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Scale philosophies..

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 4:59 pm
by aferguson
Things are pretty dull around here these days, so i thought i'd start a discussion, on one of my favourite topics: scale.

For those who adhere to one scale and one scale only why do you do it and why don't you want to stray to other scales? (i've long been of the opinion that i do it because i feel powerless in this world so i need to create my own little scale universe, to have control over :) ).

And for those who dabble in various scales, why do you do it and does the variation in scale bother you at times and how do you make the choice of what subject to get in what scale (eg do i get a Tiger tank in 1/32, 1/72, 1/18)?

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:48 pm
by FieroDude
My primary focus is 1/18 because, simply put, I like the wow factor of sheer size. Plus having grown up with the 3-3/4 Joes and such, it's a familiar size with some good memories.

I have also started getting into 1/72 and 1/144 on a more limited basis. 1/144 primarily for wargaming and compact "encapsulated" displays at work (the Dragon railroad and Leopold sets are nice for this), although I also keep a small squadron of 1/18 aircraft with supporting armor displayed.
1/72 got my interest because of the wide variety of subjects, the very impressive levels of detail available, and the relatively low cost. Factor in that I can set up a nice diorama in the footprint of a 1/18 tank.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:23 pm
by DocTodd
1:18 is great because of the size and detail. The figs are interchangeable with Star Wars figs which is sometimes fun to switch them and have a band of Stormtroopers on a Bradley. Anyway, the smaller scales are what I started with 1:100, then decidied to go with 1/72 because the range was good and I could get some of the big bombers. In 1/32 I buy armor and planes, even some modern pieces to do some diorama displays in the barn

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:55 pm
by tosborne3
1:18 mainly, it's compatable with so many other lines of great figures. I think I want to re-live my childhood again, but this time with an adult line of action figures. I do like 32x but would never collect more than a few pieces because the figures are not articulated. I like to PLAY with my toys dang it!!! The 32x line is impressive, however, I want the option of posing my own figures and with the smaller lines thats near to impossible. My one and really only complaint about the 1:18 line is the lack of good playsets avalible at this time. Back in the 80's we had the king of all military toys (GI-JOE), and they had some wonderful sets, however , now that we've all "grown up" :wink: we need grown up playsets instead of the sci-fi joe sets. 1:18 will always be my pick. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 6:59 pm
by Tinman
I focus primarily on 1:18 because, to me, it's just the right scale - not too big and unwieldy (like 1:6 is to me), and not too small. I have strayed into 1:32 bit in the last couple of years, but mainly to enjoy pieces that have not been released in 1:18 (some of the FOV modern armor, for instance, and several of 21C's 1:32 airplanes).

But 1:18 is perfect, as far as I'm concerned. Big enough to be impressive and highly detailed, without taking up a whole lot of space (at least per each piece!). And it seems to be the smallest practical scale that allows for articulated figures. Anyway, that's my two cents.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:56 pm
by Gunner
I used to be big into 1:18 because of the selection. I mean where else could you get an M1 Abrams, an LAV-25, helicopters AND an F/A-18?

That very reason (along with lack of space) pushed me down into being primarily a 1:72 collector. I have a couple different M1s (AND T-72s for them to fight), five different Humvees, three different LAV-25s, helicopters and fixed wing aircraft, including MiG-21s, not to mention Italian armor, British Armor, Russian BTR-80s in the pipeline, M113s AND NVA T-85/34s, etc.

I'll probably never get rid of my 1:18 custom three-tone LAV-25 or my customized M113 ACAV, but I'm not adding to my 1:18 collection, just my 1:72 collection (I passed on the 1:18 Vietnam F-104 in favor of the 1/72 scale version of the same A/C, for example).

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:59 pm
by Threetoughtrucks
I collect 1/18 and 1/6. Started in 1/18 21C and when that dried up I went into 1/6 21C. I have a few smaller pieces but 1/18 and 1/6, is me.....

Why do I collect these scales?

I am a nut for military vehicles and since the only way I'll ever have a M-10 TD, or a Sherman, or a T-34, or a SdKfz 250 or 251, or a White half-track will be in 1/18 or 1/6. Some I have in both scales and they are alot cheaper than 1/1. I was part owner of a 1/1 M-16 converted to a M3A1 White half-track and it was a neverending and expensive battle to get a crew together to drive or work on restoring such a beast. :roll: Trust me, you can buy an entire collection in 1/18 or even 1/6 for the same cost as a set of tracks on a half-track. 8)


Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:35 pm
by aferguson
one of the things i like about 1/18 is that i find i get a very strong sense of just how big things are, and how big things are in comparison to each other. Far more than i ever got in any other scale. That plus the wow factor, that everyone likes, is what got me hooked on the scale.

I wish i could get everything in 1/18 but sadly, that's not going to happen, so i've resigned myself to straying off scale for items of interest, that i can't get in 1/18. Of course if i ever do find it in 1/18, i can always happily replace the smaller scale item. :)

I'm currently eyeing an Estes Airforce One jet that's about 40 inches by 40 inches. Thinking i may repaint it as an E4...

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:47 pm
by immeww2
I have always collected the 1/18th scale items ever since I started into this hobby. Just out of curiosity though, I did purchase a few 1/32nd items and had them for a few days, but looking at them on display and then looking at the 1/18th items on display, well the 1/32nd items just didn't have that "display appeal" so out went the 1/32nd items.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 8:59 pm
1/18th wow factor for me too.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:03 pm
by FieroDude
I have to admit, I do have one 1/32 piece, but only out of necessity for now (until I can afford one of Gary1930's customs or one of the big 3 makes one): a FOV Jagdpanther. One thing I have noticed is that the size difference between 1/18 and 1/72 is more "acceptable" for most people than 1/18 to 1/32. It's like 1/72 is acccepted as the miniature or model version, while 1/32 is just the "economy" size.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:07 pm
by aferguson
i know what you mean. I sort of see 1/32 as a compromise...not as big a wowy as 1/18 and without nearly the variety of 1/72. I guess you can look at it as having the best of both worlds or the worst of both, depending on your viewpoint but if i were ever to abandon 1/18 i'd probaby drop to 1/72 for the fantastic variety that scale offers.

(and i'd get a new prescription for my glasses too :) )

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:12 pm
by Morian Miner
Actually, I'm kinda taking a mini-vacation from 1/18.

Aside from the BBi Blackhawk and DAK figures, there hasn't really been anything that exciting to me on the military front. As for SW and GI Joe, there's been a few items I've picked up, but most hasn't got me too excited (but check with me after I get back from the GI Joe convention next week :wink: ). Add to this I've been going through my collection doing inventories, deciding what to sell, trying to arrange what I have.....and found my 1/18 stuff was frustrating me more than I was enjoying it. Not exactly what I needed - stress from toys with as chaotic as work has been the last few months.

So, for the time being, I'm not really doing much with my 1/18 stuff. I've actually did some customizing of 8-inch Joes, and even built some 1:9-scale trains for them to ride on outside on my garden railroad. Its been fun. But, once I get back from vacation, I think I'll get back to working on my 1/18 stuff.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:21 pm
by FieroDude
aferguson wrote:
(and i'd get a new prescription for my glasses too :) )
Or find yourself looking under them like I do :roll:

As long as I don't end up like my dad, trying to do target shooting throght trifocals. It's funny to watch, but also a bit depressing...

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:01 pm
by tmanthegreat
For me, its just sort of a matter of my collecting history. Way back in the days before XD, I always had the 1:18ish GI Joe figures and vehicles, but then I had a lot of smaller-scaled stuff as well like Micromachines, Action Fleet, etc. When 21c started making 1:18 military vehicles and later the 1:32 items, that sort of dual scale interest got translated to the military toys. Further, 1:32 and 1:72 offer a far greater variety of tanks and planes than what are offered in 1:18. So I guess that if its small and is some sort of accurately-rendered military vehicle, I'm down for considering it :wink:

1/18 & 1/72 & more ....

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:39 am
by supersonicfifi
Of course i collect 1/18 planes and recently i decided to collect the same planes in 1/72 scale ! its funny to have the same model in two scale !

i've got 19 planes & heli in 1/18 scale (storage & display space become a problem now ) and the 1/72 is much easy to display (but more fragile ...)

My other collection is the P-51 mustang : i've got pretty evry scale & brand in diecast & plastic models of the MUSTANG : (1/18 2 x BBI & 1 x 21st, 1/24 , 1/35 gmp; 1/32 corgi & 21st & fov, 1/48 FM & 21st ; 1/72 from dragon, corgi gemini, witty ..., 1/100 ; 1/144.... )

but now i try tos stick to 1/18 & 1/72 ( i can't wait for the EZ models 2008 releases ....) and right now i am waiting my fisrt choice : mirage 2000 from hobby master 1/72 ..... hoping a future 1/18 release of this gorgeous plane .... :roll:

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:59 am
by holensock
I started off in the '60's with GIJOE-was able to still have 4 originals and a bunch of equipment! Then came the Timeless Collection and 40th Anniversary sets and of course I HAD to have ALL of those plus extras!!
But THEN came 1:18 XD and I got hooked! But got confused with trying to stick with just ONE scale and sold off some of my early XD-which I'm still hating myself for-got into PTE, now I'm back to XD, 1/6 GIJOE and PTE. I gave up on just trying to stick with 'one'. I'm too weak!
I'd be all over 1/32 IF those figures had some articulation. I'd hate having a bunch of 'frozen' kneeling guys in a shooting position. With 1:18, you can pose ONE figure into anything you want, and I like the fact you can add stuff to a figure and remove his helmet, etc.
Tried 1/72, but like aferg., I'd need those POWER prescription glasses too!!
And 1:18 HAS the 'WOW' factor! After all these years, 1/6 still has the "You play with dolls?" factor...sigh.....


Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:50 am
by The Old Man
Interesting question.
Back when I started, there were no "scales" at all - then came 1/72 1/85 which was all the "scale" you got. Then came "fit the box scales". I built whatever was there including BIG flying models. As the modeling world progressed, I went to 1/72 since you could get a variety and they took up less room and the big plus - they could be boxed up and shipped.
Through the years life does a number on me and I couldn't deal with "little" scales. Then the next wave - went to that - then the decades of total confusion of every scale that could be made - any of you have a 1/32 scale Beaufighter/Mosquito/F-86/ etc, etc. 1/48 C-130/SR-71 ??
Then came the "parts craze". 700 parts for a 1/48 scale.
That pretty much ended it - eyesight - coordination - patience - stored it all. Went to Garden Scale Railroads. Then the costs went out of sight.

Then - 1/18 "burst" on the world and I could get back into modeling. Can see it, can keep the twitching down to work on it - and it ain't got 700 parts. It you use "force perspective" in dioramas, ever once in a while I build a 1/31 or 1/35 ot 1/48 or 1/72 to give depth - however, they will not win any contests.

Course, when I get anything in 1/18th I tear it apart and reconfigure - a form of "modeling" but allows me to keep in the hobby I've been at since balsa blocks and razor blades.

Then there's cost - I'm sorry but forking out the cost of a 28 inch screen HD TV for a 1/32 model seems a tad wasteful. Plus the 700 parts

Yeah - granted 1/18 stuff is not the most accurate (but the costs - yah !!) but that's the "modeling part". And /18 is big and you can't have a 100 displayed on a book case - but - its the only game in town for me.

Besides - look at the SIZE OF THAT THING !!

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:02 am
by exether_mega
I am in 1/6 and 1/18 collection and I think I have reached the best of both world !

1/6 is fantastic for detailing and customizing figures but is room eater when talking about vehicles and tanks and as far as 1/18 is fantastic for collecting armor and vehicles due to a smaller size that let enough room for detailing, it's my way (maybe also because the wife won't let me have 1/6 tank... :wink: ).


Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:22 am
by warhawker
I have 1/6, 1/18, 1/32, 1/48 and 1/144. I really like the dramatic differences between a 1/18 to a 1/144. I prefer to hang/display a few 1/18 aircraft/vehicle and dio the 1/144 due to size and space.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:37 am
by Col.Pickle
I'm 1/32 becuase as a kid I loved toy soldiers and can remember lots of good times playing with my lil green men. Also I have always had a love for miniatures, and to me 1/32nd scale seems to be the most practical scale. Small enough for good storage and price but also big enough to see the detail.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:39 am
by Killerf6
At first it was just 1:18 scale but when I couldn't get my fix fast enough I started picking up planes in 1:72. I picked 1:72 because of the variety, and detail in that scale. I still love the 1:18 planes because of the WOW facter though.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:06 am
by Grilledcheese
Size got me into this. The kid in me will always go nuts over the size of these models. The impressive levels of accuracy and detail will keep the so-called adult in me interested.
But don't let anyone tell you different----size matters.

(the other one)

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:15 am
by olifant
I started with 1/32 because it seems a good compromise of size; I can put them on bookshelves easily but they are large enough for good detail. I think the recent 21C 1/32 AC are better detailed than the 1/18 offerings. Price is nice and there are just enough releases to always have a new offering around the corner. It sure beats waiting four months for the next 1/18th release!

I have delved into 1/72 a little due to purchasing a very large lot of Dragon for pennies on the dolar but they just seem to collect dust. I do like the variety of the scale though.

I do have some 1/18 AC where the size doesn't seem to be as much an issue hanging from the ceiling as it is when they are on a shelf.

In sum, I think we are lucky to have such variety available to us. I remember when I was about 10 years old for Christmas I got what was a B-26 marauder; probably about 1/60th scale with a solid steel top and cheap plastic underbelly. We would all laugh at how primitive it was but I was so glad to have it! There was almost nothing available to feed a young boy's imagination.

Why just one scale ???

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:15 am
by General Blasto
Well I've been doing this 1:18th military modeling for less than a year, but it would go hand in hand with why I only did 1/29th scale in the garden railroading. It's because of compatibility and space to store things. A 1/32nd tank would look real shrimpy next to a 1:18th tank. So was the same in trains, a 1/32nd boxcar is quite a bit smaller than a 1/29th scale. I am more than a collector. I guess I could be called a horder because I have so much :oops: BUT, it takes alot of say tanks and men to make a decent looking "advance" battle. I don't limit myself to a 4x4 foot diorama, but will spend a day or two rippin' up the backyard to set up a battlefield to stage a battle. Being storage space is limited(and may I say I've exceeded that :roll: ) I would have no place to store 1/6th or 1/32nd figures and vehicles :(

Why 1:18th ???
Because all the features with the figures and tanks. I can pose the figures and most of the hatches open in all the tanks, so I can create more different scenes. If I spend the time, I can make the figures appear to march in a stop action photo video. Can you do that with the smaller ones ??? I "play" with my models, I don't let them just sit on a shelf and collect dust. It's also easier I think to kitbash my tanks and vehicle with a larger scale because of a greater "fudge" factor in correcting for errors if I cut a piece wrong. So it's because of these reasons I have picked to model only the 1:18th figures and vehicles ;) :)
General Blasto