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Is the end of new 1:18 scale coming soon?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:04 am
by ww2collecter
I was showing the wife last night that they finally did a Zero. She thought it was cool, but then mentioned that it seems they are'nt producing alot of new stuff this year. If you thank about it, a last year or so, they came out w/ the P-40, P-47, FW-109, FW-190, spitfire, and soon the Avenger. So approx. 6 AC. This year it is the Zero,a F104 and a remolded P-51. I really don't consider the Avenger, and new P-51 "new" cause, how many Mustangs do we already own, and how long have we been waiting for a Avenger :roll:
As for vehicles the Weapons truck and Panzer tank.

Also were not even getting into BBI. if you count what they did in new, never before done vehicles, for 2005, I think it is the Kiowa. Last year they did the P-51, Sherman, and 2 modern fighters.

Is the slow down trying to get us to lose interest so they can stop w/ the new and just do re-paints? Trust me, I'm excited as hell over the Zero, the Avenger, and F-104, but it seems like the new stuff as been cut in half. Just like the rest of you guys, I can name a dozen vehicles that they should do, and they would be practical (no B-17 or B-52)
Sorry for the longpost, but I'm worried that this might be the last year, I can't afford the re-paints all the time, and if it goes that way in the future, there will be one less buyer. Whats your guys outlook on this?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:38 am
by aferguson
"Is the end of new 1:18 scale coming soon?"


Not YET anyway

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:17 am
by digger
I hope no, but we'd be fools to ignore the happenings. Because most of 2005 got pushed into 2006, the good times in 1:18 will extend further down the line, but not much.

I think WWII is right - it is clearly the least popular of the major scales (1/6, 1/32/35, 1/72....), much of what is coming out are retreads (halftracks, Shermans, Tigers, figures made with old headsculpts & bodies, movie-lines that entail no new product - Sahara, Sky Captain, Bridge Too Far.....), and aside from the same 5-7 AC we've been expecting, there is little new too look forward too. The line is just not that profitable, especially when it comes to armor and figures. :cry:
The box art shows a PTO pack of vehicles that have already been released, and a Tiger that has been done 5 times..... :roll: The future is clearly in 32x for 21st, at least from what they've been showing. The planes are just as detailed and the armor is a lot less risky. The scale is more popular and takes up less shelf space, and people can fit more in their house! All reasons why 32x will grow and 1:18 will shrink relatively.

In many ways the best days are behind us - I don't think you'll ever see another stretch like when new AC was showing up at WM every couple of months.

With Dragon out (for now?) and bbi mainly doing what has already been done, 1/18 fans should get used to the same pieces painted every which way you could imagine....

End of 1/18 line?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:29 am
by holensock
Not if you ask the people at Power Team Elite! They've got some new amazing sets to come out, you can see some stuff at Small Blue Planet.
While some may argue that their figures lack 'detail', they make up of it with the best articulated figures on the market! Plus prices that won't break your wallet or upset the wife!

Slower but no end

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:38 am
by Charlemagne
Maybe, I'm looking at this too simplistically but the slow down in new types is because there are fewer well known types to do. The American and German fighters have been well represented with few exceptions which will eventually be done I'm sure. There are a few more British types to be done as well. The Zero is a logical step because as we all know Japanese and Russian fighter subjects have not been touched upon. The Zero is the most famous and well known of the Japanese fighters and is a worthy opponent to the F4U and P-38. The slow down is inevitable but does it spell the end?? I think not.


Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:00 am
by digger
True most logical planes have been done so I think you will start to see them done again with improvement like the P-51 & Spitfire.

What I think HAS to be done before this all ends is a T-34. A T-34 and just a couple of Red Army guys. Charge $100 for the set if you have to but for us to have a whole mess of WWII toys and no T-34 is a thumb in the eye of history....

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:14 am
by MightyMustang
Will it end soon? No. Not anytime soon.


Good future with quality.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:42 am
by jhogan
The recent BBi P-51 was excellent in contruction and paint while the 21C P-47 Bubbletop was mixed on paint quality. I hope the delay in the Avenger is to insure a quality product. I don't mind waiting if the paint job is 1st class. 21C, BBi and others must offer quality. Keep the products good and the market will be there.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:45 am
by aferguson
I will elaborate on my previous answer of no.

Save for a brief period 1/18 has never been a tremendously popular or flourishing scale. And it is because of that period where we were seeing new planes every couple of months, that we are seeing this slowdown now.

There was a glut of product on the market, due to all the various repaints that were made of each type. We all know why 21c did so many, so fast (they needed the money) but now that they are somewhat back on their feet again this trait of producing one new type and then quickly 4+ new repaints should subside.

I have a feeling 1/18 used to just have a life of 2 or 3 more years and that after that time had passed (ie once all the most popular aircraft/armour types had been covered) it would all but die out except for perhaps the odd new figure releases, small vehcile etc

Now i think it is going to continue much longer but with fewer releases each year. So maybe a couple of aircraft and one new piece of armor a year but this will continue on for many years.

I also think that eventually BBI or 21c will try do a less mainstream type and find that it sells well (like the Zero) and realize there IS a market for subjects that they previously thought would not do well in this scale.

So a long term trickle is more likey than a short term gush, which i think was what we were originally in for.

So, 1/18 collectors will either have to be content with a slow release of new product, collect many different scales (where the 1/18 ones are 'special' ones) or find other ways of satisfying their 1/18 desires (as i and others have done).

Is the end nearing?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:01 pm
by victory
Don't worry guys, there is always 1/32... :D

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:09 pm
by ww2collecter
I sorry, I did'nt mean the end of 1:18, just the end of newer stuff. I might have missed something down the line, but why is'nt 18th scale popular. I feel its not to big, ie like 1/6th, and its not small, to where you won't see any details.
These items from 21st, and BBi is the only thing I collected on a regular bases, due to the WWII aspect. I suck at models, so these are a very nice alternative. But the way I have them set up on display, I have no need for repaints. Mainly when someone comes over and sees them, i can show first hand, what was used during WWII. And having the modern stuff from BBI is great to show the difference of vehicles in 40+ yrs.
I'm w/ Aferguson, I'd be content w/ slow releases as long as its new.
Hopefully 21st still has the German twin engine fighter in developement and Me-262, as stated by Roy. And that BBI will throw out the A-10 at Christmas

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:32 pm
by Birddog
Let's hope BBI throws out the A-10 ww2collector. If not, 21st already has a prototype, maybe we just need to encourage them with it like the Zero. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:32 pm
by tmanthegreat
It is not the end - yet. The market for these products will slow, and perhaps with a shift in public sentiments, the economy, etc. there is always the chance that it could go under. I think of the origional Hasbro 3 3/4" GI Joe line that ended largely amidst a recession in the early '90s and a change in public sentiments away from military toys.

Then there is the chance - for 21c especially - that it could be bought out. It is still a small company, and although it is doing well at the moment, it hasn't always done so. Think of what happened with Galoob Toys: it started out well in the late '80s with the micromachines line, then hit financial troubles only to resurface in the mid '90s, have a good run for a few years, then get bought out by Hasbro in the late '90s.

So, the future of 1:18 could go either way. For the immediate future, however, I share the sentiment that the number of products offered per year will shrink. They may, however, be of even better quality!

the end

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:59 pm
by kevrut
Does anyone think advertising on TV would help sales? :shock:
I never would have found out about them if I hadn't been looking for my nephew a b-day present at TRU. I know a lot of WW2 buffs that have ran out to WM or TRU only after I told them about 21C or showed them a picture of what I have. It's hard to find them at WM now even knowing they're there. :? Whattaya think?

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:31 pm
The market for 1/18th has not slowed around San Antonio. The Shermans,
M-41's,and halftracks just reappeared at
my local store. I watched them put out about 30. They were all gone in about 3 days. There are still a lot of people that are unaware of these beasts. And at $22.00 they are a bargin. I'll give up my 1/18th scale goodies when I die. You guys can have them all! :wink:


Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:51 pm
by tko211
I just got back into town a few hours ago.
I can personally assure all of you that NO 1:18 is not dead.

Lets recap, Avengers, New P-51, Japanese Figures, S2 marines, Starfighter, new Schemes for Bf-109 G, New Paint scheme for a P-38, ZERO, Michael Whittman Tiger, Merrill's Mauraders Vehicle & Figure assortment, Platoon, A Bridge too Far, Sahara, Skycaptain, New schemes for Panzer, Panther,

and to top it all... I heard several 21st employees talking about tooling for the F-86, and Mig 15.

So if this is dying line.... Somebody hasn't told 21st :wink:

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:58 pm
by Threetoughtrucks
The whole "slow down" problem has a simple solution.


#1 - Be satisfied with repaint, after repaint, after repaint.....or

#2 - As has been mentioned, branch out. I started with you guys in 1/18, went to 1/32 for a short time and now am split even between 1/18 and 1/6. That way there is a neverending supply of toys to buy and play with. :wink: Something new has to attract your interest in some class. :shock:

Either way there are plenty of ways to keep that wallet slim 8)



Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:05 pm
by kevrut
I haven't heard of any new P-38 scheme. Which one will it be?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:01 am
by tko211
The new catalog being passed out at the show was for....

Pudgy IV
Flown by Maj. Thomas B. McGuire
# 2 ace!

I LOVE that scheme. Bong was considered but the PudgyIV won out.... I like both, but there is someting cool about the devil head on the nose, and all the red and white accents! It will be a nice plane.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:07 am
by steelbonnet
I don`t think there`s a slow down in 1/18th at all.

Look at all the OTHER brands now bringing stuff out at 1/18. We have Marvel Legens minitures in Marvel Showdown,we have shortly the Terminator 2 lot,we have Army of darkness,as well as BBI,XD,Hasbro,etc.

I`d like to think that the quietness from XD,BBI is moreso due to there Research work & retooling up for the New stuff that`s coming :D

Steel Bonnet

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:36 am
by Teamski
The only thing I see slowing is the release rate. I think this has more to do with Walmart than with 21st. Remember, WM is the biggest customer, and I think 21st has to time it to their schedule. Also, remember that the Avenger is a boxing issue, and if it wasn't for that , I'm sure we'd be seeing around now. Shelf space at WM is still at a premium. The reserved space for airplanes will only fit 4, so that may be a limiting factor.

With all of these release delays, you are seeing a backlog of new stuff. Hell, we haven't even seen the S1 109G at the vast majority of Walmarts, yet it was released how long ago at BCT???? That should be evidence enough that it could very well be a WM issue. I am really wanting some of these 109G repaints (shame on me) to show for once.

I will forever be 1:18. If the line stops, I stop, too. Yeah, I mean it too.... But, that said, I think we are going to be in for some absolutely stunning planes, and I'm hoping that Roy can develop his favorite plane, the Mossie in 1:18. I know you can do it Roy!

Always remember that this is a niche market. Don't expect any big $$$ advertising to be done for 21st products. The best advertising will ALWAYS be the collectors themselves. I, too, get wide-eyed looks when I show others the planes. So do your bit and advertise! It won't sell itself at WM, that's for sure.

I love this scale to death, so if there is a slowdown for whatever reason, I'll still be here with baited breath!


Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:42 am
by JoeS
Hi I'm a new member but have been following the forum for a few years. I'm based here in the UK and have been a XD Junkie ever since I ran into the SP P-38 at TRU in Atlanta in 2003. I was on a business trip and saw this incredibly detailed P-38 and wondered if it was just a display piece. Asking an employee of the store I was told in was a special and that it wasn't for sale. Returning home in the UK I picked up a SP from a local company called Modeller's Loft. They do alot of XD and BBi stuff- when it comes in that is! 1/18 pieces are rare here in the UK and I have resource from Rob of BC, Warbirdmodelle (Dirk U). Anyway not to bore you guys, I've managed to get a sizeable collection and cannot wait for the new stuff.

Okay here is another for the rumour mill. I was at the Royal International Air Tattoo yesterday- great Airshow, the biggest of the year. Lucky my girlfriend is a pilot and loves the warbirds (she has an XD Spitfire S1). Anyway we had a blast- B-1's and B-52's doing their flybys. So I ran into a stall run by one Paul Burge of He was selling some Corgi boxed RAF P-40's and the checkerboard Corsair. I bought both, good price too at £29 each (They usually go for about £50) He had the BBi F-16's which all sold out as did the Blackhawks. The XD shifted but not as much as the modern stuff. So speaking to him about distribution he said he was going to import as much of the BBi as possible like the Kiowa and P-51. Okay, he did mention that next year, get this, BBi will do an F-15 in 1/18?? :shock:

Okay I am sceptical but he said that was the current talk in the world of BBi. How true this is I do not know but I'm just venturing my 2 pence worth as to the future of 1/18. My opinion is that perhaps it may become a specialised product line with fewer pieces launched each year, which means a price hike for those interested. Certainly the stuff sells more at airshows and themed subjects (move tie-ins etc), but the pure die hards are fewer. Now if it is true that an F-15 is being made then that's great news. We'll have to wait and see. I asked him about the A-10 and he said no on that and repeated the distinct possibility of an Eagle in 1/18. I had run into Paul who used to work for an company called Aircraft Collectors Models close to where I work before he started his own enterprise. Perhaps other board members could verify this, I don't know. But this is just me saying hello and sorry for the long post. If you have question please ask and I'll try to find intell as well, but if I don't post immediately it's because of my workload, so please bear with me...thanks to all.... :)

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 4:04 am
by Teamski
Welcome to the board JoeS!!!!! Wow, you really added something to the rumor mill! A 1:18 F-15, huh..... Now that would be something. You figure that bbi did the F-18, so I would think that the Eagle would be entirely doable.

Another bit of information you brought up was the Corgi Checkernosed Corsair. This is the first time that we have heard of the Corsair in a Corgi box. When I saw the Corgi XD planes at the RAF Museum, they had only the Stuka, NKK Spitfire and another I forgot which. But, to see the Corsair is promising as I was told that Corgi wasn't going to continue the line over there. At 29 quid, that is a steal for any XD airplane!!!!! Good for you mate.

When I was at Snetterton for some racing last September, a model shop right on the track had some bbi Hornets, Blackhawks and a couple XD planes as well. That might be another source for you if you are anywhere near East Anglia. Langley's in Norwich also carries the line.....

Again, welcome aboard and happy to see another 1:18 nut!


Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:17 am
by vulgarvulture
I hope the rumor of a F-15 is true.

Up to this point, the thought has been that 1:18 a/c of that size would not be made. If a F-15 could be made, then certainly a F-4 could too (the F-4 is a tad shorter, has less of a wingspan, and does not sit quite as high).

Maybe my dreams of owning a 1:18 F-4 might come true some day. :D

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:24 am
by aferguson
well, given that we were supposed to have had the BBI Hind last December, i wont' be holding my breath about seeing an F-15. However, if produced, i will of course get one. Actually two...