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ALL-GO 1:32?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:55 am
by ram04
I have noticed that ALL-GO will be releasing 1:18 scale, but does anyone know if they will do the 1:32? I may have missed this, so just asking.

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:10 am
by Panzer_M
some day maybe. But new toolings will have to bought/made since the old ones are in legal limbo.

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:15 pm
by Dauntless
There was a "rumor" of a 1:32 Typhoon.

Don't know how credible it is, but it certainly would be welcome.

TKO211 has been silent in the 1:32 realm.

Plenty of good news for 1:18 fans though. :?

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:26 pm
by ostketten
There was a "rumor" of a 1:32 Typhoon.
Hope it's true.... I would be all over that fer sure. 8)

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:33 am
by Dauntless
Correction: I said that tko211 was silent about 1:32 but he did say something about it (second paragraph)

tko211 in the 1:18 forum:

The Re-paints are going to have to be part of the program. It's a necessary and essential part of the success formula from a dollars and stake holders position. In this case the 51 is what they have to work with to get going as other molds are gone, in legal dispute, or whatever.

All-Go knows for a fact that new items need to come to pass. Including 1:32. There are many priorities over there right now at All-Go. Fan support is going to be a key factor, retailer confidence is also imperative as the recent F-14 problems have many nervous about large expensive birds with no QC controls and no return support for defective product.

There are fences to mend, rising costs, and new factory politics to be worked out. So lots going on behind the scenes. But the future indeed looks bright. lot's of potential for sure and this team is made up of some veterans and some new faces too. So it's a good mix. A healthy mix I think. Fresh ideas mixed with tried and true policies from the people and fans who pretty much made this hobby what it is today.

I personally agree that 100 is a lot for a repaint. I'm hoping that it will actually turn out to be less by the time all the orders start to come in. But in the meantime, I happy to give them some room to get that first breath and first release under the belts. Cost and affordability have to have a balance.

So far All-Go is VERY pleased to see the fan reactions to the site the product and the promise of the future. They thanked me yesterday evening in an Email stating that I had done a good job in reaching out to the loyal fans and rebuilding the bridge back. Right now the positive support is very appreciated! I suspect that the following weeks will get more interesting as orders, and account creation with retailers start to build up. Already the reports are that fans are pushing for the product. looking for it from favorite retailers and that is helping to activate accounts and move cases. So congrats everyone here. We are already making direct impact. Please keep it up.

Maybe we need to do some more whining over here in the 1:32 section eh? :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:34 pm
by GI546
yes, i agree with the whining part.
but whining sounds more like something a five-year old would do for some ice cream :D ,so maybe we should complain instead of whine. :D

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:02 pm
by Dauntless
Complain, whine, semantics other words, I don't see (see above) as much over here as I see over there in the 1:18 section. :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:07 pm
by GI546
we need more 1:32 collectors over here.
i'll post something about interest ALL GO in 1:32 in another forum.
if TKO happens by here's the link to the forum i'm going to post it in:

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:50 pm
by tmanthegreat
Dauntless wrote:Complain, whine, semantics other words, I don't see (see above) as much over here as I see over there in the 1:18 section. :wink:
Quite true. There is no 1:32 forum equivalent to many of the 1:18 threads in terms of pure and pointless whining. The only example that came close was the thread from a couple years ago on the BBI 1:32 F-4 Phantom... and then only due to the fact that a few of the whiners from the 1:18 side came over here because they were mad an F-4 wasn't being made in 1:18 :P

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:42 pm
by Dauntless
I guess 1:32 collectors (at least the armor guys) aren't as hard up with FOV still in business, and we can always build a few models made in that scale, which I'm about to do because I am hard up for some new aircraft.

I think with the economy the way it is right now 1:32 is a viable alternative that's not being exploited to it's full potential in the pre-built aircraft realm.
One can afford to buy more of them at a lower cost, and buy their repaints.

Also the possibility of bigger aircraft like the F-4 (the biggest so far right?) is more realistic. Though I'm thinking WWII bombers pleeze.

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:27 am
by RAD 2112
Dauntless wrote: ...I think with the economy the way it is right now 1:32 is a viable alternative that's not being exploited to it's full potential in the pre-built aircraft realm.
One can afford to buy more of them at a lower cost, and buy their repaints.
That being said, wouldn't it have been easier for ALL-GO to make a 1:32 P-51 "Passion Wagon" instead of one in 1:18?

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:17 am
by hworth18
RAD 2112 wrote:
Dauntless wrote: ...I think with the economy the way it is right now 1:32 is a viable alternative that's not being exploited to it's full potential in the pre-built aircraft realm.
One can afford to buy more of them at a lower cost, and buy their repaints.
That being said, wouldn't it have been easier for ALL-GO to make a 1:32 P-51 "Passion Wagon" instead of one in 1:18?
It would make sense if this were being sold in a Walmart mass-market environment. I think one needs to remember that All-go/21st are first off 1/6-1/18 guys. If they make a product, they are going to make something in their realm first and the rest is going to be secondary.
I think that the evolution of 1/32 stuff from toy-like to collectible can be attributed to one employee at 21st that wanted to put out a detailed/quality piece for small scale collectors and that one person was Roy Sutherland. Now that Roy is no longer with the company and on his own, I doubt we will see much in the 1/32 line anytime soon, atleast anything new. I am holding out that we may still see more repaints and the new Spitfire Vb.

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:41 am
by RAD 2112
hworth18 wrote: It would make sense if this were being sold in a Walmart mass-market environment.
I can see your point, but I don't think that's entirely true.
Most of my planes were bought online from:
- Small Joes
- Flying Mule
- Foxhole Toys
- Great Models
- ebay
- B/S/T Forum
hworth18 wrote:I am holding out that we may still see more repaints and the new Spitfire Vb
I don't mind re-paints, because I believe that helps with the development of new molds.
Like Dauntless mentioned, the 1:32 has not being exploited to it's full potential in the pre-built aircraft realm.

Does ALL-GO have any of 21st Century's 1:32 molds (i.e. Spitfire, P-51 Mustang, FW-190A/F)?
If so, they could generate a lot of revenue with re-paints.

Speaking of Spitfires, I would love it if they made a Vb...
It would also be a great idea if they made a Mk IX in honor or Ray Hanna.

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:39 am
by hworth18
RAD 2112 wrote:
hworth18 wrote: It would make sense if this were being sold in a Walmart mass-market environment.
I can see your point, but I don't think that's entirely true.
Most of my planes were bought online from:
- Small Joes
- Flying Mule
- Foxhole Toys
- Great Models
- ebay
- B/S/T Forum
hworth18 wrote:I am holding out that we may still see more repaints and the new Spitfire Vb
I don't mind re-paints, because I believe that helps with the development of new molds.
Like Dauntless mentioned, the 1:32 has not being exploited to it's full potential in the pre-built aircraft realm.

Does ALL-GO have any of 21st Century's 1:32 molds (i.e. Spitfire, P-51 Mustang, FW-190A/F)?
If so, they could generate a lot of revenue with re-paints.

Speaking of Spitfires, I would love it if they made a Vb...
It would also be a great idea if they made a Mk IX in honor or Ray Hanna.
Yes, but for the cost, I just don't see a manufacturer making plastic 1/32 planes and selling them exclusively online. I just don't see the cash being there to support it. I think BBI is a prime example that people are only willing to pay a certain price range and once out of that range, it is a tough sell.

I don't know where the 32x molds are, and whoever has them isn't talking about it. It wouldn't surprise me if All-go has them and are just not producing anything yet. The Vb Spit was the next to be produced before 21st imploded so I bet it is somewhere.

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 5:13 pm
by miggles
I think we need to see some activity in the direct from the source. Also ALL-GO has to keep us informed so they can begin to get more of a fan base. And to keep us informed.

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:37 pm
by Shin Densetsu
Dauntless wrote:There was a "rumor" of a 1:32 Typhoon.

Don't know how credible it is, but it certainly would be welcome.

TKO211 has been silent in the 1:32 realm.

Plenty of good news for 1:18 fans though. :?
WWII Typhoon or modern? I'd take BOTH!

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:30 pm
by Dauntless
If military toys were to ever get back into the big chain stores 1:32 has a better chance of being accepted back into big retail than 1:18 simply because of shelf space, not to mention the lower price.
In my area there was always a high turnaround when 1:18 was still collecting dust in the Walmarts and TRU's.

We still don't know who has the molds though, but whoever does should be at least turning out some of the later molds.

I would be more apt to buy a Passion Wagon in 1:32, or many repaints of a Spitfire (we never even got a Battle of Britain scheme) simply because I can afford to buy them, and in quantity like a collector does.

1:18 is getting too expensive for the hard core enthusiast let alone the casual collector. I don't see it ever returning to what it was back in the heyday.
Sure we all like the big blowout sales like the Monkey Depot had, or some of the lower clearance prices that we are seeing at a few sites for the 1:18 BBI stuff now, but these prices are not keeping the manufacturers afloat.

A pricepoint somewhere between the overpriced BBI 1:32 and what the online places were charging for 21C 1:32 is a good place to start if anywhere IMO.

With the right re-paint schemes the Spitfire, P-51D, P-51B/C, would do well to start. Then add some aircraft that haven't been made yet like the P-40E/N, P-38, P-47 Razorback, Hellcat. Even throw in some of the older molds here and there. Then maybe risk a twin engine bomber or two.

21C never got around to doing any of the jets and helicopters in 1:32 either.

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:47 pm
by hworth18
At one time, I was told that 21st had the B-17 and Mosquito in development. The B-17 has been confirmed by the prototype in Ebay but I want to see all those "other" 1/32 projects that 21st was working on. If we don't see much more in auction, it is a possibility we might see them produced.

I also don't expect to ever see Walmart pricing again but as Dauntless eluded, somewhere between 21st and the overpriced BBI stuff would be ideal, maybe in the $35 range.