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Post by p51 » Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:45 pm

Not that there's any connection with this... but they both have yahoo accounts.

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[email protected]

Post by Razor17019 » Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:53 pm

What happened exactly with this person?
If we all know how they operate, we can be aware of "strange" behavior.
I had a deal going on with "lonnie woods" too.
I was suppose to get a money order in the mail and it never came.
I was lucky and did not send out my stuff.
He told me that he had a bank problem and could not buy my items now.
To Lee R. Frakes and the B-17 Good Pickin

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Post by Rogo » Sat Dec 11, 2004 12:07 am

So let's see if I have this straight. The father of the mentally impaired young son fails to question why Little Audie is receiving dozens of large packages in the mail over the past several months from all around the country containing valuable merchandise. And just what did he think these were... gifts??? What a load of hooey! :x I wonder what story he'll tell the Judge!

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Post by p51 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 1:12 am

Got Global Annoucements working

I wanted to add that age verification is not possible... and this is a message board, not a chat room. Furthermore... when you sign up you have to agree that you are 13 years or older (I believe that's the age). Granted, it can be easily bypassed... the person who is under that age and clicks the 'I accept' is forfitting any leaverage that person would have in court.

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Post by digger » Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:37 am

The guy has about 6 Yahoo accounts he uses - I've seen three alone. First of all, we should all report those addresses to Yahoo - they're partly to blame imo. Second, Marksman or Kurt feel free to contact me....I'm about due for some vacation time....I'm not kidding....
Lastly, Lonnie Woods I believe is the same guy. I'm not good with geography but I know some parts of Ohio border Indiana (right?).

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Post by airforcecop67 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:12 am

Although Im not a legal type, I do believe that anyone scammed by this guy should contact the US Postal Service and the Feds to pursue mail fraud. The is at the very least a "theft by deception" and the dollar amounts being talked about would make it a felony in most states.

You might not get your stuff back, but putting this guy in jail would be mighty sweet revenge.

Good luck to you guys.
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Post by Razor17019 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:44 am

Yes, you are right. The highways in and around the Tri-state area (Ohio/Kentucky/Indiana) cross back and forth between the 3 states at different points.
I didn't have any real contact with the Detastrykforce, but Lonnie Woods sounded very mature. More mature than a mentally challenged teenager. I think the emails that P51 has been getting back are not legit.
I am in Northern KY and will gladly join this posse heading for Eaton, Ohio!
I hate to see this kind of disease infect this fine group of XD fans. I always see a group of guys/gals that watch out for each other and generally want to help one another out.
Our whole trade system is supported by experience and trust from word of mouth. Just yesterday Digger and I were working out a trade. He said that he was sending out my stuff and that I was good for the money. He and I have traded before and he trusts me enough to not worry about if I am going to pay him via Paypal. (Digger-you know I am)
I have suggested to P51 to have a more Ebay oriented system of feedback set up, so someone could look at a person's trade history at one place and decide if this person is good to trade with.
Even if we had retna scans in place on this board, people like this are going to find a way around the system.
To Lee R. Frakes and the B-17 Good Pickin

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Post by MARKSMAN1 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:29 am

Well, this guy is a fraud all the way around, I think i have it figured out, this is an adult and not a kid, he is using the kid thing as a guise to defer responsibility. Monday morning I will be filing a claim in my criminal civil court in which they will subpeona him to court in the state of Missouri, if he does not show there, a warrant will be filed for his arrest. It is a process, I know and it may cost me a little money at first, but it is the right thing to do. I emailed this James Wayne, and told him to forget about the money he owes me, and that my stuff better be on my door step by wednesday, that is the deadline, with a check in the amount of the postage that it cost me to send the stuff. So I told him to get off his butt and get that stuff down to the post office and mail it the quickest way possible in order for it to reach me by that dead-line. Marksman

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Post by aferguson » Sat Dec 11, 2004 9:42 am

some observations:

1) in the first email the father mentions 'gate security'. Didn't we see a picture of this guys house, posted by someone when on GP's board? It looked like a typical Archie Bunker type house.....not the kind that would have 'gate security'.

2) The father seems to be very cooperative....too cooperative in fact. He is very willing to send checks out for hundreds of dollars just like that? Gives me pause to think. Also, why didn't young audie go to his father when all this happened on GP's board and the heat was really on? I doubt if those emails are really from his father...probably just trying to buy time until he figures a way to wriggle out fo the mess he has himself in.

3) I think he is still able to monitor the board. Everyone was saying "how come the father isn't signing his name to the emails" and then whammo....all of a sudden the father states his name in the next email. It is entirely possible he has more than one identity on this board and may have access to computers where the IP is not blocked.

4) Do not send out personal email addresses. Use hotmail or yahoo accounts. I am of the opinion that this audie murphy person sent a trojan worm virus to me months ago. Many reasons why i believe this..

5) An ebay style feedback system would be ok....just ok. The problem is that it won't stop several people from getting scammed at once, like in this case. A scammer knows that they have to scam as many people as they can in a short time because as soon as someone blows the whistle on him, no one else will deal with him. So he will set up a bunch of trades all at once and everyone gets burned before feedback is left. A better idea might be to have a way of showing how many trades a person has on the go at once. It's unusual to have several trades at a time. If you see a person who has several deals going you might want to wait a couple of weeks to see if the other people get their stuff... Paying by paypal is pretty safe, as opposed to sending money orders etc. Always send with a tracking number if in doubt of the persons credibiltiy. Make them pay the extra couple of bucks for the tracking...if they are ligit they will understand.

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Post by p51 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:58 am

I'm getting a TON of e-mails from this person. One after another.

The Feedback system is more for having a history of transactions. It'll just be like e-bay, where you have number of transactions that he/she has done... and then the % out of 100 as far as comments go (pos or neg) for those who don't know. You will be able to read the comments and see who wrote them for that person.
The only problem I see with number of transactions is keeping track of them. People might forget to finish off the transaction. I suppose I could modify things so that you can make a 'started open transaction' with someone, then leave feedback and close it when it's done. That'll take a couple more days to modify.

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Post by aferguson » Sat Dec 11, 2004 12:57 pm's a post by deltastrykeforce i came across in one of the reference room threads:

"All of the battles depicted in 'The Sand Pebbles' are executed with a brilliance that only an epic director such as Sir Richard Attenborough could achieve. If you have not seen this movie, you should do so immediately. My second choice here is 'The Bridges At Toko-Ri' First, the attack on the bridges, hence the film's title, is really superb, but the the final ground battle between the downed pilots and the chinese is to me much more powerful. That final scene conveys such a stark feeling of being left alone, left alone to face a certain death or even worse, torture then death. As the sun slowly sets, the fighters overhead make a couple desperate fly overs to try and hold the enemy off of the pilots for as long as they can, but then as their fuel gets too low, and the sun sinks even lower, the pilots are left to face the enemy alone."

doesn't sound like a mentally challenged juvenile to me. In fact it doesn't sound like a teenager at all. Sounds like the clear headed writings of an adult...

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Bad Trader

Post by immeww2 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 1:43 pm

Razor & Raiderad - I almost completed a deal with Lonnie Woods too. There were numerous e-mails going back and forth between him and I and he kept stating that he had already shipped out his stuff so I should ship out mine. I asked him for the tracking numbers to prove that his shipments went out and he stated he was not aware of such a thing as a tracking number but still insisted that I ship out my items. It's a good thing I held back my shipment, cause he finally gave up on me and told me to forget the whole thing.

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Post by tmanthegreat » Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:24 pm

It saddens me to see all this happen on the board, especially on the new one! I guess it goes to show us just how careful we need to be. While the lot of us are good people, there are always the few bad apples in the barrel, which, sometimes we are too trusting to notice. There is one easy solution to the whole scamming problem and that is to not have a trader forum, period, with any trades taking place outsdie the authority of the board. That is, however, not a very realistic solutoin at this point as many of us, including myself, make use of this forum.

The security measures being implemented by P51 and Aferg sound good and I hope they work out. I want to note that part of the security behind ebay is not just the reputation that is gauranteed by the feedback system but the ability of the ebay company to block sellers suspected of fraud and to prosecute them if necessary. That is a certain central authority this board lacks due to its nature as a discussion forum and not a business. I strongly encourage the security measures that are being taken and I also urge members to really watch themselves with the trading!

OT: In response to aferg's last message, deltastrykeforce had very immature writing with grammatical and spelling errors in some of his other posts...

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I went to Eaton

Post by Quixote511 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:26 pm

Ok, most of you guys on here have known me for a while. I live in a suburb inbetween Dayton and Cincinatti. I took the time of my day today to go and find this person. Eaton is a small town west of Dayton, near the Indiana line. Coincidently, Richmond, Indiana (home of our Audie Murphy) is right across the line. So, I went to this guy's place. It is located in the gated subdivision of Lakengren. It is not all that nice, the lake is about dried up and the majority of the houses are either new prefabs or a-frames from the 70s. Gate security is nothing more than a grandpa who comes out of his shack and waves you in. From my truck on the street, I could see that the big screen tv in the living room was on. So, someone does most certainly live in the house. I got pictures with my digital camera. I went online to the Preble County (the county seat is Eaton) records page and found out that the owner of the house for the address listed on page one of the thread is really Coy Dorthy ( I hope this information helps Marksman track down the thug who is scaming us. Plus, I want to help clear the record up for the rest of us tri-state XD-ers. I understand the need for extra precaution. I am just ticked that this miscreant has forced us to go to such extremes. Email me if you need the pics for the investigation.

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Post by toyktdlgh » Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:37 pm

Looks like some one got a little recon on. 8) Good job Q.

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Post by digger » Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:40 pm

Maybe he steals the boxes as they sit in front of the house, maybe he mows this woman's lawn, or maybe it's her son. But this is good to know. And guys, please don't believe for a second that you were hearing from this guy's father, that he's disabled, etc....He's just a scam artist.

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Possible Security Meausre in Trader Forum

Post by tmanthegreat » Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:53 pm

As a suggestion, in the trades I have done on the old board and this board, part of it was done on the board itself - mainly seeing what someone had to trade - and then the rest of the transaction was done via e-mail, seperately from the board.

Why don't we have all transactions take place entirely within the trader forum, discouraging outside e-mailing. This way the board administrators can better moniter what is going on. This is difficult to enforce, but may be worth a shot...

It would work like this hypothetical example:

I see that boardmember GPXDHQ has an post for an XD ME-190G for trade on the trader forum.

I post a reply ON THE SAME THREAD that I am interested in making a trade, and that I have an XD P-47 Bubbletop for trade.

GPXDHQ replies ON THE SAME THREAD that he'll go for it and will send his plane out immediately.

He posts his mailing address

I post mine.

GPXDHQ posts that he has recieved my payment via paypal, money order, sent check,etc. for the shipping

I post that I have recieved his payment for shipping in the format as above.

He posts ON THE SAME THREAD that he has sent out the ME-109G via UPS on such-and-such date and provides a tracking number.

I send out my plane, and post ON THE SAME THREAD that it has been sent via USPS priority on such-and-such date and I also give the tracking number.
(Now its public knowelege that these items have been sent, as well as where they are going and how to track them.)

I post ON THE SAME THREAD when the aircraft arrives, and leave any positive feedback here and in the Good Trader Report thread.

GPXDHQ posts ON THE SAME THREAD when his item arrives and leaves any feedback in the same manner as I did.

There are obviously some loopholes and privacy issues in doing trades this way, however, by doing things in full view of the other board members, it may hinder the notions of those who want to scam because they have to carry out their transaction in full view of the community and risk retaliation and ostracism if they don't carry their end of the bargain.

There is also the complication with this format of what to do if more than one person inquires about an item, but in that case it would be up to the person that made the post to decide which person he wants to make the trade with, and then the process will continue as seen above.

Just concerned about the scamming problem and want to help out! This is my 2 cents...

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Post by Teamski » Sat Dec 11, 2004 2:57 pm

Damn, and I thought I was the recon officer! Well done Quixote! Wow, now that is power of the board. Hard Core kick a$$ in my book.........

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Post by aferguson » Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:00 pm

Good work on the recon Q! Next time take a laser designator with you ;)

Well, we now know that the father ain't the one emailing with P-51. In future responses to emails refer to him by his last name, Coy....that may shake him up a bit.

Perhaps a letter written to Dorothy Coy may do some good? If it's his mom then maybe if she were to know what was going on she could set things straight...can't hurt anyway.

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Post by Teamski » Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:11 pm


Mmmmm, the address I have on my unshipped box from 6 months ago is a house on 16th St in Richmond Indiana to 1 ea. Jerry Napier, aka Audie Murphy. Did he move? Are his parents divorced that he has 2 addresses??

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Post by Threetoughtrucks » Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:21 pm

I am sorry you guys hit hit by this person, whoever and whatever he is.

Make yourself some simple rules, in trades get the other guy's goods first. Unless you know the person or the person agrees to this, there is probably a reason why he wants your end first. On sales, I insist on receiving his money and waiting until it clears.

eBay is a joke, feedback is misleading, most people give positive feedback in order to get positive feedback. I've had extended delays in payments or received goods and then the guy gives me glowing feedback. This after I had to send him threatening emails looking for my goods from him, that I paid for on the day the auction ended. I've had a guy come to my house after winning an auction to pick up his goods (a motorcycle) and tell me his bid was too high (a bidding war upped the price by $400 in the last minute). He says "give it to me for a lower price or I'll give you bad feedback". I kicked him out and sold it to the 2nd bidder but did I give the dirt__g bad feedback....NO, just so I wouldn't get bad feedback.

I also use a bank account created only for eBay, with very little money so PayPal can't come back to me if I get scammed on PayPal.

Life is a question, the internet makes life tougher. You don't deal with people you can look in their face and say "Holy cow, I don't want to deal with this guy". Just take precautions.

Even screen names are misleading. I wouldn't mind using my name, if that was the norm.

For those who don't know who I am, I am Threetoughtrucks. To those who know me, I am.........

Charlie Burke
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Post by Teamski » Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:22 pm

..........or are you? :wink:


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Just wanted to say!

Post by Adeleron » Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:47 pm

It is great to see this kind of feedback on the board. I had my Hotmail hacked in the summer, they got my E-Bay password and a bunch of other information of a personal nature.. I'm still pissed off about it..

So it's good to see people banding together to punish one of the little turds that don't realize the pain their actions cause.

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Post by Quixote511 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 4:51 pm

The lack of stability and the misdeeds might point to that the child is from a broken home. However, I looked up the phone number. It is listed under a man's name. Kind of strange that the house is in the woman's name only.
Arthur L Coy
854 Lakengren Dr
Eaton, OH 45320-2542

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