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A voice from the past (returing member)

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:24 pm
by flayrah
Hello! to anyone still on the board that has been here since the early days of 21st, XD, $29.99 1:18 aircraft at Wally World, and all the other 'old timers'. This is flayrah, I hope someone remembers me. Anyway, a couple of years ago during some some difficult times (four deaths in the family and two moves) I sold all my 1:18 as I just thought it was time to re-evaluate and step away for a time. A lot of the guys on the board bought what I had, anything left over I posted to auction.

I see now 1:18 is few and far between. I'm getting back into the hobby - not to the extent I was, but just enough for enjoyment - a couple of A/C, some figures. If anyone remembers me feel free to contact me, if not I plan to be active on the board and look forward to connecting/re-connecting with other collectors.

Re: A voice from the past (returing member)

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 10:07 pm
by tmanthegreat
flayrah, good to see you! I do remember you even from the old GPXD days... Sorry to hear you had such a rough past few years... There are still a handful of old timers around. Check out the thread a little further down on the page for the roll call of the old Groundpounders. It got a lot of response. But yeah, things have drastically changed in the 1:18 militaria hobby. Gone are the days of the affordable planes and large supply... New releases are incredibly rare these days.

But glad to see another veteran forum member and hope you stick around!

Re: A voice from the past (returing member)

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:24 am
by normandy
Flayrah, welcome home! There are still some of us around as well as some newer members who
are dedicated collectors. Great to hear from You.

Re: A voice from the past (returing member)

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 7:29 am
by Light.Inf.Scout
Welcome back

Re: A voice from the past (returing member)

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:18 pm
by flayrah
Great to see some of the old troopers are still around! Thanks for the greetings. I was looking through what few pieces of 1:18 I kept (just a few figures), and found my custom RAF crew (made for, back in the day, when 21st announced the B-25 and it appeared they might make a Mosquito); a custom USAAF observation pilot (Piper Grasshopper, anyone?); and a few small odds and ends. The customs, particularly the RAF, were challenging to make so glad I didn't sell them.

Re: A voice from the past (returing member)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:43 am
by digger
Welcome back. Let me know if there are any pieces you are looking to get your hands on as I still haven't adequately scaled back.