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BBI F-16

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:51 pm
by rschaap
Does anyone have a clue how the sales of the F-16 repaint are going for BBI. I'm curious since it may lead to the release of a F-18 repaint.

Re: BBI F-16

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:07 pm
by dcway
from what i've heard they seem to be selling good !!! I'd like to know more too !!!!
it could help push the 1/18 planes again !!!!! sure as hell hope so .... :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel: :blueangel:

Re: BBI F-16

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:05 am
by snake
From what I have heard, they seem to be selling well. And a few members here have picked up at least one.

Not surprising considering what the Wolfpack versions were going for on Ebay. You can get this one for about half price.

If BBI considers this to be a success, wouldn't be surprised to see the F-18 re released. They already had plans to do the "Aggressors" scheme, so that might be the one. Although I would prefer an operational scheme.

Not sure if this success would apply to the Me109, Zero, Corsair, though.

Re: BBI F-16

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:56 pm
by dcway
I hope we get more modren planes ..... more f-16's and f-18's maybe other 's
keeping fingers crossed ......