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Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:04 pm
by Buckyroo
I was fortunate to have stumbled across the first 1/18 P-51D and BF 109E in a Toys R Us while Christmas shopping for my two little ones. Time goes by so quickly I don’t clearly recall what year it was, but I think it was 2000. My son, 3 at the time, received the Mustang as a present. We hung it in his bedroom. We added the 109 S1, Stuka S1, and the P-38 S1 over the next few years. I would add a new one here and there until his bedroom ceiling was nearly full with hanging fighters. My son didn’t really mind.

A couple of years passed, my son had a room with airplanes, but I was collecting Hot Wheels and some 1/18 cars so I didn’t really give much thought to the 4 For Victory contest when I found out about it on the 21st Century Toys Fan Club site. Not many people did and only a total of 27 completed the mission.

As more time passed, I started to become more and more interested in the history of WWII, the men, and the machines, and my son became less interested in airplanes. My other collections were sold, so I could put a concentrated effort into my deepening interest in 1/18 airplanes. To me the airplanes are items that I could relate to while reading or learning about the different aspects of WWII, with most of the planes being true (or very close to) representations of the machines flown during the war.

I was now on the search to find the 1/18 airplanes that I had missed and/or passed over when they were in the stores. I have been able to buy, sell, and trade to fill in the gaps in my collection, and luckily many were acquired before 21st Century Toys closed there doors. I still don’t have every one that was released, but I am not that far off. I refuse to pay any amount just to get one that is missing from my collection, so that is why there are still missing airplanes from the line up. Most of all I had basically accepted the fact that the 4 For Victory, The Tender Terror, P-51D would not be in my collection, for I did not participate and I was not willing to pay what they are currently selling for (that is if you can find one for sale).

The closing of 21st Century Toys and the attempted start up of All Go has allowed for some interesting items being released to the public. Many remember seeing the BF 109 that fellow member John Lumley acquired. Many have seen the prototypes that have been offered, too. This liquidating of 21st Century Toys items has brought me to a point that I am considering to be as close to a true Tender Terror, 4 For Victory P-51 as I will most likely get. I was able to get what is being called a Tender Terror shell. What is a shell? It is one of the unused Tender Terror P-51s that did not receive the final markings and artwork that were hand applied by Roy Southerland to make a complete and true Tender Terror prize airplane. There were a few more TT’s produced and shipped to California then what was scheduled to be given away. These were spares in case of damage or if some unforeseen accident were to occur.

My airplane was authenticated by TKO211 as truly one of the “shell” aircraft that had just recently been pulled from the 21st Century Toys vault. There was one other shell that is known to have been released from the vault earlier this year. That one ended in the hands of the real TT pilot’s grandson. There may be a couple more in the vault, or the vault may be empty of them now. Only a select few really know for sure. In an effort to protect the contest winners, people form 21st Century Toys has allowed Zach (TKO) to produce documentation to clearly identify the two known shells as just that…”shells”. I am completely supportive of this action of protecting the contest winners, and at the same time my shell is basically being given its own pedigree. In the end I am very happy to have been able to get this factory made TT, even if it is missing the final artwork and details of a true award prize. A side benefit is that it will be documented that my TT will be 1 of 2 shells known to exist.

In the end I am happy with my find and the rest of my 1/18 airplane collection. I don’t plan on parting with any of them anytime soon.



Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:52 pm
by NWarty
Great post Buckyroo! And congrats on a very unique piece of 21C history :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:27 pm
by Airacobra
So, what scheme are you going to paint it?

:lol: :lol: Just kiddin around. Great find, you seem to be very good at hunting down good deals when it comes to 1/18 planes.

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:56 pm
by tko211
It's posts like this that remind me why I volunteered for the fan club post back in the old 21C days. I liked the idea of helping to organize the fan connection to the hobby. I didn't realize at the time that I would also be part in preserving it's history in this case. The way in which a Tender Terror was made was unique and had never been done before. the idea of piggybacking the scheme onto the Old Crow run was genius. I love the fact that the Tender Terror run was partially built in China receiving it's own tampo printed name on the nose and other small bits. As the post states the rest of the markings were to be left to Roy Sutherland to complete. This makes a shell plane unique in that it was set aside and marked partially in china to really become a Tender Terror. Then just never finished.

As a couple of these planes have made it into private collections it became apparent that a pedigree deserved to be created. But one that would protect the aces who were brave enough to participate. One can argue the value of these but it's no denying that they are original and were destined to become Tender Terrors. A neat and unusual piece for certain and not one that everyone will have a chance to own. I'm glad that I could help you get the most out of your new addition to the collection and I'm glad we properly assigned it's pedigree.

Cool find, cool member, and cool post!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:34 pm
by Buckyroo
Airacobra wrote:...... Great find, you seem to be very good at hunting down good deals when it comes to 1/18 planes.
That is a purely a function of spending way too much time searching for these planes. But who am I to complain - I enjoy every minute of it. :D

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:39 pm
by snake
Very nice aquisition, Buckyroo. 8)

I don't know enough about the Tender Terror to know a true original, from a good repaint.

But anypne who has one of these in their collection, has one of the "Crown Jewels" of 1/18. :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:55 pm
by gofastgtr
Very cool. Love the story of the TT line, especially since I was one of the few who was lucky enough to get in on one. I had no Idea they were so rare until I got on this forum. It looks like you got a keeper. Congrats.