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Question on 1 18 P 51 Red Tail

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:12 am
by scwarlord
How rare is the 21st Century P51 Red Tail with the Tuskeegee pilot? I saw one several years ago, none since then. Thanks.

Re: Question on 1 18 P 51 Red Tail

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 10:18 am
by pickelhaube
scwarlord wrote:How rare is the 21st Century P51 Red Tail with the Tuskeegee pilot? I saw one several years ago, none since then. Thanks.

Not so rare . But after the Tuskeegee movie the prices went through the roof.

They have some what stabalized.

Re: Question on 1 18 P 51 Red Tail

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:58 pm
by scwarlord
Ok. Thanks. So if I want to find one where do I look? What would be a reasonable price, even on Ebay?

Re: Question on 1 18 P 51 Red Tail

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:13 am
by tmanthegreat
They were over $200 at one point... eBay may be your best bet.

This plane remains one of those "shouldn't have done that" moves on my part. My local TRU got in a couple of them back in 2007 for the nice price of $50. I picked up one that I sent to another board member. I then picked up one myself. I had the plane in my hands out on the living room floor in the process of assembling it - but good old 21c QC defects ensured that the wings would not secure properly. The screw tubes wouldn't line up. I got annoyed, boxed the plane back up and took it back. I justified it on the grounds that I had 3 other 21c P-51s at that point, never mind 2 BBI ones as well, so didn't really need a sixth. In retrospect, I probably should have kept the Tuskeegee plane :wink:

Re: Question on 1 18 P 51 Red Tail

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 12:51 pm
by Buckyroo
I still have mine brand new in the box. One of the few that I didn't open...

sure glad I didn't, but I would like to find another one to display....

:? :p51:

Re: Question on 1 18 P 51 Red Tail

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:29 pm
by DocTodd
Buckyroo wrote:I still have mine brand new in the box. One of the few that I didn't open...

sure glad I didn't, but I would like to find another one to display....

:? :p51:

Re: Question on 1 18 P 51 Red Tail

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 5:30 am
Its crazy the prices I have seen them go for. When they came out we could not sell them had the laying around for almost a year. eventually discounted them out and sold some on ebay. :?

Re: Question on 1 18 P 51 Red Tail

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:44 am
by tmanthegreat
AMERICAN_GRENADIER wrote:Its crazy the prices I have seen them go for. When they came out we could sell them had the laying around for almost a year. eventually discounted them out and sold some on ebay. :?
Funny how that is. The things that sold poorly become the valuable items. It reminds me of the XD S1 "Herman Graff" or "Tulip Nose" Bf-109G. They were all over Wal Marts in at least the western states in the 2006-07 timeframe and sold poorly. Heck, even my local Hobbytown had a stash of them that they couldn't sell. Eventually, Wal Mart discounted them below $30 and only then did my local stores start to get in P-51s, new Bf-109 repaints, etc. Apparently, that scheme never made it out of the west and now that same plane which I thought was so common is one of the rarer types and can sell for big bucks - even though its tooling is really inferior to the later-production 21c BF-109Gs.