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Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:23 pm
by exether_mega
Well, I am not saying that I am not happy the way 21st Century goes, it's just a problem of quality control. As say TTT, misfitted pieces are not a 'hole' or two.
On my model, ammo drums are heavily glued and I will broke pieces if I try to remove them. So, I can repaint the whole model, that's not a problem, but I expect a replacement for the turret.

And as I live in Europe (Belgium), I hope they will do something. I bought mine on eBay so I cannot send it back to any WM :(


Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:52 pm
by ogravl
Well, I got lucky today and found a whole case of halftracks and the Pak 40 at the Cleveland, Brookpark Rd. Walmart. Got all four for $43.00 out the door. Now, let me see about picking some numbers for the lottery tomorrow. Oh by the way it was the only case they had. I asked, so save yourself a trip as this was the only new XD they had.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:09 pm
by Rowsdower
Threetoughtrucks wrote:The .50cal drums. in a few cases are glued on the guns backwards. This is not a "broken part", it is a part glued in backwards and glued in so well that prying the drum off to re-glue in properly can cause serious damage to the drum mount.TTT
First off I agree totally with TTT's point. My drums are super-glued on permanently, otherwise I'd fix em myself. As I said in one of my posts, I'm not blaming 21st, I love XD and i'm not going to stop buying just because my M16 slipped by quality control at the factory. But am I peeved that I got that one? Sure, who wouldn't be.

The problem here is, I can't exchange my M16 at WM because no WM within 50 miles carrys any of the new vehicles. Plus, because I can't get the new stuff here, it cost me $38 at Bad Cats, not $24 at WM, which makes it a little harder to swallow.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 6:05 pm
by scbvideoboy
TKO wrote:
One other suggestion: This is just friendly advise NOT anything more. Paint issues, broken parts, missing parts are all fine to discuss, debate and even complain about. But as a fan base we might want to keep the "rivet counting" to a minimum. I say this for only 1 reason. IF we get all wound up about a hole here or a hole there and IF it gets just out of hand enough 21c will start to think the demand and complexity of building certain vehicles isn't worth it. I can honestly tell you that our chances of seeing more exotic vehicles, in larger numbers, with more new product development greatly will increase if we don't let those kinds of minor issues get out of hand.

I am not suggesting we stop talking about it, debate and historical accuracy is part of the experience with this medium of toys. And frankly it is kinda fun to a degree. But as with anything in life it can get out of hand. I am not EVEN saying this has gotten out of hand. Frankly I don't think it has, but we have seen it happen before in the past and I for one would rather see more cool exotic pieces in 07 as opposed to hearing 21c management hem and haw over the decision to "green light" projects due to speculated over reaction from a vocal few.
I agree, if there is one thing I dislike in this forum and other toy collector forums is the "rivit counting" and related issues to QA and scale accuracy complaints.

I for one like the size and detail for the cost, these aren't diecast metal $250 showpieces like Exoto where you are paying for the last detail.

But that's me...


Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:09 pm
by exether_mega
Rowsdower wrote:
Threetoughtrucks wrote:The .50cal drums. in a few cases are glued on the guns backwards. This is not a "broken part", it is a part glued in backwards and glued in so well that prying the drum off to re-glue in properly can cause serious damage to the drum mount.TTT
First off I agree totally with TTT's point. My drums are super-glued on permanently, otherwise I'd fix em myself. As I said in one of my posts, I'm not blaming 21st, I love XD and i'm not going to stop buying just because my M16 slipped by quality control at the factory. But am I peeved that I got that one? Sure, who wouldn't be.

The problem here is, I can't exchange my M16 at WM because no WM within 50 miles carrys any of the new vehicles. Plus, because I can't get the new stuff here, it cost me $38 at Bad Cats, not $24 at WM, which makes it a little harder to swallow.
Everything is said. Once and for all, we are not rivet counter and we know what we are collecting. We are happy with 21st product (that's why we are all collecting their product) but in this case, I think we have the right to ask for a replacement part, that's all. No flame war or anything. I will continue to buy XD stuff.


Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:34 pm
by VMF115
scbvideoboy wrote:TKO wrote:
One other suggestion: This is just friendly advise NOT anything more. Paint issues, broken parts, missing parts are all fine to discuss, debate and even complain about. But as a fan base we might want to keep the "rivet counting" to a minimum. I say this for only 1 reason. IF we get all wound up about a hole here or a hole there and IF it gets just out of hand enough 21c will start to think the demand and complexity of building certain vehicles isn't worth it. I can honestly tell you that our chances of seeing more exotic vehicles, in larger numbers, with more new product development greatly will increase if we don't let those kinds of minor issues get out of hand.

I am not suggesting we stop talking about it, debate and historical accuracy is part of the experience with this medium of toys. And frankly it is kinda fun to a degree. But as with anything in life it can get out of hand. I am not EVEN saying this has gotten out of hand. Frankly I don't think it has, but we have seen it happen before in the past and I for one would rather see more cool exotic pieces in 07 as opposed to hearing 21c management hem and haw over the decision to "green light" projects due to speculated over reaction from a vocal few.
I agree, if there is one thing I dislike in this forum and other toy collector forums is the "rivit counting" and related issues to QA and scale accuracy complaints.

I for one like the size and detail for the cost, these aren't diecast metal $250 showpieces like Exoto where you are paying for the last detail.

But that's me...

Excessive quality control problems tend to get bigger if not fixed right away and will hurt the company. If they know about it and know that it is being discussed on the forums it gives them incentive to fix it right away.

If they cant give me 100% historical accuracy at leas they can make it right, I don’t like to throw money at a companies that has poor Q & C issues

On the flip side

I have a feeling that 21st is over burden with their WM contracts and are doing the best job they can to keep up with demand.

And every should remember any time you get the first of anything produced there will be bugs for the first few production runs

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:03 am
by tko211
Not to beat a dead horse here but let me see if I understand this correctly. 2 small ammo drums glued on backwards is a "show stopper"? If the answer is yes, and trust me it is totally fine to say "yes it is a show stopper" that's fine I guess. I would just have to say that these things can happen especially when you consider that these toys are mass produced in china and not a single one toy product no matter how well designed, assembled by the factory or production painted will win any modeling awards nor stand up to a 100% historical critique. It is not the fuction of these toys to serve that purpose to that end.

Please understand that I am really not giving anyone here a hard time. I am simply pointing out the truth of what, who and how these toys are produced. Unless 21c becomes a a company like, say... Fine Scale Models where they build only a dozen models and sell them for thousands each I seriously think there will always be issues like these.

As an aircraft collector it bothers me a little when there has to be a thumb hole here to open a gear door, or the occasional give point on say a bi-fold bomb door on the Avenger. Or perhaps a plugged nose intake on an F-86 becase the front landing gear doesn't operate and rotate like the real plane! But dollar for dollar the M16 halftrack and my example of the Avenger are both the best 1:18 scale toys offered by anyone in the market. My point is simply this, and it isn't aimed at anyone specific...

Dollar for Dollar is this not the BEST 1:18 scale M16 Halftrack TOY on the market? (Even with the backwards ammo drums)?
If I am wrong tell me and let me know and point me to the best 1:18 scale M16 built by anyone else for the 30 bucks that this ones costs.

If there is one thing that this thread is telling me it's this... The natives must be restless for some news from 21c and AREA-21 because these kinds of threads make me think you guys are bored and want something new to chew on? Am I right? Who wants to see something new?
Lets see if we can get 21c to give me something, anything else to take all of our minds off of 2 backward ammo drums! :roll:

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:17 am
by chunks
It has been a while since we've heard anything, give it a try and see what happens. I'd suggest lotsa news 'bout lotsa stuff. :wink:

Thanks for the time your taking with this and for us.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:31 am
by tko211
Hey I just checked my M16 and it's ammo drums are fine! My friend checked his earlier and his were fine. If someone out there can confirm a third I think we can level the field of error. So far 3 people have reported problems (not too bad considering over 5,000 units or more shipped). So I will personally send a reward of 1 full set of 1:144 scale aircraft to the very next board member who will step forward and claim to have the 3rd perfect M16 halftrack! I am serious! The next person to post a claim of a perfect M16 halftrack gets one free set of the 1:144 scale aircraft from me to you!

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:34 am
by exether_mega
give me two things to chew as I have 4 ammo drums backward :wink:

Now, I am agree with you about 21st Century production and so on. But as I don't intend to play in the yard like a kid with my M16 I was just hoping to have well mounted ammo drums. As I said, I will repaint it so no trouble with the lack of paint.

I will continue to buy 1:18 stuff from 21st Century, I am just disapointed because this happened. I just hope it will not become a standard due to mass production.

And now, the million dollar question : do you think I have to mail 21st about this or just shut my mouth because it's normal to spend 35$ and have this ?


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:44 am
by tko211

I sent you a PM. I will take care of you. I feel for you due to the fact that you live in Europe and the option to simply exchange it to WM isn't an option for you nor is it easy to enlist the help of others from the US. I may not be an employee of 21c But they entrust me a great deal to speak on their behalf. If I am going to step in and help you it can be assumed that 21c has approved.

As for the others who have problems... I feel for you but seriously, just exchange them to WM. There are MANY good ones out there, and this will truely be the best & fastest way to resolve the issue. I have two in fact that are just fine that I bought from WM just a few weeks ago.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:52 am
by VMF115
tko211 wrote:
Dollar for Dollar is this not the BEST 1:18 scale M16 Halftrack TOY on the market? (Even with the backwards ammo drums)?
Not if its has defects when it leaves the factory. "(Even with the backwards ammo drums)"

Any thing that distracts from the enjoyment because of a defective product should be of concern to the corporate officers, any thing less shows contempt to the consumer. :roll:

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:52 am
by chunks
My stuff has been fine, (with the exception of the screw holes on the Avenger, of course). The biggest problem I've had was the time when I received the sherman and was so impatient getting it out of the box I ripped the 50 cal, 50 cal barrel brace, and something that shoulda been on the top of the turret in front of the tc's hatch off. Found everything except whatever the third deal was and glued it all on.

However, this was self inflected, so no complaints.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:53 am
by exether_mega
Thanks a lot TKO :D :D :D

You have a PM too :wink:

I realy appreciate your help. Thank you very much my friend :D

Take care.


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:56 am
by chunks
Phil, the ammo drums appear to be handed, can you swap them?

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:57 am
by tmanthegreat
I have a perfect M-16 :D


It was a random selection, all things considered, as it was the only one avaliable when I came across the new armor a few weeks ago. Spare the 1:144 planes - there's got to be someone that can use them more than me :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:04 am
by tko211
T-man! You crack me up. :lol: I am sending you something anyway look for my PM I am about to send you.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:07 am
by exether_mega
Chunks, I tried but they are heavily glued on :cry:
The only option I had was to cut with a knife ammo feeder then use putty to fill the holes, sanding then repaint. And that for all four :roll:


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:09 am
by chunks
I was worried 'bout the glue, thanks for letting me know.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:56 am
by Rowsdower
As I've said, exchanging the M16 for a new one at WM would be great. If I had a WM anywhere near me that actually carried the things I would do so. Believe me I've been checking all 6 stores on a regular basis since these toys came out.

* Shakes fist in direction of nearest WM. :evil:

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:29 pm
by ogravl
Well I just checked the two that have and both of them have the ammo drums on correctly. The only difference in the two are the shades of green one is olive drab and the other is a darker Korean war green. I'm happy with all of my XD. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 3:49 pm
by krieglok
I am just joining this thread as I just got my hands on the M16 and the Pak 40. I was wondering if all the Pak 40s came through with one of the "aiming" cranks or wheels missing. It is no big deal if they were made with just one wheel, I wasnt sure if one came off and was lost in the box or not.

As far as the M16 goes, it was a nice effort. It is to bad they didnt make the hinged top edges of the gun bay. It would make it easier to rotate and train the guns. I may end up doing the modification to make the tub right...


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:07 pm
by scbvideoboy
I'm just wondering if the guys complaining about the ammo drums have drilled the barrels?


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:12 pm
by Teamski
krieglok wrote:I am just joining this thread as I just got my hands on the M16 and the Pak 40. I was wondering if all the Pak 40s came through with one of the "aiming" cranks or wheels missing. It is no big deal if they were made with just one wheel, I wasnt sure if one came off and was lost in the box or not.

As far as the M16 goes, it was a nice effort. It is to bad they didnt make the hinged top edges of the gun bay. It would make it easier to rotate and train the guns. I may end up doing the modification to make the tub right...

There should be 2 wheels on the Pak 40. Sorry....


Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:21 pm
by tmanthegreat
It should look something like this:


The crank piece might have fallen off. This 1:18 Pak-40 is wonderfully detailed, but also a little delicate...