1/72 Airfix Kingfishers

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Warbird Kid
Posts: 117
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:59 am

1/72 Airfix Kingfishers

Post by Warbird Kid » Mon Dec 09, 2024 11:02 am

After recovering from the 1/18th scale P-38F contract job, I wanted to do something simple and straightforward. (ya know... instead of tackling and finishing the 20+ other modelling projects I have that are on hold...)A few months ago I received a box of older models and in the lot were two 1/72nd scale Airfix/MPC Vought-Sikorsky Kingfishers. I knew the original decals were not even worth trying, so I bought a decal set on Ebay and got to work. These are pretty basic kits but they can come out to be decent little replicas. I built both out of box and didn't even try to do any detailing.

I was able to finish the first one in time for Pearl Harbor Day on Saturday. We have a temporary display up for Pearl Harbor this month in the museum, and it was the perfect addition to it. The markings are for "1-0-2", one of USS Arizona's three Kingfishers that were onboard during that fateful morning.





Friend of CASC, close family friend of my father and I, and master modeler: Bob Bracci (who is a Pearl Harbor historian and expert in his own right) saw the display had a Val and Zero, but no Kate. So he decided to rectify that... and built this 1/72 Hasegawa kit in two days...




You might know Bob's work if you've visited the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum on Ford Island where his detailed diorama of Pearl Harbor has helped educate thousands of visitors. Here is a shot of the display before the Kingfisher, Kate, and display placards were installed. I'll try and remind myself to take a picture of the finished display tomorrow.


The second Kingfisher is in the works that I hope to finish ASAP. Stay tuned!

Keep Em' Flying,
Christopher Soltis

Dedicated to the preservation and education of The Sikorsky Memorial Airport

CASC FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/ctairandspace
Warbird Wear: http://warbirdwear.com/

Chicks Dig Warbirds.......right?

Warbird Kid
Posts: 117
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:59 am

Re: 1/72 Airfix Kingfishers

Post by Warbird Kid » Fri Jan 03, 2025 2:16 pm

Welp, I finally finished the other Kingfisher! It was planned to be given to its new owner on New Year's Eve, but I ran into some complications near the end!

It's straight out of the box. No frills (except the aftermarket decals from the same set the Arizona bird came from). The paint scheme was a bit hard to spray and mask at that scale. Not to mention the design is a bit delicate in my meaty fists. The figures are aftermarket from my bag of 1/72nd(ish) people. I originally thought of including more but scaled it back. The wires were a last minute decision and I was successful in stretching some of the sprue from this kit fairly thin. Getting it glued into place, then painting it in situ was on the other hand... frustrating. I then had to paint the side wire first, and glue it into place. I also scrtchbuilt the wheel chock.

I originally was thinking of having it in a flying attitude, or at least water landing, but for simplicity sake, I went with a ramp and water base. I built the angled ramp out of spare sheet styrene and covered it in putty. I let that dry and used a palm sander to smooth it out in short order, thinking I was saving time. I was a bit too heavy handed and forgot I was sanding thin sheet plastic, and ended up cracking it and breaking, which required more repair, glue, putty, and sanding. I tried to not sand all the putty down smooth so I left some of the craters and crevasses to allow colors and washes to get in them. After various wet and dry color passes, I used some chalk colors, and eventually earth tones to get a well rounded concrete color look.

As stated, the Woodland Scenes "Realistic Water" effect was tricky and I now know more of it then I did. Which makes me eager to try a different water based diorama to achieve even better results. Due to the shrinkage of the water, I had to reapply 3-4 layers. Once level and dry I applied mod-podge, followed by a 50/50 white glue and banking soda mix to make the water breaks.









Thanks for looking!
Keep Em' Flying,
Christopher Soltis

Dedicated to the preservation and education of The Sikorsky Memorial Airport

CASC FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/ctairandspace
Warbird Wear: http://warbirdwear.com/

Chicks Dig Warbirds.......right?

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