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My Lucky Catch TT

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:46 am
by Buckyroo
I was able to get this Tender Terror off of EBay and it just came in the mail yesterday. It was listed for $250.00 BIN and came with the letter and certificate. I sent photos of all these items to TKO to see if he could authenticate the name of the original recipient and help ease my mind of it being the real deal. Plus, I do believe that he is attempting to keep a record/database of these planes since he was involved with the promotion. BTW I emailed TKO with the think tank address, is that the one he still uses?

I had not seen one listed in quite some time let alone one listed so low in price. As with everything "value" is an individuals opinion of an item, but would most believe that $250.00 is low for the value of the Tender Terror reward planes with the two documents? For those that have them, what do you think it would take for it to leave your collection. I am not looking to buy, but just interested in other points of view and feedback. I often beat myself up for not getting one back in 2006 when the promotion was happening, for it would have been better with my own name on the letter.




Here are a couple more that I have been able to get over the past couple years.....

Tender Terror Shell - a spare for the promotion in case of damaged or missing reward planes.

ALLGO Passion Wagon prototype


Re: My Lucky Catch TT

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:16 am
by pickelhaube
Wow $250 ?

I think you got one heck of a deal.

Plus the Pash Wag proto !!

You are in a collector's leage of all your own !!

I do not think that I would let my TT go for less than $450

Re: My Lucky Catch TT

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:38 am
by Razor17019
WOW! How many total of the Tender Terror planes do you have?
I had one when it was available, but sold it to a guy in England.

Re: My Lucky Catch TT

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:58 am
by Buckyroo
I now have the Tender Terror reward plane and one shell plane. I did have two shells, but sold one a while back. TKO even provided a certificate for the shell plane, for he was able to verify the authenticity by who I bought it from.

I have been fortunate to find the planes that I have collected over the years. I can't really explain why I am so intrigued by them, but I almost enjoy the hunt as much as having them in my collection.

Re: My Lucky Catch TT

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 2:49 pm
by Studly
Wow Great pick up Well Done Old Chap. :D


Re: My Lucky Catch TT

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:36 am
by Buckyroo
TKO just confirmed that it is the real deal. :D

Re: My Lucky Catch TT

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 6:17 pm
by normandy
Congratulations Buckyroo great find!! Glad you got the confirmation, glad to hear TKO is still around.

Re: My Lucky Catch TT

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:41 pm
by hworth18
That is quite a score on both planes!! Congrats on that!!