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1:18 Birds On the Horizon (and not)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:43 pm
by digger
Well, I am sure there are people on this board who badger the guys at BCA for info on what we might see, and now they have made their opinions known. I know opinions are like...and we all have them but we have to admit the Etailers speak with the companies more than we do. In any case, you can see they are skeptical about the A-1 (terrible news imo, that thing kicks too much a$$ in my book) and don't believe the Dauntless will be coming anytime soon. They do have faith in a Wildcat which is way too boring for me, though I know people want one...
Anyway, check the blog here:

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:11 pm
by Killerf6
Well all I can say is I hope they are wrong about the Dauntless, and the A1, both planes I am really looking forward to owning. I was also looking forward to the phantom just not as much as the two previously mentioned aircraft.

Now an f4f would be a must have for me as well. If you couldn't tell I'm a nut for blue planes.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:13 pm
by VMF115
IS Admiral toys going belly up?

No A-1 no F-4....WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope thsi is not true. :evil:

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:31 pm
by immeww2
If the larger birds don't see the light of day, I can understand. Items being that large are difficult to market although I have seen some success with the 1/6th scale stuff. So, only time will tell. :D

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:07 pm
by MightyMustang
Is this meaning that our beloved 1/18th scale is in danger? I'm starting to wonder. Admiral has been silent about the SBD which means I may cancel my pre-order at Military Toy shop. Besides the F6F by BBI is there anything new gonna hit the shelves this year? Ya we have seen re-paints but nothing new as of yet or nothing even mentioned besides the Hellcat. 2007 was supposed to be a big year, I thought anyway, but its looked like it fizzeled out.

This aint good news.


Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:43 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Please keep in mind this is one man's Opinion and not proven facts, nothing is valid until the manufacturers speak for themselves. Premature freaking out isn't helping anyone.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:59 pm
by VMF115
Jericoeagle1 wrote:Premature freaking out isn't helping anyone.
Too late

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:09 pm
by tmanthegreat
BadCat has their own blog? Guess they're trying to compete with us :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:50 pm
by aferguson
with all due respect to Batcat Rob......i think he is WAY off in some of his predictions/comments/opinions. And i have good reasons why i feel that way.

Time will tell...

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:50 pm
by aferguson
with all due respect to Batcat Rob......i think he is WAY off in some of his predictions/comments/opinions. And i have good reasons why i feel that way.

Time will tell...

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:56 pm
by Birddog
I wouldn't let these opinions freak anyone out about anything. And I don't believe Admiral Toys is going belly up either. I'm sure their silence is for good reason. Competition is high in this hobby and as the saying goes "loose lips sink ships". Just because retailers don't have the full story doesn't mean it isn't happening. If I was producing a product that my competition might want or might be trying to beat me out on, I wouldn't leak the progress or information about that product to a business that is talking to my competition too. At least not until I was ready to hit the market in an unbeatable position.

Look at the path bbi takes. Read how Mike responds about retailers knowledge on upcoming or rumored products. Seems bbi reps talk to retailers the same way Mike talks to us. Just leaves you chasing your tail and forming opinions.....

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:07 pm
by Tinman
I'm still thinking we'll see the Dauntless before the end of this year. Cripes, it's August already! OK, maybe early in 2008. And I sure hope they still produce the A-1.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:17 pm
by Sabrefan
No A-1 Skyraider? Man that really bums me out. What is the deal with Admiral toys? We use to hear from Jason quite a bit.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:53 pm
I am bummed out as well. Was really looking forward to both the Skyraider and Dauntless. I hope those that were nit picky over every single little imperfection in their plane, and kept returning them, didn't cause Admiral to throw in the towel with 1:18 scale. :-(

Jason, please give us some news :cry:

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:58 pm
by V2 MAN
A F4 is also a must have for me :wink: I hope jason brings us news sometime soon :cry:

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:03 pm
by grunt1
Their blog is part of a popular trend to grab keywords in Google searches. You can only have so much information on your site about a given product and generally every other retailer selling the same item has the same info. Articulated pilot, extreme detail, 1:18, etc..

In order to generate more traffic, retailers are starting blogs so that the words and phrases people are likely to search on will come up for their site. They also want phrases and opinions that differentiate their page content from everyone else.

This is same reason they've invested a large effort into having the best product photos of all of the retailers.. Hits from Google Images..

These techniques are known in the industry as SEO (search engine optimization)..

Also notice that the plane names (that actually exist) all link to product pages..

A keyword with a link behind it that has more relative content is a huge point score for SEO.

The other thing is that controversy sells. So as this thread demonstrates, it gets the juices flowing and generates even more views, hits and click-thrus to product pages.. ... ness-blogs

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:07 pm
by VMF115
What you are saying is that bad cat is going to profit from us. :?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:20 pm
by MightyMustang
aferguson wrote:with all due respect to Batcat Rob......i think he is WAY off in some of his predictions/comments/opinions. And i have good reasons why i feel that way.

Time will tell...

You think Rob is way off on his predictions/comments/opinions? You have good reasons to feel that way? Then by all means let us know what your reasons are. Is Rob just blowing smoke to cause a fuss? I think Rob may know more then we think or are willing to believe.

As you said "time will tell".

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:28 pm
by grunt1
VMF115 wrote:Grunt
What you are saying is that bad cat is going to profit from us. :?
That's the whole point of running a business isn't it? :)

BadCat is doing exactly what they should be doing and they are doing it well.

I would prefer the bias be toward things being produced vs. skepticism.. but that's just my opinion and Rob has another one..

Either way, they want to stay in business and continue to be profitable so they are doing thing to generate more traffic to their site, more traffic means more buyers. SEO is _the_ way to do that and that's all this is..

They are even looking to diversify with a very logical 2nd business. Equestrian supplies.. Makes perfect sense because that business thrives in the spring and summer riding seasons where the retail tends to be more fall/winter. It uses the same online store business concepts and tools that they are already great at.. They are very knowledgeable in the subject apparently too because it's the "other" hobby..

Keeps for a nice even monthly recurring revenue stream (handy when you have to pay salaries, rent, etc..)..

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:34 pm
by VMF115
Grunt do you think we should get some sort of discount from Badcat, I mean they do make money from us and this site. After all We do help drive traffic to their website.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:35 pm
by aferguson
interesting comments about SEO. Rob always struck me as being pretty sharp, business-wise....the rapid growth of BCT's being evidence of that.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:35 pm
by Coreyeagle48
Just my two cents:

I read the blog that Digger posted and am kind of amazed Rob (who is a dealer) would also be making such statements about some of the models, upcoming releases. As a dealer, his opinion may have LOTS of clout as to what might get made and what may not get made in the future. For example, if he says the B-17 may never happen, maybe it's because he doesn't want to carry a B-17 if it comes out. But still, him saying that is essientially telling the makers of these models "Don't make a B-17, I as a dealer am not interested"

I personally feel if Rob likes certain models and thinks they are interesting and would like to see them in scale form, that is great and he is fine in posting that in his blog, that's good discussion. I do not think it is very good of him as a dealer to say certain models do not have a chance, as he may have major impact being a dealer.

Companies, not just our companies, should start actually listening to what their customers want. If they make what the customers want, companies will sell it, and companies make money. Then they stay in business.

I think we will see some of these airplanes one day, simply because, we, as customers, want them. Just my thoughts


Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:36 pm
by aferguson
yes, i think BCT's should pay us each $5 per month.


Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:39 pm
by VMF115
Corey, I agree with you.