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Most Walmarts you've visited in a one day XD mission?

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:26 pm
by grunt1
Ok, you know you've got a problem.. Now's the time to fess up or impress your friends :-)

Anyway, post your numbers and if you have a time, tell us what your mission objective was, why you were in that AO, or any other highlights from your epic journey... :D

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:34 pm
by tmanthegreat
I could potentially visit 7 stores over a weekend, though the most I've visited in one day falls under the 3-5 category. That was when the Avenger was reported out and I couldn't sit still knowing they were out there in my state (just, as I learned subsequently, no where in my area). There are four imediate stores in my area and I can hit them in sort of a pattern, taking a very round-about way home from the university.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:40 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Its 2 for me in a day. They are about 35 miles apart each. But I think I've figured that it takes about 45 days after first report until they show up in Washington.

Once they do arrive they seem to dissapear fairly fast.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:50 pm
by aferguson

No WM's in canada are worth visiting even once..

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:04 pm
by KWR190
Jericoeagle1 there will be one in Yelm soon. I have 5 that I hit

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:08 pm
by Jericoeagle1
KWR190 wrote:Jericoeagle1 there will be one in Yelm soon. I have 5 that I hit
Your certainly more motivated then me. I can take only one Walmart a day.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:09 pm
by grunt1
I can't remember what the original plan was, but a buddy and I decided to take a day off and hit as many as we could. Fortunately they're pretty dense around here so all the small towns have one.

The biggest suprise was finding what I considered a the long gone 1/6th Kettenkrad with crew and trailer for $39... :shock:

This was during the time this year that the 1/6th Humvee's and 1/9 Abrams were being found at crazy $50/$75 prices.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:29 pm
by Sabrefan
There are three Walmarts in my town. I try to get to them all every other week. Never see much new though. :(

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:55 pm
by Gunner
I think there are exactly six WMs within reasonable driving distance.

I've only done it once. I had hit the two close to my house early one Saturday morning, then my wife decided to visit her sister-in-law. Hit two more on the way there, then took a different route home and hit two more.

There were a couple more I could have gone to, though...

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:27 pm
by holensock
5 or more and the WORST part of it all is...NOT FINDING ANYTHING IN ANY OF 'EM!!!! This area is HORRIBLE for WM's distribution system...did I just say 'distribution system'? NOT HERE!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:51 pm
by mediump
only 2 in my AO one on each side of town
35 miles north lies colorado and another wally mart but i rarely make it up there, never done all three in a day but i suppose i could

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:24 pm
by wm69
I travel all over AR, OK, KS, MO, TX, MS, and into Memphis so I've hit a LOT of WM's in a very short period of time.....

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:26 pm
by Rowsdower
Just got back from hitting three Wallys here in Ocala Fl. Almost a total washout until I saw the US driver with Makinaw for a buck. The Sherman I wanted was gone though. :evil: So I usually hit 2-3 but there are 5 in total within 20 miles from me.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:38 pm
by Razor17019
I have 5 in my area (a few other farther north and in bad parts of town) that I can hit. I did it once and I was way tired to do it again. 3 near enough to hit all 3 comfortably...

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:03 pm
by grunt1
We have... um.... 19? :shock:


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:31 pm
You would not believe how many Wallyworlds in this town. My personal record is 17. Yes, I know I have a problem. Every small town in this area also has one. Great places to find those discounted items. If I was smart I would just order online. I guess it's the thrill of getting something for less than I think it's worth. I try not to think about the time I waste looking for toys. Thanks for bringing it up! :shock:


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:42 pm
by pokeyjtc
Since I do live in Houston, the number of WM's I hit in one day is limited to free time, not a lack of WM's. A fellow boardmember and I usually run a recon everytime there is something new released and verified sighted through the board. We go at night to avoid traffic and idiots at the stores and run in a big circle to hit about 8 or 9 stores. The most frustrating is hitting all of these stores and not finding anything new or on clearance. A good trip is finding the new stuff. A better trip is finding the new stuff on clearance ($5 Bunker Hill Corsair when they first came out).

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:07 am
by GAU-8
like pokeyjtc, i too live in houston.

WM's are everywhere!! with 4 closely distanced to me (under 4-6 miles from EACH other

i just rescued a FW 190 (the candy cane striped version) and the 104 starfighter "marinefleiger"
all i can say is there was more AIRPLANE than there was BOX on the shelf for either one. contents all included and intact. (whew! )

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:06 am
by ogravl
Like holensock, I have hit 5-7 WM in a day within a 54 mile radius around me, numerous times just to come up empty handed.(so much for our state slogen, "OHIO the heart of it all") So now I only scout the stores that I have had the most success at every other week.(Norwalk & Sandusky) But, I did drive to a grand opening 42 miles away just to come home empty handed once again. We have a new one opening soon hopfully they will have something new.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:39 pm
by Sabrefan
I went to Walmart last night, and not much new. Where does all the new stuff go? :(

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:28 pm
by coreystinson
How about a poll for most gas (@ $2+/gallon) wasted driving around to stores only to come home empty handed?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:26 pm
by grockwood
There about 16 Walmart in the greater Kansas City metro area. I usually visit them by area of town. Can't do them all in one weekend.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:28 am
by grunt1
Corey, don't go there! :shock:




Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:03 pm
by kevrut
I've been to 6 or 7 in one day. I might have a 300+ mile drive home, there's plenty to stop at.

walmarts everywhere ...

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:30 pm
I have 10 different walmarts that I can get to within 30 min from my house.
Usually when I'm on the hunt - I'll hit three different ones on the way home - seriously I can hit two heading one direction and up to three going another.
I live in the metro atlanta area.