ratted out a major scammer on this board and in the world of XD, and the world is better for it


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