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Dragon 1:35 Scale Diecast Armor

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:58 am
by lightning2000
After years of speculation, Dragon has finally announced that they're getting into the 1:35 scale diecast military market. Here's the link to the announcement:

Check under "Green Alert"...


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:04 am
by hworth18
I'll believe it when I see it.. They announced their "Waterline series" of warships 2 years ago and we still have yet to see them...

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 3:25 pm
by Mr. Football
Notice, they're going to be available worldwide (except for Japanese market).

They must have some sort of agreement with Tamiya.

Dragon 1:35 Armor

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:15 am
by lightning2000
Looks like they're going to kick off things by producing an early version Tiger I in DAK livery. I know Tamiya produced a Tiger I as their inaugural Masterwork vehicle, but then again Dragon chose a Tiger I to start their 1:72 scale line. Construction materials arent discussed on the site -- just some exterior photos provided. Looks quite nice, but I'm interested in hearing what its made of and the price. I too think its strange that these vehicles wont be available to the Japanese marketplace...

If it is true, then you could very well expect to see their 1:48/1:50 scale line ported over as well. Food for thought...


Tiger I

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:41 am
by lightning2000
I'm not sure if this is, in fact, a Tamiya Tiger. It bears the same turret number identification and background data as their recently announced 3 in 1 plastic kit line. Question is, how much metal is in this beast or is it all plastic?


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:29 am
by Hoverbug
Even if it is all plastic, at least they have afixed it to a stand. The problem with the Tamiya Masterworks was that they were too fiddeley and routine movements were likely to result in damage.

Dragon Armor

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:43 am
by lightning2000
I agree in regard to the display plinth. The problem is they're now looking to reach the same customer that purchased 1:35 scale Minichamps tanks which are virtually all-metal. If the vehicles are going to be around the same price point (speculation at this point), then they need to give the vehicles some heft otherwise people are going to come away with a less satisfied feel. Again, that's my look at the issue, and nothing more. If its a combination metal/plastic offering, then I think they need to come in around $49-$69 at the retail level, otherwise the going might be tough...


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:06 pm
by jrs
Just so many choices? 1:35 is out for me. I will haveto pick one scale and live with it. So I am staying with 1:32. While Dragon makes some great stuff, the FOV pieces are getting better every release, hard to match unimax on prices.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 8:55 am
by Mr. Football
When can we expect this baby to arrive?

Dragon 1:35 Scale Armor

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 5:44 pm
by lightning2000
Looks like Dragon is going the same route as Tamiya by producing a composite design of both diecast metal (hull) and plastic. This time around though, they're being priced at $69.99, which includes the base (not sure if it comes with an acrylic cover). The first one is expected in January. Time will tell if its as warmly received as the first 1:72 scale Tiger I. My guess is that this line will sell like hotcakes, unless of course, there are some serious deficiencies.

If we were designing the line, we would've gone with a PzKpfw IV Ausf. J as the starting vehicle, only because the Tiger I has been done ad nauseum by Minichamps. But hey, a fella can dream...

Still no word if both special edition and limited edition versions will be made. Just a hunch, but I think CH will be offering a bunch of limited edition versions (can anyone say "Michael Wittmann or Otto Carius?").


Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:57 pm
by Mr. Football
I thought Carius got onto them pretty good the last time they used his name & likeness and that they won't be doing him anymore.

That is, btw one of my favorite CH issues.