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XD Vietnam Figures (not the Platoon line)

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:56 pm
by dandaman
What does everyone think about the most recent XD Vietnam figures? I'm not talking about the Platoon line here.

Remember the very first Vietnam figures that 21st produced? Each figure had personality and looked different from the other. They were cool.

Then came this newest line of figures. I never did buy any because they just lacked something. I can't put my finger on it. They're all very "cookie cutter" if you ask me. Kinda boring.

Even the Vietnam 2 pack lacks luster.

What do you think?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:37 pm
I love them - different head sculpts - got enough to stuff my huey and store the rest for a cloudy day - plus the Platoon figures ? I was in Heaven until I couldnt buy any more - had to unbutton my pants and scoot away from the XD dinner table...

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:51 pm
by V2 MAN
I agree with Stuka. I love both the old and the new vietnam figs each series have good things about them and bad things. But i love the platoon guys. Very accurate on facial wise 8)

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:08 pm
by tmanthegreat
Both the old and new are great. I personally like the paint apps on the original figures better than the new ones, and the original series also had a greater diversity among the figures. (After all, they included the NVA, Vietcong and Navy Seal soldiers among others.) I can see where one might think the new figures are "cookie-cutter-like" but they are plentiful in supply, have excellent articulation and lots of accessories. The headsculpts on all the new Vietnam figures are well done, especially the Platoon figures. Wtih the 5 figures from the initial new wave, then the dual packs and then the Platoon figures, one can practically make a full-sized platoon of individual soldiers. Best yet, the new figures can go quite well with the old ones. For example, I've got an M-113, M-48 and Huey filled with the new figures as passengers and the old-style crew figures.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:46 pm
by immeww2
I agree, that both versions are great! The Platoon series is also good.

What I would do

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:19 pm
by dandaman
If someone gave me a set of Platoon figures (because I would never buy them) you know what I would do?

I would sneak them into a WalMart and ceremoniously place them back on the XD pegs.

Just to prove a point.

Re: What I would do

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:53 pm
by RED
dandaman wrote:If someone gave me a set of Platoon figures (because I would never buy them) you know what I would do?

I would sneak them into a WalMart and ceremoniously place them back on the XD pegs.

Just to prove a point.
What th hell???You cant come up with anything better to do with them???---RED---

Re: What I would do

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:17 pm
by tosborne3
dandaman wrote:If someone gave me a set of Platoon figures (because I would never buy them) you know what I would do?

I would sneak them into a WalMart and ceremoniously place them back on the XD pegs.

Just to prove a point.
Send them to me so you don't have to look at them.

Be advised, there is a bunker complex up front

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:49 am
by tderespino
I have wished for years that 21st century would re-release the first series VN figures for the Weapons and equipment. The new figures are cool but I will not buy that many. The weapons are not as good as the first series. The m16's and M60 are flimsey. the M14 is not accurate at all.


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:20 pm
by forcerecon85
I missed out on the original figures. I really like them but really there's not a lot for me to do but just make them stand there. I'm working on bases but they'll be huge. What I need are heads! I wouldn't mind more accessories either and the diecast M113 again.