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All go/Skyworks A-10 price poll

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:16 pm
by VMF115
All go/Skyworks A-10 price poll

How much will you spend for an A-10 in 1/18th?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:00 pm
by usmcchet9296
I think you should have started at 250.00 not that it matters since I dont trust ALGO to make this anyway

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:49 pm
by sluff
I think "Never gonna happen" should be a choice

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:36 pm
by usmcchet9296
sluff wrote:I think "Never gonna happen" should be a choice

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:02 am
by toyktdlgh
Nothing against Skyworks but due to the way they have to produce their aircraft they are too expensive for the average collector. Buying one F-14 at $300 shut me down for months. We all know this thing would cost more than that if produced in resin. Now I’m sure there are members out there that don’t blink at dropping twice that but for most of us it’s just too much money for an airplane. I would be way more excited if this was a All-Go produced toy. Then again if that was announced I would probably say… I’ll believe it when I see it.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:11 am
by SierraMikeBravo
I would not be surprised to see it come in at around $1000 for this plane from Skyworks. If you think I'm nuts...just wait. 8)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:12 am
by SierraMikeBravo
I would not be surprised to see it come in at around $1000 for this plane from Skyworks. If you think I'm nuts...just wait. If this poll doesn't come in with an average around $1000, I'll bet money this never sees the light of day.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:48 am
by Threetoughtrucks
The same old story. At a $1,000 price tag, they will sell...... maybe 5 worldwide. Set the price at $250 for a A-10 and they can sell 2500 worldwide.

Honestly, how many members of this forum can afford $1,000 for an unknown quality plane, even if it is an A-10? Two?


Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:24 am
by 456THBG
$250 - $300 is my max, and that would definitely limit other purchases, the "spur of the moment" ebay buys, etc., I might otherwise make.
I never thought I would get into modern 1/18th jets like I have (I have always been a WWII collector), but the BBI jets & the JSI F14 changed all that pretty quickly for me!
Look, I know the probabilities of an "affordable" A-10 being produced are low, but it sure is fun to talk about it (and free as well) :D

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:28 am
by Birddog
I think what needs to be shown through this board with this announcement is general support and desire for an A-10 in 1/18 scale.

I think that All-Go and Skyworks need to give a price and list of features so that they can really see what people are willing to do. Leaving these things out won't get people off the fence. They know many want a 1/18 scale A-10, but there are limits to be examined too.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:31 am
by norman888
I vote never gonna happen.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:40 am
by aferguson
i wouldnt even pay what i paid for the JSI tomcat for it. I'm happy with my r/c A-10. Just not that into the aircraft to fork out the funds. I'm almost wishing i hadn't bought the JSI Tomcat, even though i got it for a decent price. It's a big heavy expensive fragile pig. To be very blunt, i don't see a big future for large 1/18 planes....smaller wwii fighters, yes but large modern jets and so forth, no. I think we are seeing evidence of this from JSI's supposed cancelling of the F-15.

I think the biggest we will see in future will be aircraft the size of the Avenger, which still leaves lots of scope.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:38 am
by Threetoughtrucks
Speaking of size, how big will this beauty be?

The Avenger is big but it has folding wings, so how much shelf wing space will be taken up by a A-10 in 1/18?

I still say the big planes should be in 1/32. All our dream planes B-25, B-26, Mosquito, Me-110 etc., are possible and still sizable in 1/32.


Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:25 pm
by aferguson
it'll be about 3 feet by 3 feet.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:01 pm
by 456THBG
Threetoughtrucks wrote:Speaking of size, how big will this beauty be?

The Avenger is big but it has folding wings, so how much shelf wing space will be taken up by a A-10 in 1/18?

I still say the big planes should be in 1/32. All our dream planes B-25, B-26, Mosquito, Me-110 etc., are possible and still sizable in 1/32.

You know, you make an extremely valid and practical point here...

My 1/32 BBI Phantom (22" long) & 1/32 4D Vision F14 (23" long) are plenty big enough to have all the detail, etc. you could expect even in 1/18th scale. In my opinion, for WWII fighters, 1/32 scale just seems too small, which I think had a lot to do with the popularity of the 1/18 scale for those planes. But, the modern jets are so much larger, 1/32 is beginning to make even more sense to me. But, that being said, I still think people shoould be prepared to spend $150 & up even for 1/32!

A 1/32 A-10 would be ideal and should logically be less expensive to produce (and buy) than it ever would in 1/18.

How many of the folks on this forum are maxed out on space because they collect 1/18 scale (I know I can't be the only one!)

Here's my vote for serious consideration for future manufacturers to take a hard look at scale and consider 1/32 for future projects!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:59 pm
by Birddog
Sorry guys but screw 1/32 scale. There is a market for 1/18 scale jets, just like there is a market for 1/6 scale armor.

An F-14 gets produced in 1/18 scale and Su-27 gets announced to be produced in 1/18 scale and WOW.....the A-10 (which many have asked for here for years) gets a nod to be produced in 1/18 scale and it's let contemplate if modern jets are really viable in this scale because of size.....geeeeezzzzz..... :roll:

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:07 pm
by RED
Hey yall!!! Man its the same ol same ol like TTT said!!!I dont even care anymore!!!The problem is a I bought a 1942 type 42 Japanese rifle for $400.00 this weekend at a gun show and these toy planes are going for the same price if not higher than some firearms!!!WTH???Yes they are both collector items but Im pretty sure the plane/jet wont hold value!!!---RED---

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:07 pm
by aferguson
well, a lot of people like to keep things to a constant scale, so they will want 1/18 jets to go with their 1/18 wwii fighters. Besides it's fun to see the size difference brought from technology changes and you can only get that from a constant scale. The feeling of everything belonging together is nice too.

I have lots of 1/18 jets, via r/c planes and while they are huge, if you hang them, it really gets them out of the way. For table top display there would be no way but for in flight, which i prefer anyway, then they're fine. Given that, i'm actually starting to prefer r/c's over built ups like the JSI because they are so much easier to hang, wherever i want, without it being an engineering project. Once they're up and hanging, from 5 feet away they look great...and with the JSI hanging, all that nice detail would be out of sight anyway. R/C planes are also much cheaper, given the JSI's $200+ pricepoint. For those who are sticklers for accuracy and detail, r/c's will probably disappoint, however, if you can get over that a whole new world of opportunity awaits.

1/32 is fine and all but i find that the oomph and awe of a 1/18 plane (or a 1/18 tank for that matter) very satisfying and that that satisfaction is long lasting.....i'm talking years. I have some smaller models and in a few weeks or even a few days, they began to lose their appeal. But my 1/18 stuff, even after 9 years is still a thrill. I find with smaller models, i needed to constantly be getting new things to keep the 'rush' alive. But with a very small number of 1/18's, i've been very happy since 2000.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:47 pm
by 456THBG
Birddog wrote:Sorry guys but screw 1/32 scale. There is a market for 1/18 scale jets, just like there is a market for 1/6 scale armor.

An F-14 gets produced in 1/18 scale and Su-27 gets announced to be produced in 1/18 scale and WOW.....the A-10 (which many have asked for here for years) gets a nod to be produced in 1/18 scale and it's let contemplate if modern jets are really viable in this scale because of size.....geeeeezzzzz..... :roll:
Yea, like I said 1/32 for jets is starting to make a lot of sense for me - My opinion - Not interested in trying to change your opinion, got enough on my plate already!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:29 pm
by normandy
When All-Go says how much its going to cost, then I'll decide if I'll purchase one.....
This Poll starts at...... :?: $300 then no, I won't. I have twenty of 21st's 1:18th aircraft but at the prices from the walfart days. Which I know are over!

I've made my choise to collect Armor, I can't afford both!

So we are at a transition point for this hobby........ It may come down to Wingnuts or Threadheads and which manufacturer will produce a product which is affordable to one or the other. I truly would hate to see that happen.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:15 pm
by Mitch
I agree that price does factor into the decision...but...I figure years ago I was buying several a year, equating to many hundreds of dollars -so- I can get an F14, or whatever (A10) if it costs 500 max and there's only one release a year. I mean,'s a wash

Still want the KT

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:35 pm
by DocTodd
I wondered why no one has produced more 1/32 jets. It seems like a logical choice since Trumpeter makes models in that scale that are pretty expensive. I would rather have one made up already.
That being said I would really like a 1:18 scale A-10, as well as other modern jets.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:24 am
by NightVyper
I dont think it will be what I want it to be I want a good plastic plane not a resin kit. Resin is too fragile for someone like me, I like to handle my stuff. I have a feeling it will be well out my price range for the quality, I mean if it is the quality as lets say the BBI hornet or falcon i would pay 3-400 for 2 but other wise I might be out.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:30 pm
by Dauntless
$200 to $250 is a good place to start. Any more and it's a rich man's sport IMO.

There's no awe factor for 1/32 because we haven't gotten any multi engine bombers yet, which are next to impossible in 1/18 anyways.

Make a four engine bomber or even a twin engine bomber in 1/32 you might see some awesomeness/ wow factor.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:22 pm
by snake
456THBG wrote:
Threetoughtrucks wrote:Speaking of size, how big will this beauty be?

The Avenger is big but it has folding wings, so how much shelf wing space will be taken up by a A-10 in 1/18?

I still say the big planes should be in 1/32. All our dream planes B-25, B-26, Mosquito, Me-110 etc., are possible and still sizable in 1/32.

You know, you make an extremely valid and practical point here...

My 1/32 BBI Phantom (22" long) & 1/32 4D Vision F14 (23" long) are plenty big enough to have all the detail, etc. you could expect even in 1/18th scale. In my opinion, for WWII fighters, 1/32 scale just seems too small, which I think had a lot to do with the popularity of the 1/18 scale for those planes. But, the modern jets are so much larger, 1/32 is beginning to make even more sense to me. But, that being said, I still think people shoould be prepared to spend $150 & up even for 1/32!

A 1/32 A-10 would be ideal and should logically be less expensive to produce (and buy) than it ever would in 1/18.![/quote

Couldn't agree more.

Have both the 1/32 BBI F-4, and the Famemaster F-14.

And they are both large,detailed models.

I got into 1/18 via WWII fighters.And got more than a few BBI F-16,and F-18.

But anywhere hear a $300 price tag,and I will not spend that money unless it is a must have.

And an a-10 for me,is not a must have.

Seriously,How many collectors are going to spend $300+ on a model? :roll: