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Interest in a Sherman T-40 Whizbang kit?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 9:08 am
by grunt1
I ran across the T-40 Whizbang doing some D-Day research.


The D-Day connection is that apparently the T-40's were going to be part of the main assault, but due to the center of gravity change after adding the rockets, they were converted back to standard Shermans. Some of the bits were left on and are present in D-Day photos.


The Whizbangs did end up in combat, just in other areas later.


Re: Interest in a Sherman T-40 Whizbang kit?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 6:34 am
by Cascabel
How did the crew access the turret hatches with that thing in place ?

Re: Interest in a Sherman T-40 Whizbang kit?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:42 pm
by Razor17019
Interesting akin to the Rocket Launcher T34 (Calliope)

I would like to see this.

Re: Interest in a Sherman T-40 Whizbang kit?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 8:23 am
by grunt1
Great question Cascabel. The Whizbang was designed to provide a huge upgrade in firepower for quick assaults against bunkers, obstacles, wire or minefields like the D-Day landings. The rockets could be re-loaded but the whole assembly was actually designed to pop off after firing turning it back into a regular Sherman. So hatch access wasn't an issue in theory given the limited amount of time the Whizbang would be on the tank, and that you could eject the whole thing off the back if there was an emergency.