My M7! A review

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My M7! A review

Post by rose4472g » Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:09 pm

Well, I found a M7 at Walmart today :lol: They had two. Nice two tone camo pattern, the drivers compartment is painted white which I understand is wrong? White weathering looks bad, bad idea. Detail is good. Tracks look ok, less bright and shiny highlights would be an improvement. My port side track has come undone but it looks very fixable, I'm just out of CA. Gun pivots right quite a bit and very little left. It does not change elevation much. Nice 105 ammo for ready bins. Driver hatch opens and you can see the driver, cool. Loader seems to be reversed in his pose. He sits on the port side facing the gun. His left hand (forward) is down and his right hand (aft) hand is up. He should probably sit on the Starboard side of the gun but there's no seat (and he IS sitting). Ma Duce is a VAST improvement. First decent .50 I've seen since the vary first model I bought (M18). The M18's is still better :shock: But this new one is pretty good, better than the one on my FOV M3 halftrack! HMMM.... Maybe I need to go back and buy that other M7? The M7 is a fav from my wargaming habit, love it :D


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Post by tmanthegreat » Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:26 am

I found one M7 and I like it :D As far as detail is concerned, it is one of the most detailed 32x vehicles, along with the M-18, M113, Halftracks and AA guns. There were lots of cool little extras, like the rifles in the commanders station, the gun detail, seats, and the driver's station. I like how 21c included the shells and spent casings as well. The white around the tracks is a little tacky, but I guess its weathering. I think I agree in that I still like my OD green M-18 a little better, but the M7 is a great piece of work!
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