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Post by YT » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:55 pm

I have bought and sold a LOT on this board. I have bought and sold a lot on other boards. I have bought and sold a lot on eBay. Lately I have become very frustrated when I have tried to sell things on this board in particular. The incident that really put me over the edge just occurred recently. A guy posted looking for some vehicles, I ignored the post because he was pretty new, then he posts again begging to buy. I thought, I've got some spares, I'll drop him a PM. I offer one of the vehicles he is looking for, 2 hours after he posted begging for one. He sends me back a story that he can't afford it right now, so I say no problem, I'll hold it for you at the price you are willing to pay until you can afford it. 4 minutes later I get a PM that he bought one from a "friend"! SERIOUSLY!!! I have had SEVERAL others spend a lot of MY time and effort PM'ing back and forth working deals or answering questions just to have them "go dark" or blow me off. I like to think I am a nice guy, but I have gotten increasingly frustrated each time something like this has happened. I have found myself posting snarky things and getting overly annoyed and this is not my typical personality. I have worked in business and sales all of my adult life, so I am used to the rude things people do, but I guess I have a higher expectation for our board members, am I wrong? Am I wrong to expect a modicum of respect from my fellow members?
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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by [CAT]CplSlade » Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:58 pm


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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by PanzerArm » Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:12 pm

I think the "active member" clause needs to more strictly enforced for this reason. I think I have an idea for who this is, and I for one can't stand it when I see this kind of activity on the board. It's like certain individuals do the time on the board with minimum input for the sole purpose of using the B/S/T. I mean I know that there are people that don't exactly post regularly, and they may not have many posts at all, but they don't become members here solely for use of the B/S/T board, and are still valued members welcome in the community. What I can't stand are the people that on the day their account turns six months they spam the B/S/T incessantly looking for a deal.


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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by gouchy » Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:54 am

Was that what the BA F-18 emoticon you posted was all about?

I have not done any b/s/t transactions at all in all my time here but I do find myself thinking that the dynamics of this board has kinda changed since I joined. I have been getting regularly cheesed off lately at certain posts or incidents but always refrained from posting snarky comments as this might constitute conduct unbecoming of a member or in conflict with the friendly spirit of the board.

But sometimes enough is enough, you gotta call it like you see it before things get out of hand or its reached your limits so no I don't think you're done anything wrong YT

Agreed with Panzerarm on the active member issue too and that spamming on b/s/t has got me all annoyed
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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by derek_001 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:27 am

Ive had the same thing happen to me off this site with someone whos a current 2-3 year member on here and no your not wrong at all...


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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by YT » Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:43 am

derek_001 wrote:Ive had the same thing happen to me off this site with someone whos a current 2-3 year member on here and no your not wrong at all...
I agree, I've had longtime members do things as well, but the more active they are and the longer they have been here, it does seem to occur less.
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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by Light.Inf.Scout » Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:48 am

I had that happen to me recently too here....long time member, trying to get a 21C FW 190D 1/18....anyway several PM's and emails and the guy just disappears and stops responding!??? I don't get it.
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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by Rowsdower » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:11 am

This is why I don't mess with BST anymore. Too much bullsheet! There are some awesome people to work with but all the jerks ruin it for honest sellers/buyers!
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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by toyktdlgh » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:56 am

When it comes to the “Active Member” clause I whole heartedly agree. See my post below.
toyktdlgh wrote:I’m not 100% sure on this. I posted something about this in my Spitfire for sale thread. One of the big problems I have always had is that many new members simply join just to hit the BST area. Because of this they will get membership, make a handful of posts and start trading once the 6 months are up. One of the stipulations stated are that you must wait 6 moths and be an active member. I’m not sure 8 posts constitutes active. I would expect to see between 30 and 50 posts in this period of time.

I think the term active needs to be defined better here. Most forums I have belonged to have a specific number of posts plus probation time that new users must hit. I think we should adopt that same rule or at least clarify the term active. As for me personally, from here on out I will not trade with people that have less than 30 posts under their belt. My reason for this is that people who actively post tend to be more invested. They are real and you can see what they are like and all about. Sure, this in no way proves that you won’t get screwed but it greatly reduces the chances of it.

Mersanico23, this is in no way a direct personal strike toward you. Your timing and situation just highlights the potential issue I’m worried about. Sorry to use you as a guinea pig here. I’m sure you’re a straight up person and appreciate you posting for permission in advance.
Sure we have all had issues with senior members. I’m not sure what to say about that. I’m sure some have good excuses. I know I’ve had life pop up in the middle of transactions before as well. The ones I mostly worry about are the drifters that pop in every once in a while and aren’t real contributors. Right now there is a newcomer that has had only one post outside the BST forum. All of the others were in the BST area. That concerns me. It shows me that there is no real interest in conversing on the hobby. They only want to buy, buy, buy!

At the end of the day it is up to individual users to use their best judgment when dealing inside the BST area. Still, I believe that better rules regarding the use of the BST area are needed.

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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by Threetoughtrucks » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:09 am

The only advantages of using the BST section are:

1 - You know the buyer/seller. Newbies or guys that are struggling with the language will get my advice but not my business, too risky..... and as been said, guys that are only here to buy/sell will not get my business. On eBay you don't know the guy but you can see how many transactions he/she has and what they think of the seller/vendor.

2 - No fees for selling and no silly shipping charges using the BST.

Using a little common sense and ignoring dopey statements about what "they" want as a price, helps you make good transactions. :?

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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by Light.Inf.Scout » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:20 am definitely gets in the way guy has totally disappeared for months now. I hope nothing bad happened.....
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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by ram04 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:31 pm

I agree with you and as others have said sometimes things pop up unexpectedly, but good communication usually solves any problems.

I'm still fairly new to the forum and consider the BST thread a great asset, I have been fortunate enough to aquire a lot of great models from members, but I have also seen a lot of posts there that have nothing to do with what the seller is offering.

I feel if you are not inquring on the item or offering advice where to find a item, don't make a comment, unless it helps the seller or buyer.

As far as having someone wanting to purchase something and then something comes up, well I myself understand that and have waited till the buyer was able to get the item, I know what its like to want something and then something comes up and you can't do it at that time.

Everyone I have dealt with on the forum has been more than fair and I would hate to see this part go away, it depends on respect, sorry this was so long, just wanted to get my two cents in :wink:

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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by p51 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:13 pm

I appreciate all the comments about this topic. The whole issue of 6 months have been a really heated topic in many ways the past few weeks. From new members being upset they have to wait 6 months to be a part of the B/S/T forum (who may very well be very great people to deal with and honest/legit members) to now this information I'm getting about people using this board solely for finding the best deals. We've had a lot of issues with the B/S/T forum, but we've also had some great success. Just look at how many post are in the 'GOOD TRADERS' thread. People have gotten some incredible deals and/or found JUST what they were looking for. With rising costs with ebay (shipping and selling), it makes sense to want to try alternatives.

The problem is enforcing these rules. Right now we CAN enforce the rule about 6 months. That's easy, we see anyone posting and they are not 6 months a member, then we remove the posts and warn them they have to wait. Easily done, even if this rule is heavily protested and fought. We can't prevent 'lookie loos' from posting on threads when they have no intention to purchase, unless we made every thread only postable by the original posters and no one can comment on them.

What we CAN'T do is know if that person who registered 6 months ago is going to be a great member or deadbeat person. Furthermore, If that person is interested in buying from you, then finds a better deal somewhere else, well there's not much you can do. It's the same with any place of business. With ebay, you're locked into a bidding contract, but we can't enforce that here. And even with ebay you can retract a bid with only minor repercussions. Some people get busy, or forget, or have life get in the way. For some people it might be the recession that makes them realize that they can't afford what they said they wanted to buy. It happens. But there's no way we can really police that or know in advance that people are legit or not.

I agree it'd be nice if we could make it so that you have to be some part of the forum for at least 30 or so posts PLUS 6 months of time before you can be a part of the B/S/T forum, and heck I'd even be up for rewards for people who do post a lot and PROVE they are respectable and trustworthy to let them in earlier than their 6 month time... but there's, again, no real easy way to enforce this. PHPBB boards are a bit limited too on setting complicated rules for users such as this. It's something I'll look into, but I'm not sure what we can do.

I'm game to hear people's thoughts and ideas on how we can improve the B/S/T forums to make this forum the GO TO place for military toys off ebay. If we have some people familiar with phpBB, I'm game to hear of any addon suggestions or mods we can install that might help too.

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Post by cuatroboca » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:34 pm

dude never mind man im sorry

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Post by Heer » Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:11 pm

cuatroboca wrote:dude never mind man im sorry
As long as what you told was the truth and that you did not have the purchasing funds or you found a better deal, then I'm sure you will be fine. Just remember that once you post a "for sale" or "wanted" be prepared to pay or sell. :)
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Post by p51 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:34 pm

As some of you members might have seen by the time you log in... there's a new feedback system we're testing out. As soon as we get the kinks taken out of it, we'll open it up and give instructions. Hopefully this will help people be a little more cautious of people have low feedback. It's gotten a bit tough to have to search through the 'GOOD TRADERS' thread, so this may help with this issue.

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Post by cuatroboca » Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:36 pm

it is true

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Post by flyboy_fx » Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:20 pm

This sounds great! Good job P51!!!
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Post by YT » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:20 pm

This sounds like a nice augmentation to the forum. Honestly though, I have never had a bad trade , buy or sale on the board. The problems I have had were with people behaving poorly before the transaction finalizes. Luckily this is more of an annoyance than a hardship. I appreciate you helping all of us!
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Post by Dauntless » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:23 pm

Good idea I like it.
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Post by snake » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:26 pm

Think the new rating system is a great idea.

I have never had any issues with using the BST, as all I have done is buy.

6 month rule is a good idea, and should continue. Number of posts won't work as somebody that is willing to wait 6 months would be equally willing to just respond with a one word post.

Think the very visible rating system is the best solution. Along with the threat of banning for repeated bad behaviour. Don't need deadbeats making life difficult for contributing members. Behave yourself, or you are gone.

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Post by Coreyeagle48 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:45 pm


Would there be any way to keep the feedback system from being activated until a 6 months time has passed. Like after 6 months time it becomes unlocked?

This would be a sure and easy way to tell who has met this requirement. IOf the person has no feedback system in place, you know they haven't been here for 6 months.

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Re: Am I Wrong?

Post by Razor17019 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:28 am

p51 wrote:I appreciate all the comments about this topic. The whole issue of 6 months have been a really heated topic in many ways the past few weeks. From new members being upset they have to wait 6 months to be a part of the B/S/T forum (who may very well be very great people to deal with and honest/legit members) to now this information I'm getting about people using this board solely for finding the best deals. We've had a lot of issues with the B/S/T forum, but we've also had some great success. Just look at how many post are in the 'GOOD TRADERS' thread. People have gotten some incredible deals and/or found JUST what they were looking for. With rising costs with ebay (shipping and selling), it makes sense to want to try alternatives.

The problem is enforcing these rules. Right now we CAN enforce the rule about 6 months. That's easy, we see anyone posting and they are not 6 months a member, then we remove the posts and warn them they have to wait. Easily done, even if this rule is heavily protested and fought. We can't prevent 'lookie loos' from posting on threads when they have no intention to purchase, unless we made every thread only postable by the original posters and no one can comment on them.

What we CAN'T do is know if that person who registered 6 months ago is going to be a great member or deadbeat person. Furthermore, If that person is interested in buying from you, then finds a better deal somewhere else, well there's not much you can do. It's the same with any place of business. With ebay, you're locked into a bidding contract, but we can't enforce that here. And even with ebay you can retract a bid with only minor repercussions. Some people get busy, or forget, or have life get in the way. For some people it might be the recession that makes them realize that they can't afford what they said they wanted to buy. It happens. But there's no way we can really police that or know in advance that people are legit or not.

I agree it'd be nice if we could make it so that you have to be some part of the forum for at least 30 or so posts PLUS 6 months of time before you can be a part of the B/S/T forum, and heck I'd even be up for rewards for people who do post a lot and PROVE they are respectable and trustworthy to let them in earlier than their 6 month time... but there's, again, no real easy way to enforce this. PHPBB boards are a bit limited too on setting complicated rules for users such as this. It's something I'll look into, but I'm not sure what we can do.

I'm game to hear people's thoughts and ideas on how we can improve the B/S/T forums to make this forum the GO TO place for military toys off ebay. If we have some people familiar with phpBB, I'm game to hear of any addon suggestions or mods we can install that might help too.
I like the addition of the posts along with the 6 month waiting period.
It encourages new members to participate and weeds out those people who just want to use the B/S/T section. If you need any help in testing out your new feedback system, count me in!
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Post by toyktdlgh » Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:38 am

Derek is your joined date correct? December 8th, 2011? Did you have a screen name change? If that’s right then what are you doing in the BST forum in the first place?

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Post by ram04 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:48 am

I was wondering that also, I believe everyone else had to wait six months to use that thread, I noticed hes already posted in the good trader thread also :?
