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Update on Flyboy

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:48 pm
by flyboy_fx
Hey all, just updating you.

Hopefully wrapping up the last of the hobby room remodel this month. Those of you who still have commissioned work for me to finish, I should be able to get that knocked out soon! I've been quite busy for a while now. I really have not had much hobby time for the last year plus, while moving my stuff all around. Finally getting to unpack it all and set up a nicer space!

Sorry for the setbacks and wait time though! :roll: I am excited to get back into modeling more regularly soon! Still would like to crank out some bunkers!

Anyone else have a rather busy year?

Re: Update on Flyboy

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:23 am
by toyktdlgh
Well with three kids, work and other life issues I certainly can relate. Unfortunately for me there is no slowdown in sight. :cry: Glad you are finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. Cant wait to see some pictures of that hobby room.

Re: Update on Flyboy

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:44 am
by normandy
Well Flyboy, Glad the hear things are falling back in line.
We need to see more of your professional custom work. 8)