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FA-18 Front Landing Gear Problem

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:14 am
by Snake512
I recently picked up BBIs 1:18 FA-18. Love the piece (some minor issues, not sure what's up with the markings, English was not the first language of the people who printed them!), but the biggest problem is with the front landing gear. In a doesn't stay open!

The front strut doesn't appear to be able to lock into an open position; It stands up for a few seconds and then the nose dips because the landing gear starts sliding out from under the plane's weight.

Do I have a defective piece or am I doing something wrong? What can I do to correct the issue, other than returning/exchanging (purchased it online, would rather not ship it back)?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:22 am
by popeye357
Maybe you can call BBI, if not you can send it to me, you Brooklynites shouldnt have such cool toyzez. Im sure someone on this site will help you.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:06 pm
by Moth
I had the same "problem" :wink:

Just push it back with more force untill it clicks in. I was scared at first, but it locks in place if you push it deeper.

Now then, why shouldnt people in Brooklyn have these models? :twisted:

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:39 am
by jeffrowse
Moth wrote: Now then, why shouldnt people in Brooklyn have these models? :twisted:
You have a bouncy 'plane as a .sig and you have to ask?? :shock: :shock:

Personally, I think you should all box your jets and helis up and send them to me... that way, we won't have any silly fighting amongst you over which states should and should not be allowed them :lol: :lol:

My address to send them all to? Just look for the angry mob throwing heavy objects and aim for the front...

Jeff (last seen heading south at high speed...) Rowse (Rause? Schnell! Schnell!)

"Why vote for the lesser evil?
:mrgreen:Vote Cthulhu!:mrgreen:"

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:34 pm
by popeye357
Cause im from Brooklyn but Im in Va and there are no cool toys out here yet:(