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schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:38 am
by aferguson
the schleich war elephant, aka fighter elephant, has been released. It should be available on this side of the world by the end of the month. Looks pretty cool. You need to buy both elephant and the attachment for the back. I have no idea why the elephant is white. ... ant-rider/

I'm thinking it would be fun trampling a bunch of papo or bbi romans...

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:12 pm
by hotrodrock
It's cool regardless of the color!

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:47 pm
by Wrights Collectables
Wow! I want one! :D

I have some of the Old West stuff in my collection.

For the price the quality is fantastic and the subjects are unusual.

Slightly off topic, just incase someone knows, I am looking for Schleich like Old West figures. I have some Papo, but the quality is no where near.

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:01 pm
by normandy
White Elefant.......maybe russian front, personally I like the tri color camo scheme better. :P
It does look cool!

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:17 pm
by tankduel
Thanks Aferg, I'm interested in those Schleich Romans in the link, how would they go with the BBI Romans? A bit smaller?

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:26 pm
by aferguson
no idea, i haven't seen the schleich romans but i would imagine they will be about the same size. Schleich stuff usually have slightly larger heads and hands.

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:48 pm
by aferguson
as far as the schleich west figures you can still find most of them on ebay. It looks like they've been mostly discontinued. I have most of the first series but didn't get any of the subsequent ones. I like the prospector and canoe the best. :)

Not sure if they were discontinued due to poor sales or 'sensitive' subject matter (ie cowboys and indians are somewhat politically incorrect these days). I know the schleich crusaders and muslims were discontinued for politically correct reasons. (no comment on what i think of that).

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:19 pm
by TankAce
normandy wrote:White Elefant.......maybe russian front, personally I like the tri color camo scheme better. :P
It does look cool!
I tough it was a tank too. :oops: . I don't think i can use this white elephant on my dio.

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:53 pm
by Tinman
Looks like the Romans used war elephants, too (from Wikipedia) -

Rome brought back many elephants at the end of the Punic Wars, and used them in its campaigns for many years afterwards. The conquest of Greece saw many battles in which the Romans deployed war elephants, including the invasion of Macedonia in 199 BCE, the battle of Cynoscelphalae 197 BCE,[28] the battle of Thermopylae,[29] and the battle of Magnesia in 190 BCE, during which Antiochus III's fifty-four elephants took on the Roman force of sixteen. In later years the Romans deployed twenty-two elephants at Pydna in 168 BCE.[30] They also featured throughout the Roman campaign against the Celtiberians in Hispania and against the Gauls. Famously, the Romans used a war elephant in the invasion of Britain, one ancient writer recording that 'Caesar had one large elephant, which was equipped with armor and carried archers and slingers in its tower. When this unknown creature entered the river, the Britons and their horses fled and the Roman army crossed over',[31] - although he may have confused this incident with the use of a similar war elephant in Claudius' final conquest of Britain. At least one elephant skeleton with flint weapons that has been found in England was initially misidentified as these elephants, but later dating proved it to be a mammoth skeleton from the stone age.[32]

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:03 pm
by Tinman

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:02 pm
by aferguson
in some cultures, the white elephant was considered devine, so i'm wondering if they painted their war elephants white, sometimes. I can't find any reference to white ware elephants though. I have no idea what time period or what army this elephant is supposed to represent, or even if it's real. Given the other figures in this "heroes' line are real, i assume the war elephant is too.

Regardless, i'm still going to use it to trample romans. :)

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:36 am
by aferguson
i saw these at TRU today along with most of the other "Heroes' line of figures. Really nice sculpts; the best schleich has done to date. The Zulu, Roman and Spartan look awesome, as does the elephant. I didn't see the ninja or the viking yet.

I was broke, so didn't get any yet but i will be getting them all soon. Then i can play Deadliest Warrior. :)

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:32 pm
by Tinman

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:26 pm
by Tinman
Wow, TBF toys is out of stock on all of these, and TRU online doesn't seem to carry the elephant attachment.

Aferguson, did you happen to notice if TRU had the elephant attachment in the store?

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:42 pm
by aferguson
no they didn't have it. It may be that they don't plan to carry it, or it may just be they haven't received it yet. They also didn't have the ninja or viking figures, so it may be the later.

I doubt that store is out of stock, more likely they haven't received their stock yet. These were just released a few days ago. They've been out in the UK for about 2 weeks.

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:38 am
by sluff

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:24 am
by aferguson
my only complaints with it, other than the odd white colour, is that the elephant's pose is rather passive looking given the aggressive poses of the fighters on its back. That plus the fact i don't know of any source for more fighters to put on the back, so it will look kinda empty up there.

Otherwise, i think it's pretty cool. :)

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:42 pm
by Tinman
Now that you mention it, the beast does look kind of passive. I think I'll sit on this one for a while, and decide how much I really want it. If I can see it in-person at TRU that would help too.

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:31 am
by aferguson
went to my local TRU today and all the Schleich Heroes stuff was sold out. That bodes well that it will be a popular line, which will hopefullly begat more.

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:27 pm
by popeye357

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:44 pm
by aferguson
yeah i have been thinking about getting that one off and on for a few years. Wrong type of elephant for one thing and not really equipped as a war elephant. It's not a bad sculpt though.

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:15 am
by aferguson
i was at TRU today and the war elephant now comes in a TRU exclusive pack with the rider attatchment. $70 for both the elephant (with rider) and attachment, which comes with 2 warrior figures. There's also a bonus Samurai figure. Why i have no idea but it's a nice figure.

So i grabbed it. Glad i didn't buy the elephant on its own now. :)

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:14 pm
by Tinman
How do you like it?

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:26 pm
by aferguson
i love it.

I had a couple of older schleich muslim knight figures that i put in the elephant's back attachment fighting compartment as well, so i have a 5 man crew for it and it looks great.

Re: schleich war elephant released

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 7:43 am
by Tinman
Guess I'll be dropping by TRU this holiday season!