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Re: FoV Accessories

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:54 pm
by hawkonevoodoo
Meskary wrote:Does anyone know when the FoV accessories will be available in the US. I have seen some nice sets and they are also selling Diorama bases (I don't know the sizes) with blown up farmhouses etc, they also have a sentry and barrier set. Just wondering if anyone heard about these items and if they will be coming across the pond anytime soon..
I'm afraid that FOV is keeping very tight lipped about everything right now. I'm not getting new information at this time. They are working on the new 2006 releases so, like you, I'll just have to hope and wait to see what they come out with. I honestly have absolutely no idea what is coming, not even one model. I will post anything if and when I hear it.
October 20, FOV will announce their 2006 line up in Los Angeles at the hobby Expo. Only 29 days to go, or 2,505,600 seconds, or 41,760 minutes, or 696 hours, but who's counting?

Re: FoV Accessories

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:42 pm
by hawkonevoodoo
Meskary wrote:Does anyone know when the FoV accessories will be available in the US. I have seen some nice sets and they are also selling Diorama bases (I don't know the sizes) with blown up farmhouses etc, they also have a sentry and barrier set. Just wondering if anyone heard about these items and if they will be coming across the pond anytime soon..
From the lack of replies to the initial post in this thread, I'm beginning to think the reason these 1/32 accessory sets aren't in NorthAmeric is because the lack of interest shown. I'm quite sure FOV won't bring them to a market that isn't interested in them. If we want them here we have to start talking about them, but only if you are genuinely interested in them.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:30 pm
by EnemyAce

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:30 pm
by Mirage
If FOV does diorama bases i hope they connect together. I'm really looking forward to the accessories.It would be nice if they did some stuff like build a rama.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:35 pm
by hawkonevoodoo

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 9:13 am
by Eazy
I've recently bought all the main FOV dioramas. Thankfully if you shop around you can get some bargains. I bought 4 brand new on Ebay for £25 each which i suppose is around $50 ish.

I'm very pleased with them. The paintwork on the tanks, especially the TigerI, King Tiger and Stug is a real improvement over any of the regular releases. The dioramas are themselves are pretty good particularly the ruined farmhouse.

The modern desert dioramas are good for diplaying WW2 north africa vehicles as long as you unscrew the destroyed T72 from the base.

Heres a pic of two of my FOV dioramas ( Last stand at Caen and Battle of the Seine River) joined together with King and Country fallschirmjagers added. Thers also a pic of an FOV modern desert diorama (Green Light) with King and Country Afrika Korps figures and vehicle.

