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Top Secret at BCT

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 11:52 pm
by KWR190
Bad cat has a P51 in the hot shot that is top secret coming in Sept 2005. Just to let you know.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 12:32 am
by tmanthegreat
Interesting. I think its a new repaint of the BBI P-51 and it just might be a BCA exclusive. They're already pretty good at getting those from BBI!

I can tell its the BBI plane by the little indentation where the wing piece joins the fuselage, as well as by the movable radiator flap (both circled.) The weathering also looks very similar to the current BBI P-51 8)


Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 3:55 am
by Teamski
Yeah, it sure looks like the bbi one. I wonder which 352nd pilot they will do. Preddy? Meyer? I hope they do Preddy.......



Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 3:56 am
by digger
...very interesting....on the one hand I trust T-man's take as my Killer is still in the box but I'm just not sure.
Wouldn't the rivets be more visible on the bbi bird? (not sure, just asking)

To tease a long overdue repaint 4 months in advance doesn't make much sense...but this is bbi.... :?

I would hope they wouldn't do another Blue Nose... :roll:

That is right around when 21st's Mustang is due, and it's very unlike bbi to show unfinished product (though very much like 21st).

I guess it could be another case of at TRU months before BCA, but that wasn't the case with the WWII stuff, just the modern.

Hopefully someone can clear this up for us.... 8)

Very Interesting

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 6:35 am
by OnWu
Could be anything really. Even a little misdirection to throw the competitors off the scent. Anybody could do this with a little airbrush work, ala, the imfamous Wal Mart Czech Spitfire.


Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:34 pm
by OnWu
So, is the consensus this is 1:18 scale?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 9:44 pm
by WGP Klaus
I figured out what the secret was!

Rob is stalking me, now hes sponsoring one of my favorite
check out Monday May 16th update.

Rob, you rock my friend!!!

Re: Very Interesting

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 3:01 am
by Teamski
OnWu wrote:Could be anything really. Even a little misdirection to throw the competitors off the scent. Anybody could do this with a little airbrush work, ala, the imfamous Wal Mart Czech Spitfire.
I think that the idea of intrigue is over hyped. I mean, to react from a competitor's market plan would be a costly mistake. You produce what will sell, not what you think will upend the competition. I'm not saying it's not done, but I think the production timeline is too long to have such a strategy.....


ps. A side story.... The sun here is excruciatingly bright, so I always wear shades. Well, I stepped out this morning without them and was blinded. I went down the stairs and stomped really hard on the sidewalk thinking there was an additional step. A SSgt walking by remarked, "I saw that". I laughed my a$$ off......

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:49 am
by Quixote511
I bet you a dollar to a doughnut it will be "Old Crow"

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:56 am
by airforcecop67

I know what you mean about bright sunlight. I was in Bahrain in 02 and we had crushed white rock (coral maybe?) on all the walkways and driveways in tent city. I worked nights, 0000-1200, so I slept through the hottest parts of the day.....meaning the nocturnal call of nature would hit about 1600 or so......stepping out of a pitch black tent, with A/C into that environment was like walking on to the sun! Instant blindness and pain, I mean so damn bright it hurt. God it was fun!!!

Keep your head down and the eyeballs trackin pal!

May the Gods of War grant you a 7 hour layover in Shannon Ireland on the trip home!

My flight drank the airport pub dry of Guinness when it happened to us!


Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 1:54 pm
by digger
Do you think the bbi repaint will be Old Crow and that the pic is a distraction (if the pic is of a bbi bird)? Or do you think the 1st scheme of the 21st P-51 will be OC? It's a cool scheme imo, just wondering what you're betting.

On a side note, is there a pool of glue or some other substance on the counter below the p-51 in the BCA pic? That pic is so fishy but very intriguing :D .

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:40 am
by Quixote511
I bet it is a bbi repaint and not the new 21st mold---and I still say it will be "Old Crow"


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:58 am
by digger
Then what do you make of the Blue Nose :? ?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 9:07 am
by Quixote511
i thought that this was the only pic--i will have to go look at bad cat then


Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 6:04 am
by digger
Now it says "BC exclusive" which changes things. Looking like a custom bbi bird for BC. BBI has done it before....good job Rob getting a damn repaint out of them :P

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 7:42 am
by MightyMustang
Well what do I see here? A new paint scheme Mustang from BBI? And yes boys it is the BBI Mustang NOT the 21st re-tooled release. From the pics it seems we are going to get one wearing the colors of the 352nd Fighter Group which next to the 357th would be my second choice. The question is who's fighter will it be? Preddy, Meyor, Bryant? Very interesting indeed and a good idea for BBI to do a Bad Cat exclusive. I'll have to call my good friend Julie at Bad Cat and see if I can get the scoop from her.

In a recent post I said that I wouldnt buy another 1/18th scale Mustang but being that this one will be an exclusive from BBI for Bad Cat come September I'll be the first one ordering it!!!
