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Missing wing stabilizer on ME109e 32X….

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:03 am
So I find the new set of 32X planes at a wally world about 200 miles away driving in another state. I get home and excitingly remove all three from the boxes to hang on my ceiling. Then my wife says, hey, something missing from the tail of your German plane, I take a look and sure enough sitting there rapped in the black box of its packaging is my ME109E missing the left tail wing stabilizer. I search franticly the box hoping it was in there. Not found at all, my wife then points out that it doesn’t even look like it was placed in there because the paint was so perfect and not removed in either of the wholes. I wrote 21rst to see if I could buy just the small piece of plastic and I’ll let you guys know what happens but I would suggest maybe checking your desert ME109E’s just in case this may be a large scale screw up.

Other than that these planes are buets!!!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 9:12 am
by tmanthegreat
Thanks for the heads up. I plan on scouring the Fresno area Wal Marts when I go home there this weekend for just that ME-109. I'll keep your warning in mind!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:13 am
by cruizin2000
King and Tman,

I also have problems with my ME-109!!

Both stabilizers are up on the outside, like a V from the front and one of the struts is not totally in it's hole on the fuselage. The propeller is also loose and woobly. The paint job underneath is kind of messed up as well.

EVERY Wally's that I hit this weekend (5 total) all said the same thing, "We have discontinued these."

What the?!?!?!? They're new and just arrived in Wally's and now they're discontinued?!?!?!?!

Someone needs kicked in the (insert your own word here)!!!!!

I guess I'll just have to hang on to my ME-109 and try to fix it somehow.


p.s. I hate Wally's!!

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:26 pm
I went to wally world today and they said the same thing.... No longer carrying them.... They just came in for crying outlowd!!!!!!!! :( I'll see what 21rst will do for me. They hooked me up along time again when I bought a beat up half track at Toy's r us and it was missing the machine guns so we'll see.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:22 am
Well guys I got a NO Hassle e-mail from 21rst saying they will send me the missing piece with no delay and that they were sorry. I will keep you updated on the arrival of the piece as it comes in, This is a great company with service like this!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:11 am
by tmanthegreat
Thats pretty good that 21c is doing that! A couple of years ago, when the first 32x planes were out, I ordered the 32x Blue nose P-51 from Big BoysWarToys and it came with a damaged propeller. They first advised me to contact 21c, which I did, and got the response that they couldn't replace the part or the plane?!? BBWT then sent me a new one free of charge. Glad to see 21c has changed their policy!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:06 am
by cruizin2000
Well, I sent 21st and e-mail last night about my ME-109.

Hopefully I'll get a replacement fuselage or, like Tman, and brand new one.

My fingers are crossed...


Re: discontinued

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:24 am
by c44
Re: discontinued...yesterday I picked up 2 109s & a 262 marked down to $7 --- this after paying full price less than 2 weeks ago for the whole set of 3...well, WM never did make too much sense with its pricing & distribution...still, I gotta shake my head at this turn of events...

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:36 pm
by tmanthegreat
I picked up the 32x Tropical 109 for full price in Fresno, Ca. today. Its a great looking plane! My stabilizers are all intact, but the national insignia on the port side of the fuselage is a little misaligned. I love the cockpit - its very well detailed and is a scaled down version or the 1:18 origional, complete with controlstick, throttle, instruments, seatbelts, and the sight. The narrowed German pilot fits in the plane much better than the one with the coat that came with the origional ME-262.

Its kind of funny, as all the Wal Marts in the Fresno area didn't have anything in regards to 32x products; I go to the most ghetto store in town (or rahter the store in the most ghetto part of town) and they have the best selection of 32x, XD and 1:6 21c products of any of the other stores? :roll: ?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:16 pm
by cruizin2000
No reply from 21st yet.

How long does it take for them to reply?

What has your experiece been with them concerning product problems?


Thanks gents!



Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:26 am
I just got into work after being sick for over a week, and there on my desk is a package. I open it and packed nicely in a well secure box is the entire plane of the original series ME-109, minus the wing. Now I know it was a desert version I was missing the tail piece from so with a little fandangaling and paint I’ll have my Desert ME -109 hanging with the others (thank god for modeling skills) These guys rock, I know people have their beefs with them some times, even I ‘m one of them, but if they make up for screw ups like this…. Well worth the 14.99 I would say! :)

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:31 am
by cruizin2000

I just sent them another e-mail. Hopefully I'll get the tropical fuselage. I cannot wait to get this baby together and sit it with the rest of them.


Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:33 am
Best of luck man, I know it took a few e-mails my self. But I am happy with the final results ") :D

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:11 am
Hey King.You are obviously back in the groove. 8)


Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:08 am
Just the planes man :) The planes, I can't give em up!!!

I realy can not wait for the FW190D9 32X........

See how it compares to the one I built :)

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:41 am
by tmanthegreat
Glad to hear that 21st carried out their end of the deal (sort of) with your plane, KING! I always like companies that take the time to make things right for their customers. [As I recall, the now defunct Galoob company was that way, once sending my younger brother a whole new Battlesquads C-130 when the propeller mechanism on his other one didn't work correctly.]

My desert 109 now hangs from the ceiling at my apartment at UCLA and looks fantastic. They did a much better job, it seems, with this repaint than on the origional 32x ME-109. I would get the new ME-262 as well, but I already have the origional and am pleased enough with that! I can't wait for the other 32x planes, and hope we don't have too long to wait.