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FW-190 fuselage disassembly help

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:28 pm
by greendevil41
After waiting like everybody else for the much anticipated FW 190A, I'm going to make my own. I just picked up a old Skyworks conversion set and Verlinden 1/20 cockpit detail set off Ebay. I had already started modifying my Dora and have completed the required tail and fuselage spacer surgery. How do I separate the fuselage casing? There are three screws which obviously need to come out but what else needs to be done to separate the halves?
Thanks for any assistance!

Re: FW-190 fuselage disassembly help

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:17 pm
by tmanthegreat
I've not taken apart the 21c FW-190, but it has to be pretty similar in construction to most other 21c planes...

You will have several screws on the right side of the fuselage that will need to be removed. These are covered and its likely that prying off the covers will destroy those parts... The screws should then come out with a screw driver. It would not surprise me if glue was also used to hold the halves together in some places, including the faring over the machine guns, which is a separate piece.

Re: FW-190 fuselage disassembly help

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:21 pm
by greendevil41
Thanks! I just found a thread on the large plane forum where a guy disassembled a Hellcat. Once all my parts arrive here, I'll see what actually needs to be cut.