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Re: Merit at 2013 New York Toy Fair

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:49 pm
by Birddog
Hate to say it but I doubt we will see the Su-27 (J-11) in 1/18 scale. If they are balking at doing an A-10 or F-4 in 1/18 scale because of size and cost, the Su-27 is a pipe dream. I would bet the new jet is something along the lines of an A-4, F-5, or maybe a Harrier.

Re: Merit at 2013 New York Toy Fair

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:06 pm
by rschaap
I would like to see either the F-4 Phantom or the A-4 Skyhawk. I look at it as the perfect way to honor my father's memory. He did two tours in Vietnam in the Navy. He served from 1953-73. I would also like to see the A-1 Skyraider someday. My two cents........

Re: Merit at 2013 New York Toy Fair

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:01 pm
by Beeavision
Actually, I might have to take back the claim I mentioned over the F-100 Super Sabre being next in line. Back in 2010 I believe it was Mike from Military Toy Shop who had this to say....

WARNING: What your about to read maybe disturbing for some. Reader discretion advised.

mkxiv wrote: Regarding the F-100: I should have the prototype in hand next week and plan to post pictures. It is looking like we will enlist the talented folks at Skyworks to produce the F-100. If all goes well you will see a super detailed F-100 with plug in metal gear, pitot tube, refueling probe, and a full set of weapons. At this point we plan to have it available as a kit and in finished form.
mkxiv wrote: No idea really......Once we get it in Jacks hands we will have a better idea.


Re: Merit at 2013 New York Toy Fair

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:01 pm
by Beeavision
So that may leave us with just the three workable fighter jet prototypes we currently know of.


The first one is kind of out of the question for now due to its overall size but the other two may very well stand a chance. One thing to point out however is the F-4 was an Admiral Toys exclusive while the F-15 was Merits. So just maybe... we're looking at the possibility of the next jet being the F-15. And that's if we completely ignore the other possibility that Merit comes up with an entirely different model we haven't yet seen before.

Re: Merit at 2013 New York Toy Fair

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:57 pm
by Beeavision
What I meant to say is the F-15 and Su-27/J-11 are JSI exclusives but its their affiliation with Merit that makes them more likely to happen. On the other hand the Dauntless prototype was originally under Admiral Toys too but that didn't stop Merit/JSI from releasing one of their own so who knows. Which brings up an interesting question. Who did Admiral Toys work with in the past? Was JSI one of them? If so it could suggest they also have the F-4 in their possession too if they were the ones originally behind it.

Re: Merit at 2013 New York Toy Fair

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 12:31 am
by NSA
One can hope.

I'd really like the F-4 to become a reality.

F-15 would be nice, though I'm not sure I'd have room for it anywhere right now.

Hind-D! UH-1Y! M35!! :D

Re: Merit at 2013 New York Toy Fair

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:05 pm
by Beeavision
I remember reading about the issues Jason at Admiral Toys had with the landing gears for the F-4 prototype back in 08. I think they were going to use fixed landing gears over the ones that collapsed into the wings similar to the approach used on the 1:32 scaled version BBI released. If Merit decides to produce the F-4 or any of the other larger jets previously seen I wonder how they plan on tackling the landing gears knowing what they had to deal with regarding the F-14. We know that swapping them out with all metal castings solves the problem but then we run into the debate over price. For me the landing gears aren't an issue but just a thought since I personal hang mine they should be. lol That is why I also feel they may prefer something smaller/lighter in weight for the next release like the F-100 or Mig-21 or better yet the AV-8B Harrier ll. Then again there is always the XF-85 Goblin to think about. LOL