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Upcoming Dragon 1:35 Scale Armor

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:03 pm
by lightning2000
Hi All,
Just a hunch, but I'm willing to bet Dragon will be offering a 1:35 scale pre-assembled Panther Ausf. D tank shortly, seeing as how a kit was just announced. Can anyone say Ernst Barkmann?

I'm also presuming 1:35 scale Shermans arent too far down the bend too, likely to act as targets for the Barkmann's Corner scenario played out at Normandy.


Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:55 pm
by corpbob
Well, maybe Dragon will do what 21st refuses to do, and that's give us a Sherman Easy Eight, an M10, and an M36 Jackson....


Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 3:59 pm
by lightning2000
Hi Bob,
I'm with you. There are a myriad incarnations of the Sherman beyond the stalwart M4A3, which would do very well at retail. My guess is that you'll see one or the other at the upcoming Dragon Expo, more likely the Sherman since its easier at this point in time to find an American WWII vet than someone from Europe.


Dragon's tanks...

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:11 pm
by binder001
I haven't heard anything about Dragon moving into pre-assembled 1/35th, but they follow market trends so we'll see.

By the way, Dragon already makes the best M4A3E8 in the 1/35th plastic market. It's a kit and sold as the "Thunderbolt VII" kit ("Thunderbolt" was the name applied to all Creighton Abrams M4 and M4A3 type tanks). The M36 is available from Academy and AFV Club, same for the M10. I agree that it would be nice to see any of those in 1/32nd (hopefully plastic instead of that $^&" diecast).


Dragon's tanks...

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:12 pm
by binder001
I haven't heard anything about Dragon moving into pre-assembled 1/35th, but they follow market trends so we'll see.

By the way, Dragon already makes the best M4A3E8 in the 1/35th plastic market. It's a kit and sold as the "Thunderbolt VII" kit ("Thunderbolt" was the name applied to all Creighton Abrams M4 and M4A3 type tanks). The M36 is available from Academy and AFV Club, same for the M10. I agree that it would be nice to see any of those in 1/32nd (hopefully plastic instead of that $^&" diecast).


Re: Dragon's tanks...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:24 am
by Panzer_M
binder001 wrote:I haven't heard anything about Dragon moving into pre-assembled 1/35th, but they follow market trends so we'll see.

By the way, Dragon already makes the best M4A3E8 in the 1/35th plastic market. It's a kit and sold as the "Thunderbolt VII" kit ("Thunderbolt" was the name applied to all Creighton Abrams M4 and M4A3 type tanks). The M36 is available from Academy and AFV Club, same for the M10. I agree that it would be nice to see any of those in 1/32nd (hopefully plastic instead of that $^&" diecast).

Thier 1/35 Dragon Armour has been out awhile. with Tiger I early and late models, 60cm Seige Mortars, Elefants, KonigTiger(H) and KonigTiger(P), they just dropped their first PzKpfw V this month, a ausf.G late model.

Btw, Tamiya made Masterwork Shermans, and TDs in 1/35...might be able to find them on ebay for the price of Dragon's or less. and while the Tamiya are not as weathered as the DML models, they are very well detailed with hatches you can have open or close, metal tracks, and gun barrels, although on my Masterwork PzKpfw. IV the skirts and A.A. Mg 34, CoAX and Bow MG need to be glued on(they come in Seperate bags with the kit) still an excellent model and something I did not have on the shelf at the time.