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The little or no interest in a 1/18 A-10 Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:56 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Okay, I'm at the breaking point. I'm on a hunger strike until someone anounces that they are producing an A-10. I'm 6'1" and a 220 lbs. Keep me in your prayers.

Added November 3rd, 2005:

By reading this you agree that JericoEagle1 is the All being Master of Space Time and Dimension, furthermore he will be referenced as "THE MAN!!!" in all things 1/18th A-10 (Proviso made for substitute "MAN" in case of emergency real or imagined). Also it is agreed upon that all who read this post (that's you the reader) agree to surrender all possessions, including wives, girlfriends, lovers and or women of the house refered affectionately as "The Squeeze" and or "Ball and Chain" to hearby said JericoEagle and his designated assistant/flunky however they may be refered to by him. Furthermore it is agreed that we the readers believe only JericoEagle1 and or his previously sited assistants and or flunkies (sometimes refered to as stooges) are the only ones remotely qualified to guage the accuarcy and collectability of a 1/18th Scale A-10. Hence, we recommend that any manufacturers of said 1/18th A-10 provide free of charge a sample to JericoEagle and his assistants/flunkies/strooges for thier inspection and approval.

Offer not valid in Utah, see participating dealer for tax and delivery charges. Owner must take possession within thirty days or offer is eliminated. Terms and conditions may be altered at the whim of JericoEagle1 unless someone of bigger statue and or with weapon sends threats in that event see contract under, "It was just a joke" clause.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:13 am
by Teamski
That didn't take long......

Yeah, I don't think a 2 hour McDonald's hunger strike will really do the trick there buddy..................


Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:12 pm
by Jericoeagle1
12+ hours and counting. I'm keeping my eyes on the prize, though my vision is blurry now.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:30 pm
by Birddog
I'm with you Jericoeagle!!! No food until a HAWG is on the table!!!


Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:47 pm
Man, you guys are hardcore!!!!!! I REALLY want an A-10 but this is a bit extreme.

On second thought, it appears extreme measures may have helped us get the Zero. And, it IS for an A-10........... Ok, count me in!

Maybe the money I save on food will purchase an additional A-10 to the three I already plan to buy. My wife is gonna love this! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:59 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Well I'll tell you, I have a jar where I throw extra change instead of wasting it on little things I don't need.. There is over 178 dollars there now just waiting for an A-10 to come up. I want one for each paint scheme made plus a Two Seater.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 7:03 pm
by Birddog
It would be very cool to have all those paint schemes available. Or have the roll your own option like the F-16s. :D


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:11 am
by digger
Jerico - I was laughing at your avatar - but then my laughing turned to serious awe....I forget how DAMN COOL that thing is. LOOK AT IT!! F-14, 15, 18 :roll: .....give me the HOG! Whoever does it eventually I hope does it right....we're only going to get one shot at it so it's gotta be good....that's one AC I'd put some tanks away for :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:43 am
by OnWu
Me thinks you guys will lose a lot of weight waiting for this one.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:11 am
by vulgarvulture
I'm curious. How hot would you all still be for an A-10 if 21st had never posted that picture of a prototype a few years ago?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:01 am
by Jericoeagle1
I can't speak for others but I would still be as adament. Years ago I lobbied for two aircraft the P-40 and the A-10. The P-40 was produced and I was happy. But I still wanted the A-10 when that photo surfaced I thought I had my wish. I was really disapointed when it never appeared.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:01 am
by hworth18
Hey Jerico..
Can I have your collection after you're gone????? :wink: :D :P

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:09 am
by Jericoeagle1
Its all going to be buried with me King Tut Style!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:33 am
by Birddog
I never would have to see a prototype of the A-10 to want it. It's that cool of an aircraft and it looks like many others here agree. Since I started collecting 1/18 I've wanted an A-10 to be done in this scale. It fits in perfect with the other modern equipment. Our armour and troops need close airsupport. When it comes down to it, the F-18 and F-16 just can't do what an A-10 can do. I think if we lose a whole lot of weight for the A-10 it's because whoever is doing it is doing it right. Not because they're not doing it. The Zero has had its day, its time for the A-10 to have its day. HOG all the way!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:25 pm
by Birddog
Going on 24 hours and holding strong!!!!! :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:00 pm
by wise690
The prototype looks perfect. You can easily get 2 or 3 paint schemes out of it, and the roll your own as others have mentioned. :D :D :D I don't really want the zero, but it came when everyone was wanting it. Hopefully the A-10 will come. Who ever makes it, it will be awesome and the best aircraft ever made imo. :D :D :D

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:51 pm
by Jericoeagle1
One day, and according to the scale I've gained a pound. But I still feel weak, and am unable to get up from my bed. On ward men! :(

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:04 pm
by DocTodd
I'm joining the strike. I'm with Wise about the Zero, and really would like an A-10 or several. It has been my favorite plane way before there ever was a prototype from 21st.
Come on guys-make the plane. I have a representative from nearly every scale for the A-10 except the large scale-I am hopeful.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:34 pm
by DVSk89
I dont think an A-10 would be THAT hunger strike :roll: ................I would probably do that for something way better :D

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:21 am
by Teamski
wise690 wrote:The prototype looks perfect. You can easily get 2 or 3 paint schemes out of it, and the roll your own as others have mentioned. :D :D :D I don't really want the zero, but it came when everyone was wanting it. Hopefully the A-10 will come. Who ever makes it, it will be awesome and the best aircraft ever made imo. :D :D :D
I talked to Roy about the prototype A-10 back in February. He mentioned that the model you see in the photo was poorly put together. You don't see a lot of issues with it in the photo. If 21st were to put out an A-10, a new model would have to be done. The A-10 prototype was completed before Roy got involved with the company. ... 4956RloaPA

All I know is that it would be one heavy SOB!! No problem, I'd just double-up the fish string!



Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:20 pm
by Shin Densetsu
I got an idea.

Vulture you do a strike for the F-4.

I do a strike for the F-14.

THis way we join jericho eagle...

and hopefully the 3 of us get each plane we want in 1/18.

An A-10, F-14 and F-4........drool.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:52 pm
by aferguson
or die trying..

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:58 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Rallying the troops:

I've not yet begun to fight...for an A-10!


"I regret that I have but one A-10 to give for my country!"

"Tippiecanoe and an A-10 too!"

"Walk softly and carry a big A-10"

"Dont tread on my A-10"

"Better to have loved an A-10 and lost then never loved at all"

adds on the lbs

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:33 am
by Black_Dragon_One
sorry guys i would have to go the other way. I am going on a see food strike. I see food i eat it.

in todays world were every one is looking slim I am going to gain 15lbs just for the A10, F4, and F14

you got it i am going on a binge's diet.

I might pop before the A10 gets here, but some one has to do it.

meatball's sandwich any one. out to lunch!!!!!!!!! :) :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:32 am
by vulgarvulture
I got an idea.

Vulture you do a strike for the F-4.

I do a strike for the F-14.

THis way we join jericho eagle...

Excellent plan! 8)