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Russian Soldier Available at!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 5:26 pm
by dandaman
First come first serve!!! ... Id=3004078

The colonel is available too!!! ... Id=3004070


And while you are there, might as well pick up a Stuka Zu Fuss! ... Id=3106040

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 9:24 pm
by Razor17019
I was too greedy and lost out... :(
I had 2 Russian soldiers in my cart and 1 of the Russian Col. (to take advantage of the buy 2 get 1 free) before I could get through the checkout- one of the Russian soldiers disappeared. I cancelled the order.
I have not seen ONE Russian soldier in any store I have been to.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 9:32 pm
by olifant
Razor17019 wrote:I was too greedy and lost out... :(
I had 2 Russian soldiers in my car and 1 of the Col. and before I could get through the checkout- one of the Russian soldiers disappeared.
I have not seen ONE Russian soldier in any store I have been to.
I am in the minority because I am not so in love with the Russian soldier. I have a handful but much prefer the officer.

Razor, I haven't seen too many of the soldiers either. They seem to appear on the pegs in a 1 to 4 ratio to the officer. Now, whether that is how they ship or how the public is buying them, I don't know. Have patience as I think in the long term there will be plenty IJ for all of us. 8)

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:13 pm
by immeww2
I simply passed on the TRU offer since they don't offer the free shipping to their stores like WM does. I suspect though that down the line there will be opportunities to purchase the Russian soldiers after the hoopla dies down.


Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:24 pm
by dandaman
When I told you guys about the Russian soldier at were supposed to leave some for me. :roll:

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:23 pm
by immeww2
Was at a local WM today and they restocked the IJ figures. They had a huge display in the aisle filled with figures. Looked through them all and found 4 Russian soldiers and a few new ones. Couldn't pass on those Russian guys so I bought them up.

Re: Sigh...

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:24 pm
by Razor17019
dandaman wrote:When I told you guys about the Russian soldier at were supposed to leave some for me. :roll:
You are suppose to grab some and tell us at the SAME time - so we ALL get some! :D

We appreciate the heads up on this. Maybe the will restock the figs?

I went to TRU today and they had the buy 2 get 1 free in the store, but they only had ONE figure, ONE! How am I suppose to buy 2 and get 1 free when there is only one figure in the whole store???

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 7:50 pm
by aferguson
i suspect Hasbro didnt' think the russian soldier would be a hot seller and thus didn't make it in large numbers, initially. With all us military types gobbling them up, they're probably scratching their heads a bit. :lol:

i'm sure they'll be plenty available in the months ahead. Too bad there aren't any russian tanks in the movie.

So far i've only found 2 russian soldier figures. So my human wave attack is a bit spread out....heh.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:12 pm
by grockwood
I have only found them one at a time where as I sometimes find two Officer figures. Maybe there is only one Russian in a box of figures.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 8:41 pm
by Morian Miner
Swore I wasn't going to army build anymore, but I'm up to 3 colonels and 8 soldiers. But, there's no way I can pass up the fact we finally got decent Russian figures of any sort.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:10 pm
by Razor17019
Just to let you know...Mutt Williams is leading the race in the "Greatest Peg Warmer Figure in History"
I kid you not, I stopped at my local WM and there were not 1 or 2 but THREE pegs full of Mutt Williams!

I thought the Mackinaw wearing BOB Jeep driver was the worst peg warmer...but move over my rear guarding, non-weapon toting XD friend cause Mutt Williams is passing you by!

And with Mutt we get 2 flavors: jacket wearing, sword wielding Mutt and the more sensative T-shirt wearing, knife wielding Mutt. Look closely at the pic, cause the 2 Mutt figures have the SAME EXPRESSION!!!

*Now, I know this figure is the mini-me younger version of our beloved leader on the board and my above tantrum has nothing to do with his or anyone else who feels that they look or are named "Mutt".

Hasbro Executive Meeting on Indiana Jones Action Figures #2207
Head Exec:"Okay, we have how many different Indy figures?
Yes Men:"Seven."
Head Exec:"Okay what about German and Russian Soldiers?"
Yes Men:"Four."
Head Exec:"Okay how about Mutt Williams?"
(From the back of the room): "Two! the number of Mutt Williams WILL BE TWO!"
Head Exec:"Who said that?"
[The room goes silent]
Mysterious Stranger "I said it"
Head Exec:"Well, who are you?"
"I am Andrew Ferguson. Action Figure enthusiast, moderator extraordinaire and wielder of great power! Do you know that with only one BAD review of your Indy line of figures, I could shut down your whole operation?"
Head Exec:"Uh, oh uh... I am truely sorry Mr. Ferguson. A thousand pardons for my remarks. If you think that 2 versions of Mutt Williams are needed - then 2 it will be."
Aferg: "My work is done here and I am late for a meeting at 21st Century Toys. Oh, wait a minute, by the way. I know that this new Indy movie does not have either a German Submarine or British bomber, but..."

"EXTRA, EXTRA Paramount starting work on 5th Indy movie: Indiana Jones: the search for the Golden Submarine and Silver encrusted Mosquito"

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 9:51 pm
by immeww2
WM website has the Russian soldiers in stock! ... id=9134992

Past Tense

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:56 pm
by dandaman
immeww2 wrote:WM website has the Russian soldiers in stock! ... id=9134992
Correction: had. They had the Russian soldiers in stock.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 3:52 am
by normandy
Mutt as a "Peg Warmer"........hmmmmm :idea: why not turn him into a hitler youth? I've got a few extra open Great coats from the DAK figures I'm not going to use, might work.
Ya know, now that I'm looking for this Mutt dude I won't be able to find him. :P

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:46 am
by aferguson
After the movie comes out Mutt may not be the peg warmer he is now......he may become a hot figure like Indy himself. We shall see.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 6:02 am
by kduck
Razor17019 wrote:<snip>I thought the Mackinaw wearing BOB Jeep driver was the worst peg warmer...but move over my rear guarding, non-weapon toting XD friend cause Mutt Williams is passing you by!<snip>
I know a WM that has had a single jeep driver warming the peg for over 2 years now. And considering that he now has 8 platoon figures warming the same peg in front of him he may be there for another 2 years. Why it hasn't been clearanced is beyond me but it's gonna be hard for Mutt to beat that.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:30 am
by immeww2
Boy, those Russian soldiers went out fast!!!

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:42 am
by General Blasto
Last time I looked, they were unavailible :(
I did however, while looking for a cargo truck for another member, I came across a IJ display at a local Wally world and hit the jackpot. In it I found 8- EIGHT Russian soldiers :P I said screw the Evil bay sellers to myself and picked them all up 8) SO, when you go to wally world, they may have a display that stands in the isle with 2 side containing figures. Search it, SEARCH IT ALL and maybe you'll find some Russkies :wink: Da General

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 7:45 am
by immeww2
That is exactly how I found the 4 that I got the other day. I guess WM is getting these new aisle displays for the IJ stuff. Happy Hunting!!! :D